# encoding: UTF-8 require './test_helper' require 'test/unit' require 'stringio' class TestParser < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup XML::Error.set_handler(&XML::Error::QUIET_HANDLER) end def teardown GC.start GC.start GC.start XML::Error.reset_handler() end # ----- Sources ------- def test_document file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/bands.utf-8.xml')) parser = XML::Parser.file(file) doc = parser.parse parser = XML::Parser.document(doc) doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end def test_nil_document error = assert_raise(TypeError) do XML::Parser.document(nil) end assert_equal("Must pass an XML::Document object", error.to_s) end def test_file file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml')) parser = XML::Parser.file(file) doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end def test_noexistent_file error = assert_raise(XML::Error) do XML::Parser.file('i_dont_exist.xml') end assert_equal('Warning: failed to load external entity "i_dont_exist.xml".', error.to_s) end def test_nil_file error = assert_raise(TypeError) do XML::Parser.file(nil) end assert_equal("can't convert nil into String", error.to_s) end def test_file_encoding file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/bands.utf-8.xml')) parser = XML::Parser.file(file, :encoding => XML::Encoding::ISO_8859_1) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" # error = assert_raise(XML::Error) do # doc = parser.parse # end # # assert(error.to_s.match(/Fatal error: Extra content at the end of the document/)) # # parser = XML::Parser.file(file, :encoding => XML::Encoding::UTF_8) # doc = parser.parse # assert_not_nil(doc) end def test_file_base_uri file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/bands.utf-8.xml')) parser = XML::Parser.file(file) doc = parser.parse assert(doc.child.base_uri.match(/test\/ruby\/model\/bands.utf-8.xml/)) parser = XML::Parser.file(file, :base_uri => "http://libxml.org") doc = parser.parse assert(doc.child.base_uri.match(/test\/ruby\/model\/bands.utf-8.xml/)) end def test_io File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml')) do |io| parser = XML::Parser.io(io) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser, parser) doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end end def test_io_gc # Test that the reader keeps a reference # to the io object file = File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml')) parser = XML::Parser.io(file) file = nil GC.start assert(parser.parse) end def test_nil_io error = assert_raise(TypeError) do XML::Parser.io(nil) end assert_equal("Must pass in an IO object", error.to_s) end def test_string_io data = File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml')) string_io = StringIO.new(data) parser = XML::Parser.io(string_io) doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end def test_string_io_thread thread = Thread.new do data = File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml')) string_io = StringIO.new(data) parser = XML::Parser.io(string_io) doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end thread.join assert(true) end def test_string str = '<ruby_array uga="booga" foo="bar"><fixnum>one</fixnum><fixnum>two</fixnum></ruby_array>' parser = XML::Parser.string(str) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser, parser) doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end def test_nil_string error = assert_raise(TypeError) do XML::Parser.string(nil) end assert_equal("wrong argument type nil (expected String)", error.to_s) end def test_string_options xml = <<-EOS <!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY foo 'bar'>]> <test> <cdata><![CDATA[something]]></cdata> <entity>&foo;</entity> </test> EOS XML::default_substitute_entities = false # Parse normally parser = XML::Parser.string(xml) doc = parser.parse assert_nil(doc.child.base_uri) # Cdata section should be cdata nodes node = doc.find_first('/test/cdata').child assert_equal(XML::Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE, node.node_type) # Entities should not be subtituted node = doc.find_first('/test/entity') puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal('&foo;', node.child.to_s) # Parse with options parser = XML::Parser.string(xml, :base_uri => 'http://libxml.rubyforge.org', :options => XML::Parser::Options::NOCDATA | XML::Parser::Options::NOENT) doc = parser.parse puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal( 'http://libxml.rubyforge.org', doc.child.base_uri) # Cdata section should be text nodes node = doc.find_first('/test/cdata').child puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal(XML::Node::TEXT_NODE, node.node_type) # Entities should be subtituted node = doc.find_first('/test/entity') puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal('bar', node.child.to_s) end # def test_string_encoding # ISO_8859_1: # ö - f6 in hex, \366 in octal # ü - fc in hex, \374 in octal xml = <<-EOS <bands> <metal>m\366tley_cr\374e</metal> </bands> EOS # Parse as UTF_8 parser = XML::Parser.string(xml, :encoding => XML::Encoding::UTF_8) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" # error = assert_raise(XML::Error) do # doc = parser.parse # end # # assert_equal("Fatal error: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !\nBytes: 0xF6 0x74 0x6C 0x65 at :2.", # error.to_s) # Parse as ISO_8859_1: parser = XML::Parser.string(xml, :encoding => XML::Encoding::ISO_8859_1) doc = parser.parse node = doc.find_first('//metal') if defined?(Encoding) assert_equal(Encoding::ISO8859_1, node.content.encoding) assert_equal("m\303\266tley_cr\303\274e".force_encoding(Encoding::ISO8859_1), node.content) else puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal("m\303\266tley_cr\303\274e", node.content) end end def test_fd_gc # Test opening # of documents up to the file limit for the OS. # Ideally it should run until libxml emits a warning, # thereby knowing we've done a GC sweep. For the time being, # re-open the same doc `limit descriptors` times. # If we make it to the end, then we've succeeded, # otherwise an exception will be thrown. XML::Error.set_handler {|error|} max_fd = if RUBY_PLATFORM.match(/mswin32|mingw/i) 500 else (`ulimit -n`.chomp.to_i) + 1 end file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml') max_fd.times do XML::Parser.file(file).parse end XML::Error.reset_handler {|error|} end # ----- Errors ------ def test_error error = assert_raise(XML::Error) do XML::Parser.string('<foo><bar/></foz>').parse end assert_not_nil(error) assert_kind_of(XML::Error, error) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal("Fatal error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: foo line 1 and foz at :1.", error.message) assert_equal(XML::Error::PARSER, error.domain) assert_equal(XML::Error::TAG_NAME_MISMATCH, error.code) assert_equal(XML::Error::FATAL, error.level) assert_nil(error.file) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal(1, error.line) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal('foo', error.str1) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal('foz', error.str2) assert_nil(error.str3) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal(1, error.int1) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal(20, error.int2) assert_nil(error.node) end def test_bad_xml parser = XML::Parser.string('<ruby_array uga="booga" foo="bar"<fixnum>one</fixnum><fixnum>two</fixnum></ruby_array>') error = assert_raise(XML::Error) do assert_not_nil(parser.parse) end assert_not_nil(error) assert_kind_of(XML::Error, error) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal("Fatal error: Extra content at the end of the document at :1.", error.message) assert_equal(XML::Error::PARSER, error.domain) assert_equal(XML::Error::DOCUMENT_END, error.code) assert_equal(XML::Error::FATAL, error.level) assert_nil(error.file) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal(1, error.line) assert_nil(error.str1) assert_nil(error.str2) assert_nil(error.str3) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal(0, error.int1) puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #assert_equal(20, error.int2) assert_nil(error.node) end # Deprecated methods def test_document_deprecated file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/bands.utf-8.xml')) parser = XML::Parser.file(file) doc = parser.parse parser = XML::Parser.new parser.document = doc doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end def test_file_deprecated file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml')) parser = XML::Parser.new parser.file = file puts "TODO #{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" #doc = parser.parse #assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) #assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end def test_io_deprecated File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/rubynet.xml')) do |io| parser = XML::Parser.new assert_instance_of(XML::Parser, parser) parser.io = io doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end end def test_string_deprecated str = '<ruby_array uga="booga" foo="bar"><fixnum>one</fixnum><fixnum>two</fixnum></ruby_array>' parser = XML::Parser.new parser.string = str assert_instance_of(XML::Parser, parser) doc = parser.parse assert_instance_of(XML::Document, doc) assert_instance_of(XML::Parser::Context, parser.context) end end