#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# SfpLang.g
# --
# Generated using ANTLR version: 3.5
# Ruby runtime library version: 1.10.0
# Input grammar file: SfpLang.g
# Generated at: 2014-03-29 03:43:24

# ~~~> start load path setup
this_directory = File.expand_path( File.dirname( __FILE__ ) )
$LOAD_PATH.unshift( this_directory ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( this_directory )

antlr_load_failed = proc do
  load_path = $LOAD_PATH.map { |dir| '  - ' << dir }.join( $/ )
  raise LoadError, <<-END.strip!

Failed to load the ANTLR3 runtime library (version 1.10.0):

Ensure the library has been installed on your system and is available
on the load path. If rubygems is available on your system, this can
be done with the command:

  gem install antlr3

Current load path:
#{ load_path }


defined?( ANTLR3 ) or begin

  # 1: try to load the ruby antlr3 runtime library from the system path
  require 'antlr3'

rescue LoadError

  # 2: try to load rubygems if it isn't already loaded
  defined?( Gem ) or begin
    require 'rubygems'
  rescue LoadError

  # 3: try to activate the antlr3 gem
    defined?( gem ) and gem( 'antlr3', '~> 1.10.0' )
  rescue Gem::LoadError

  require 'antlr3'

# <~~~ end load path setup

module SfpLang
  # TokenData defines all of the token type integer values
  # as constants, which will be included in all
  # ANTLR-generated recognizers.
  const_defined?( :TokenData ) or TokenData = ANTLR3::TokenScheme.new

  module TokenData

    # define the token constants
    define_tokens( :EOF => -1, :T__18 => 18, :T__19 => 19, :T__20 => 20, 
                   :T__21 => 21, :T__22 => 22, :T__23 => 23, :T__24 => 24, 
                   :T__25 => 25, :T__26 => 26, :T__27 => 27, :T__28 => 28, 
                   :T__29 => 29, :T__30 => 30, :T__31 => 31, :T__32 => 32, 
                   :T__33 => 33, :T__34 => 34, :T__35 => 35, :T__36 => 36, 
                   :T__37 => 37, :T__38 => 38, :T__39 => 39, :T__40 => 40, 
                   :T__41 => 41, :T__42 => 42, :T__43 => 43, :T__44 => 44, 
                   :T__45 => 45, :T__46 => 46, :T__47 => 47, :T__48 => 48, 
                   :T__49 => 49, :T__50 => 50, :T__51 => 51, :T__52 => 52, 
                   :T__53 => 53, :T__54 => 54, :T__55 => 55, :T__56 => 56, 
                   :T__57 => 57, :T__58 => 58, :T__59 => 59, :T__60 => 60, 
                   :T__61 => 61, :T__62 => 62, :T__63 => 63, :T__64 => 64, 
                   :T__65 => 65, :T__66 => 66, :T__67 => 67, :T__68 => 68, 
                   :T__69 => 69, :T__70 => 70, :T__71 => 71, :T__72 => 72, 
                   :T__73 => 73, :T__74 => 74, :T__75 => 75, :T__76 => 76, 
                   :T__77 => 77, :T__78 => 78, :T__79 => 79, :T__80 => 80, 
                   :T__81 => 81, :T__82 => 82, :T__83 => 83, :T__84 => 84, 
                   :T__85 => 85, :BOOLEAN => 4, :COMMENT => 5, :ESC_SEQ => 6, 
                   :EXPONENT => 7, :HEX_DIGIT => 8, :ID => 9, :MULTILINE_STRING => 10, 
                   :NL => 11, :NULL => 12, :NUMBER => 13, :OCTAL_ESC => 14, 
                   :STRING => 15, :UNICODE_ESC => 16, :WS => 17 )


  class Lexer < ANTLR3::Lexer
    @grammar_home = SfpLang
    include TokenData

      generated_using( "SfpLang.g", "3.5", "1.10.0" )
    rescue NoMethodError => error
      # ignore

    RULE_NAMES   = [ "T__18", "T__19", "T__20", "T__21", "T__22", "T__23", 
                     "T__24", "T__25", "T__26", "T__27", "T__28", "T__29", 
                     "T__30", "T__31", "T__32", "T__33", "T__34", "T__35", 
                     "T__36", "T__37", "T__38", "T__39", "T__40", "T__41", 
                     "T__42", "T__43", "T__44", "T__45", "T__46", "T__47", 
                     "T__48", "T__49", "T__50", "T__51", "T__52", "T__53", 
                     "T__54", "T__55", "T__56", "T__57", "T__58", "T__59", 
                     "T__60", "T__61", "T__62", "T__63", "T__64", "T__65", 
                     "T__66", "T__67", "T__68", "T__69", "T__70", "T__71", 
                     "T__72", "T__73", "T__74", "T__75", "T__76", "T__77", 
                     "T__78", "T__79", "T__80", "T__81", "T__82", "T__83", 
                     "T__84", "T__85", "NULL", "BOOLEAN", "ID", "NUMBER", 
                     "COMMENT", "MULTILINE_STRING", "NL", "WS", "STRING", 
                     "EXPONENT", "HEX_DIGIT", "ESC_SEQ", "OCTAL_ESC", "UNICODE_ESC" ].freeze
    RULE_METHODS = [ :t__18!, :t__19!, :t__20!, :t__21!, :t__22!, :t__23!, 
                     :t__24!, :t__25!, :t__26!, :t__27!, :t__28!, :t__29!, 
                     :t__30!, :t__31!, :t__32!, :t__33!, :t__34!, :t__35!, 
                     :t__36!, :t__37!, :t__38!, :t__39!, :t__40!, :t__41!, 
                     :t__42!, :t__43!, :t__44!, :t__45!, :t__46!, :t__47!, 
                     :t__48!, :t__49!, :t__50!, :t__51!, :t__52!, :t__53!, 
                     :t__54!, :t__55!, :t__56!, :t__57!, :t__58!, :t__59!, 
                     :t__60!, :t__61!, :t__62!, :t__63!, :t__64!, :t__65!, 
                     :t__66!, :t__67!, :t__68!, :t__69!, :t__70!, :t__71!, 
                     :t__72!, :t__73!, :t__74!, :t__75!, :t__76!, :t__77!, 
                     :t__78!, :t__79!, :t__80!, :t__81!, :t__82!, :t__83!, 
                     :t__84!, :t__85!, :null!, :boolean!, :id!, :number!, 
                     :comment!, :multiline_string!, :nl!, :ws!, :string!, 
                     :exponent!, :hex_digit!, :esc_seq!, :octal_esc!, :unicode_esc! ].freeze

    def initialize( input=nil, options = {} )
      super( input, options )

    # - - - - - - - - - - - lexer rules - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # lexer rule t__18! (T__18)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__18!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 1 )

      type = T__18
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 7:9: '!='
      match( "!=" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 1 )


    # lexer rule t__19! (T__19)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__19!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 2 )

      type = T__19
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 8:9: '('
      match( 0x28 )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 2 )


    # lexer rule t__20! (T__20)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__20!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 3 )

      type = T__20
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 9:9: ')'
      match( 0x29 )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 3 )


    # lexer rule t__21! (T__21)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__21!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 4 )

      type = T__21
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 10:9: '*='
      match( "*=" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 4 )


    # lexer rule t__22! (T__22)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__22!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 5 )

      type = T__22
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 11:9: '+='
      match( "+=" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 5 )


    # lexer rule t__23! (T__23)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__23!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 6 )

      type = T__23
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 12:9: ','
      match( 0x2c )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 6 )


    # lexer rule t__24! (T__24)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__24!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 7 )

      type = T__24
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 13:9: '-='
      match( "-=" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 7 )


    # lexer rule t__25! (T__25)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__25!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 8 )

      type = T__25
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 14:9: '.'
      match( 0x2e )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 8 )


    # lexer rule t__26! (T__26)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__26!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 9 )

      type = T__26
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 15:9: '/='
      match( "/=" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 9 )


    # lexer rule t__27! (T__27)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__27!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 10 )

      type = T__27
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 16:9: ':'
      match( 0x3a )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 10 )


    # lexer rule t__28! (T__28)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__28!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 11 )

      type = T__28
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 17:9: ':different'
      match( ":different" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 11 )


    # lexer rule t__29! (T__29)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__29!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 12 )

      type = T__29
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 18:9: '<'
      match( 0x3c )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 12 )


    # lexer rule t__30! (T__30)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__30!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 13 )

      type = T__30
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 19:9: '<='
      match( "<=" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 13 )


    # lexer rule t__31! (T__31)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__31!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 14 )

      type = T__31
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 20:9: '='
      match( 0x3d )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 14 )


    # lexer rule t__32! (T__32)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__32!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 15 )

      type = T__32
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 21:9: '>'
      match( 0x3e )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 15 )


    # lexer rule t__33! (T__33)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__33!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 16 )

      type = T__33
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 22:9: '>='
      match( ">=" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 16 )


    # lexer rule t__34! (T__34)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__34!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 17 )

      type = T__34
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 23:9: '['
      match( 0x5b )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 17 )


    # lexer rule t__35! (T__35)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__35!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 18 )

      type = T__35
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 24:9: ']'
      match( 0x5d )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 18 )


    # lexer rule t__36! (T__36)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__36!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 19 )

      type = T__36
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 25:9: 'abstract'
      match( "abstract" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 19 )


    # lexer rule t__37! (T__37)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__37!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 20 )

      type = T__37
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 26:9: 'add('
      match( "add(" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 20 )


    # lexer rule t__38! (T__38)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__38!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 21 )

      type = T__38
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 27:9: 'after'
      match( "after" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 21 )


    # lexer rule t__39! (T__39)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__39!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 22 )

      type = T__39
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 28:9: 'always'
      match( "always" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 22 )


    # lexer rule t__40! (T__40)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__40!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 23 )

      type = T__40
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 29:9: 'any'
      match( "any" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 23 )


    # lexer rule t__41! (T__41)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__41!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 24 )

      type = T__41
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 30:9: 'areall'
      match( "areall" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 24 )


    # lexer rule t__42! (T__42)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__42!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 25 )

      type = T__42
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 31:9: 'as'
      match( "as" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 25 )


    # lexer rule t__43! (T__43)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__43!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 26 )

      type = T__43
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 32:9: 'before'
      match( "before" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 26 )


    # lexer rule t__44! (T__44)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__44!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 27 )

      type = T__44
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 33:9: 'class'
      match( "class" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 27 )


    # lexer rule t__45! (T__45)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__45!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 28 )

      type = T__45
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 34:9: 'condition'
      match( "condition" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 28 )


    # lexer rule t__46! (T__46)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__46!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 29 )

      type = T__46
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 35:9: 'conditions'
      match( "conditions" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 29 )


    # lexer rule t__47! (T__47)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__47!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 30 )

      type = T__47
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 36:9: 'constraint'
      match( "constraint" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 30 )


    # lexer rule t__48! (T__48)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__48!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 31 )

      type = T__48
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 37:9: 'cost'
      match( "cost" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 31 )


    # lexer rule t__49! (T__49)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__49!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 32 )

      type = T__49
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 38:9: 'delete'
      match( "delete" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 32 )


    # lexer rule t__50! (T__50)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__50!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 33 )

      type = T__50
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 39:9: 'effect'
      match( "effect" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 33 )


    # lexer rule t__51! (T__51)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__51!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 34 )

      type = T__51
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 40:9: 'effects'
      match( "effects" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 34 )


    # lexer rule t__52! (T__52)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__52!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 35 )

      type = T__52
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 41:9: 'either'
      match( "either" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 35 )


    # lexer rule t__53! (T__53)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__53!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 36 )

      type = T__53
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 42:9: 'exist'
      match( "exist" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 36 )


    # lexer rule t__54! (T__54)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__54!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 37 )

      type = T__54
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 43:9: 'extends'
      match( "extends" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 37 )


    # lexer rule t__55! (T__55)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__55!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 38 )

      type = T__55
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 44:9: 'final'
      match( "final" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 38 )


    # lexer rule t__56! (T__56)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__56!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 39 )

      type = T__56
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 45:9: 'forall'
      match( "forall" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 39 )


    # lexer rule t__57! (T__57)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__57!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 40 )

      type = T__57
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 46:9: 'foreach'
      match( "foreach" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 40 )


    # lexer rule t__58! (T__58)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__58!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 41 )

      type = T__58
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 47:9: 'forsome'
      match( "forsome" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 41 )


    # lexer rule t__59! (T__59)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__59!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 42 )

      type = T__59
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 48:9: 'global'
      match( "global" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 42 )


    # lexer rule t__60! (T__60)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__60!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 43 )

      type = T__60
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 49:9: 'goal'
      match( "goal" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 43 )


    # lexer rule t__61! (T__61)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__61!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 44 )

      type = T__61
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 50:9: 'has'
      match( "has" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 44 )


    # lexer rule t__62! (T__62)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__62!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 45 )

      type = T__62
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 51:9: 'if'
      match( "if" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 45 )


    # lexer rule t__63! (T__63)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__63!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 46 )

      type = T__63
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 52:9: 'in'
      match( "in" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 46 )


    # lexer rule t__64! (T__64)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__64!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 47 )

      type = T__64
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 53:9: 'include'
      match( "include" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 47 )


    # lexer rule t__65! (T__65)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__65!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 48 )

      type = T__65
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 54:9: 'is'
      match( "is" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 48 )


    # lexer rule t__66! (T__66)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__66!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 49 )

      type = T__66
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 55:9: 'isa'
      match( "isa" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 49 )


    # lexer rule t__67! (T__67)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__67!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 50 )

      type = T__67
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 56:9: 'isnot'
      match( "isnot" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 50 )


    # lexer rule t__68! (T__68)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__68!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 51 )

      type = T__68
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 57:9: 'isnt'
      match( "isnt" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 51 )


    # lexer rule t__69! (T__69)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__69!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 52 )

      type = T__69
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 58:9: 'isref'
      match( "isref" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 52 )


    # lexer rule t__70! (T__70)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__70!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 53 )

      type = T__70
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 59:9: 'isset'
      match( "isset" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 53 )


    # lexer rule t__71! (T__71)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__71!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 54 )

      type = T__71
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 60:9: 'new'
      match( "new" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 54 )


    # lexer rule t__72! (T__72)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__72!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 55 )

      type = T__72
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 61:9: 'not'
      match( "not" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 55 )


    # lexer rule t__73! (T__73)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__73!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 56 )

      type = T__73
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 62:9: 'or'
      match( "or" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 56 )


    # lexer rule t__74! (T__74)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__74!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 57 )

      type = T__74
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 63:9: 'procedure'
      match( "procedure" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 57 )


    # lexer rule t__75! (T__75)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__75!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 58 )

      type = T__75
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 64:9: 'remove('
      match( "remove(" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 58 )


    # lexer rule t__76! (T__76)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__76!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 59 )

      type = T__76
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 65:9: 'schema'
      match( "schema" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 59 )


    # lexer rule t__77! (T__77)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__77!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 60 )

      type = T__77
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 66:9: 'sometime'
      match( "sometime" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 60 )


    # lexer rule t__78! (T__78)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__78!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 61 )

      type = T__78
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 67:9: 'state'
      match( "state" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 61 )


    # lexer rule t__79! (T__79)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__79!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 62 )

      type = T__79
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 68:9: 'sub'
      match( "sub" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 62 )


    # lexer rule t__80! (T__80)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__80!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 63 )

      type = T__80
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 69:9: 'synchronized'
      match( "synchronized" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 63 )


    # lexer rule t__81! (T__81)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__81!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 64 )

      type = T__81
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 70:9: 'then'
      match( "then" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 64 )


    # lexer rule t__82! (T__82)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__82!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 65 )

      type = T__82
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 71:9: 'total('
      match( "total(" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 65 )


    # lexer rule t__83! (T__83)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__83!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 66 )

      type = T__83
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 72:9: 'within'
      match( "within" )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 66 )


    # lexer rule t__84! (T__84)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__84!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 67 )

      type = T__84
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 73:9: '{'
      match( 0x7b )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 67 )


    # lexer rule t__85! (T__85)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def t__85!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 68 )

      type = T__85
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 74:9: '}'
      match( 0x7d )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 68 )


    # lexer rule null! (NULL)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def null!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 69 )

      type = NULL
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1005:2: ( 'null' | 'nil' )
      alt_1 = 2
      look_1_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

      if ( look_1_0 == 0x6e )
        look_1_1 = @input.peek( 2 )

        if ( look_1_1 == 0x75 )
          alt_1 = 1
        elsif ( look_1_1 == 0x69 )
          alt_1 = 2
          raise NoViableAlternative( "", 1, 1 )

        raise NoViableAlternative( "", 1, 0 )

      case alt_1
      when 1
        # at line 1005:4: 'null'
        match( "null" )

      when 2
        # at line 1006:4: 'nil'
        match( "nil" )


      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 69 )


    # lexer rule boolean! (BOOLEAN)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def boolean!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 70 )

      type = BOOLEAN
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1010:2: ( 'true' | 'false' | 'off' | 'on' | 'yes' | 'no' )
      alt_2 = 6
      case look_2 = @input.peek( 1 )
      when 0x74 then alt_2 = 1
      when 0x66 then alt_2 = 2
      when 0x6f then look_2_3 = @input.peek( 2 )

      if ( look_2_3 == 0x66 )
        alt_2 = 3
      elsif ( look_2_3 == 0x6e )
        alt_2 = 4
        raise NoViableAlternative( "", 2, 3 )

      when 0x79 then alt_2 = 5
      when 0x6e then alt_2 = 6
        raise NoViableAlternative( "", 2, 0 )

      case alt_2
      when 1
        # at line 1010:4: 'true'
        match( "true" )

      when 2
        # at line 1011:4: 'false'
        match( "false" )

      when 3
        # at line 1012:4: 'off'
        match( "off" )

      when 4
        # at line 1013:4: 'on'
        match( "on" )

      when 5
        # at line 1014:4: 'yes'
        match( "yes" )

      when 6
        # at line 1015:4: 'no'
        match( "no" )


      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 70 )


    # lexer rule id! (ID)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def id!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 71 )

      type = ID
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1018:6: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' )*
      if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x41, 0x5a ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x61, 0x7a )
        mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
        recover mse
        raise mse


      # at line 1018:25: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' )*
      while true # decision 3
        alt_3 = 2
        look_3_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

        if ( look_3_0.between?( 0x30, 0x39 ) || look_3_0.between?( 0x41, 0x5a ) || look_3_0 == 0x5f || look_3_0.between?( 0x61, 0x7a ) )
          alt_3 = 1

        case alt_3
        when 1
          # at line 
          if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x39 ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x41, 0x5a ) || @input.peek(1) == 0x5f || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x61, 0x7a )
            mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
            recover mse
            raise mse


          break # out of loop for decision 3
      end # loop for decision 3

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 71 )


    # lexer rule number! (NUMBER)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def number!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 72 )

      type = NUMBER
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1022:4: ( '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+
      # at line 1022:4: ( '-' )?
      alt_4 = 2
      look_4_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

      if ( look_4_0 == 0x2d )
        alt_4 = 1
      case alt_4
      when 1
        # at line 1022:4: '-'
        match( 0x2d )

      # at file 1022:8: ( '0' .. '9' )+
      match_count_5 = 0
      while true
        alt_5 = 2
        look_5_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

        if ( look_5_0.between?( 0x30, 0x39 ) )
          alt_5 = 1

        case alt_5
        when 1
          # at line 
          if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x39 )
            mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
            recover mse
            raise mse


          match_count_5 > 0 and break
          eee = EarlyExit(5)

          raise eee
        match_count_5 += 1

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 72 )


    # lexer rule comment! (COMMENT)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def comment!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 73 )

      type = COMMENT
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1033:2: ( '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* | '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* | '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
      alt_9 = 3
      look_9_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

      if ( look_9_0 == 0x2f )
        look_9_1 = @input.peek( 2 )

        if ( look_9_1 == 0x2f )
          alt_9 = 1
        elsif ( look_9_1 == 0x2a )
          alt_9 = 3
          raise NoViableAlternative( "", 9, 1 )

      elsif ( look_9_0 == 0x23 )
        alt_9 = 2
        raise NoViableAlternative( "", 9, 0 )

      case alt_9
      when 1
        # at line 1033:4: '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
        match( "//" )

        # at line 1033:9: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
        while true # decision 6
          alt_6 = 2
          look_6_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

          if ( look_6_0.between?( 0x0, 0x9 ) || look_6_0.between?( 0xb, 0xc ) || look_6_0.between?( 0xe, 0xffff ) )
            alt_6 = 1

          case alt_6
          when 1
            # at line 
            if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x0, 0x9 ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0xb, 0xc ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0xe, 0xffff )
              mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
              recover mse
              raise mse


            break # out of loop for decision 6
        end # loop for decision 6

        # --> action
        # <-- action

      when 2
        # at line 1034:4: '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
        match( 0x23 )
        # at line 1034:8: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
        while true # decision 7
          alt_7 = 2
          look_7_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

          if ( look_7_0.between?( 0x0, 0x9 ) || look_7_0.between?( 0xb, 0xc ) || look_7_0.between?( 0xe, 0xffff ) )
            alt_7 = 1

          case alt_7
          when 1
            # at line 
            if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x0, 0x9 ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0xb, 0xc ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0xe, 0xffff )
              mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
              recover mse
              raise mse


            break # out of loop for decision 7
        end # loop for decision 7

        # --> action
        # <-- action

      when 3
        # at line 1035:4: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
        match( "/*" )

        # at line 1035:9: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
        while true # decision 8
          alt_8 = 2
          look_8_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

          if ( look_8_0 == 0x2a )
            look_8_1 = @input.peek( 2 )

            if ( look_8_1 == 0x2f )
              alt_8 = 2
            elsif ( look_8_1.between?( 0x0, 0x2e ) || look_8_1.between?( 0x30, 0xffff ) )
              alt_8 = 1

          elsif ( look_8_0.between?( 0x0, 0x29 ) || look_8_0.between?( 0x2b, 0xffff ) )
            alt_8 = 1

          case alt_8
          when 1
            # at line 1035:37: .

            break # out of loop for decision 8
        end # loop for decision 8

        match( "*/" )

        # --> action
        # <-- action


      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 73 )


    # lexer rule multiline_string! (MULTILINE_STRING)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def multiline_string!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 74 )

      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1039:4: 'r\"' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '\"'
      match( "r\"" )

      # at line 1039:9: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
      while true # decision 10
        alt_10 = 2
        look_10_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

        if ( look_10_0 == 0x22 )
          alt_10 = 2
        elsif ( look_10_0.between?( 0x0, 0x21 ) || look_10_0.between?( 0x23, 0xffff ) )
          alt_10 = 1

        case alt_10
        when 1
          # at line 1039:37: .

          break # out of loop for decision 10
      end # loop for decision 10

      match( 0x22 )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 74 )


    # lexer rule nl! (NL)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def nl!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 75 )

      type = NL
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1042:6: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | ';' )
      # at line 1042:6: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | ';' )
      alt_12 = 2
      look_12_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

      if ( look_12_0 == 0xa || look_12_0 == 0xd )
        alt_12 = 1
      elsif ( look_12_0 == 0x3b )
        alt_12 = 2
        raise NoViableAlternative( "", 12, 0 )

      case alt_12
      when 1
        # at line 1042:7: ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
        # at line 1042:7: ( '\\r' )?
        alt_11 = 2
        look_11_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

        if ( look_11_0 == 0xd )
          alt_11 = 1
        case alt_11
        when 1
          # at line 1042:7: '\\r'
          match( 0xd )

        match( 0xa )

      when 2
        # at line 1042:18: ';'
        match( 0x3b )


      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 75 )


    # lexer rule ws! (WS)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def ws!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 76 )

      type = WS
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1045:8: ( ' ' | '\\t' )
      if @input.peek(1) == 0x9 || @input.peek(1) == 0x20
        mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
        recover mse
        raise mse


      # --> action
      # <-- action

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 76 )


    # lexer rule string! (STRING)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def string!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 77 )

      type = STRING
      channel = ANTLR3::DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1049:5: '\"' ( ESC_SEQ |~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"'
      match( 0x22 )
      # at line 1049:9: ( ESC_SEQ |~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )*
      while true # decision 13
        alt_13 = 3
        look_13_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

        if ( look_13_0 == 0x5c )
          alt_13 = 1
        elsif ( look_13_0.between?( 0x0, 0x21 ) || look_13_0.between?( 0x23, 0x5b ) || look_13_0.between?( 0x5d, 0xffff ) )
          alt_13 = 2

        case alt_13
        when 1
          # at line 1049:11: ESC_SEQ

        when 2
          # at line 1049:21: ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' )
          if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x0, 0x21 ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x23, 0x5b ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x5d, 0xff )
            mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
            recover mse
            raise mse


          break # out of loop for decision 13
      end # loop for decision 13

      match( 0x22 )

      @state.type = type
      @state.channel = channel
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 77 )


    # lexer rule exponent! (EXPONENT)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def exponent!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 78 )

    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1054:12: ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+
      if @input.peek(1) == 0x45 || @input.peek(1) == 0x65
        mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
        recover mse
        raise mse


      # at line 1054:22: ( '+' | '-' )?
      alt_14 = 2
      look_14_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

      if ( look_14_0 == 0x2b || look_14_0 == 0x2d )
        alt_14 = 1
      case alt_14
      when 1
        # at line 
        if @input.peek(1) == 0x2b || @input.peek(1) == 0x2d
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


      # at file 1054:33: ( '0' .. '9' )+
      match_count_15 = 0
      while true
        alt_15 = 2
        look_15_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

        if ( look_15_0.between?( 0x30, 0x39 ) )
          alt_15 = 1

        case alt_15
        when 1
          # at line 
          if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x39 )
            mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
            recover mse
            raise mse


          match_count_15 > 0 and break
          eee = EarlyExit(15)

          raise eee
        match_count_15 += 1

      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 78 )


    # lexer rule hex_digit! (HEX_DIGIT)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def hex_digit!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 79 )

    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 
      if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x39 ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x41, 0x46 ) || @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x61, 0x66 )
        mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
        recover mse
        raise mse


      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 79 )


    # lexer rule esc_seq! (ESC_SEQ)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def esc_seq!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 80 )

    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1061:2: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UNICODE_ESC | OCTAL_ESC )
      alt_16 = 3
      look_16_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

      if ( look_16_0 == 0x5c )
        case look_16 = @input.peek( 2 )
        when 0x22, 0x27, 0x5c, 0x62, 0x66, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x74 then alt_16 = 1
        when 0x75 then alt_16 = 2
        when 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37 then alt_16 = 3
          raise NoViableAlternative( "", 16, 1 )

        raise NoViableAlternative( "", 16, 0 )

      case alt_16
      when 1
        # at line 1061:6: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
        match( 0x5c )
        if @input.peek(1) == 0x22 || @input.peek(1) == 0x27 || @input.peek(1) == 0x5c || @input.peek(1) == 0x62 || @input.peek(1) == 0x66 || @input.peek(1) == 0x6e || @input.peek(1) == 0x72 || @input.peek(1) == 0x74
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


      when 2
        # at line 1062:6: UNICODE_ESC

      when 3
        # at line 1063:6: OCTAL_ESC

      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 80 )


    # lexer rule octal_esc! (OCTAL_ESC)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def octal_esc!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 81 )

    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1068:2: ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) )
      alt_17 = 3
      look_17_0 = @input.peek( 1 )

      if ( look_17_0 == 0x5c )
        look_17_1 = @input.peek( 2 )

        if ( look_17_1.between?( 0x30, 0x33 ) )
          look_17_2 = @input.peek( 3 )

          if ( look_17_2.between?( 0x30, 0x37 ) )
            look_17_4 = @input.peek( 4 )

            if ( look_17_4.between?( 0x30, 0x37 ) )
              alt_17 = 1
              alt_17 = 2

            alt_17 = 3

        elsif ( look_17_1.between?( 0x34, 0x37 ) )
          look_17_3 = @input.peek( 3 )

          if ( look_17_3.between?( 0x30, 0x37 ) )
            alt_17 = 2
            alt_17 = 3

          raise NoViableAlternative( "", 17, 1 )

        raise NoViableAlternative( "", 17, 0 )

      case alt_17
      when 1
        # at line 1068:6: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
        match( 0x5c )
        if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x33 )
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


        if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x37 )
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


        if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x37 )
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


      when 2
        # at line 1069:6: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
        match( 0x5c )
        if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x37 )
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


        if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x37 )
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


      when 3
        # at line 1070:6: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' )
        match( 0x5c )
        if @input.peek( 1 ).between?( 0x30, 0x37 )
          mse = MismatchedSet( nil )
          recover mse
          raise mse


      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 81 )


    # lexer rule unicode_esc! (UNICODE_ESC)
    # (in SfpLang.g)
    def unicode_esc!
      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_in( __method__, 82 )

    # - - - - label initialization - - - -

      # - - - - main rule block - - - -
      # at line 1075:6: '\\\\' 'u' HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT
      match( 0x5c )
      match( 0x75 )





      # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing
      # trace_out( __method__, 82 )


    # main rule used to study the input at the current position,
    # and choose the proper lexer rule to call in order to
    # fetch the next token
    # usually, you don't make direct calls to this method,
    # but instead use the next_token method, which will
    # build and emit the actual next token
    def token!
      # at line 1:8: ( T__18 | T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | T__49 | T__50 | T__51 | T__52 | T__53 | T__54 | T__55 | T__56 | T__57 | T__58 | T__59 | T__60 | T__61 | T__62 | T__63 | T__64 | T__65 | T__66 | T__67 | T__68 | T__69 | T__70 | T__71 | T__72 | T__73 | T__74 | T__75 | T__76 | T__77 | T__78 | T__79 | T__80 | T__81 | T__82 | T__83 | T__84 | T__85 | NULL | BOOLEAN | ID | NUMBER | COMMENT | MULTILINE_STRING | NL | WS | STRING )
      alt_18 = 77
      alt_18 = @dfa18.predict( @input )
      case alt_18
      when 1
        # at line 1:10: T__18

      when 2
        # at line 1:16: T__19

      when 3
        # at line 1:22: T__20

      when 4
        # at line 1:28: T__21

      when 5
        # at line 1:34: T__22

      when 6
        # at line 1:40: T__23

      when 7
        # at line 1:46: T__24

      when 8
        # at line 1:52: T__25

      when 9
        # at line 1:58: T__26

      when 10
        # at line 1:64: T__27

      when 11
        # at line 1:70: T__28

      when 12
        # at line 1:76: T__29

      when 13
        # at line 1:82: T__30

      when 14
        # at line 1:88: T__31

      when 15
        # at line 1:94: T__32

      when 16
        # at line 1:100: T__33

      when 17
        # at line 1:106: T__34

      when 18
        # at line 1:112: T__35

      when 19
        # at line 1:118: T__36

      when 20
        # at line 1:124: T__37

      when 21
        # at line 1:130: T__38

      when 22
        # at line 1:136: T__39

      when 23
        # at line 1:142: T__40

      when 24
        # at line 1:148: T__41

      when 25
        # at line 1:154: T__42

      when 26
        # at line 1:160: T__43

      when 27
        # at line 1:166: T__44

      when 28
        # at line 1:172: T__45

      when 29
        # at line 1:178: T__46

      when 30
        # at line 1:184: T__47

      when 31
        # at line 1:190: T__48

      when 32
        # at line 1:196: T__49

      when 33
        # at line 1:202: T__50

      when 34
        # at line 1:208: T__51

      when 35
        # at line 1:214: T__52

      when 36
        # at line 1:220: T__53

      when 37
        # at line 1:226: T__54

      when 38
        # at line 1:232: T__55

      when 39
        # at line 1:238: T__56

      when 40
        # at line 1:244: T__57

      when 41
        # at line 1:250: T__58

      when 42
        # at line 1:256: T__59

      when 43
        # at line 1:262: T__60

      when 44
        # at line 1:268: T__61

      when 45
        # at line 1:274: T__62

      when 46
        # at line 1:280: T__63

      when 47
        # at line 1:286: T__64

      when 48
        # at line 1:292: T__65

      when 49
        # at line 1:298: T__66

      when 50
        # at line 1:304: T__67

      when 51
        # at line 1:310: T__68

      when 52
        # at line 1:316: T__69

      when 53
        # at line 1:322: T__70

      when 54
        # at line 1:328: T__71

      when 55
        # at line 1:334: T__72

      when 56
        # at line 1:340: T__73

      when 57
        # at line 1:346: T__74

      when 58
        # at line 1:352: T__75

      when 59
        # at line 1:358: T__76

      when 60
        # at line 1:364: T__77

      when 61
        # at line 1:370: T__78

      when 62
        # at line 1:376: T__79

      when 63
        # at line 1:382: T__80

      when 64
        # at line 1:388: T__81

      when 65
        # at line 1:394: T__82

      when 66
        # at line 1:400: T__83

      when 67
        # at line 1:406: T__84

      when 68
        # at line 1:412: T__85

      when 69
        # at line 1:418: NULL

      when 70
        # at line 1:423: BOOLEAN

      when 71
        # at line 1:431: ID

      when 72
        # at line 1:434: NUMBER

      when 73
        # at line 1:441: COMMENT

      when 74
        # at line 1:449: MULTILINE_STRING

      when 75
        # at line 1:466: NL

      when 76
        # at line 1:469: WS

      when 77
        # at line 1:472: STRING


    # - - - - - - - - - - DFA definitions - - - - - - - - - - -
    class DFA18 < ANTLR3::DFA
      EOT = unpack( 10, -1, 1, 44, 1, 46, 1, -1, 1, 48, 2, -1, 16, 35, 2, 
                    -1, 1, 35, 14, -1, 6, 35, 1, 98, 13, 35, 1, 114, 1, 
                    116, 1, 121, 1, 35, 1, 124, 2, 35, 1, 127, 1, 35, 1, 
                    124, 2, 35, 1, -1, 14, 35, 1, 145, 1, 35, 1, -1, 14, 
                    35, 1, 164, 1, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 1, 166, 3, 35, 1, -1, 
                    1, 171, 1, 172, 1, -1, 1, 35, 1, 174, 1, -1, 1, 124, 
                    5, 35, 1, 180, 5, 35, 1, 124, 1, 35, 1, -1, 2, 35, 1, 
                    -1, 5, 35, 1, 194, 11, 35, 1, 206, 1, -1, 1, 35, 1, 
                    -1, 1, 35, 1, 209, 2, 35, 2, -1, 1, 174, 1, -1, 5, 35, 
                    1, -1, 1, 35, 1, 218, 1, 35, 1, 124, 2, 35, 1, 222, 
                    3, 35, 1, 226, 2, 35, 1, -1, 3, 35, 1, 232, 1, 35, 1, 
                    234, 3, 35, 1, 124, 1, 35, 1, -1, 1, 35, 1, 240, 1, 
                    -1, 1, 241, 1, 242, 4, 35, 1, 247, 1, 35, 1, -1, 3, 
                    35, 1, -1, 1, 252, 1, 253, 1, 254, 1, -1, 2, 35, 1, 
                    257, 1, 259, 1, 260, 1, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 1, 262, 2, 
                    35, 1, 265, 1, 35, 3, -1, 2, 35, 1, 269, 1, 35, 1, -1, 
                    1, 35, 1, -1, 1, 272, 1, 35, 3, -1, 2, 35, 1, -1, 1, 
                    276, 2, -1, 1, 277, 1, -1, 1, 278, 1, 279, 1, -1, 1, 
                    280, 1, 35, 2, -1, 2, 35, 1, -1, 1, 284, 2, 35, 5, -1, 
                    1, 35, 1, 288, 1, 35, 1, -1, 1, 291, 1, 35, 1, 293, 
                    1, -1, 1, 35, 1, 295, 1, -1, 1, 296, 1, -1, 1, 35, 2, 
                    -1, 1, 35, 1, 299, 1, -1 )
      EOF = unpack( 300, -1 )
      MIN = unpack( 1, 9, 6, -1, 1, 48, 1, -1, 1, 42, 1, 100, 1, 61, 1, 
                    -1, 1, 61, 2, -1, 1, 98, 1, 101, 1, 108, 1, 101, 1, 
                    102, 1, 97, 1, 108, 1, 97, 1, 102, 1, 101, 1, 102, 1, 
                    114, 1, 34, 1, 99, 1, 104, 1, 105, 2, -1, 1, 101, 14, 
                    -1, 1, 115, 1, 100, 1, 116, 1, 119, 1, 121, 1, 101, 
                    1, 48, 1, 102, 1, 97, 1, 110, 1, 108, 1, 102, 1, 116, 
                    1, 105, 1, 110, 1, 114, 1, 108, 1, 111, 1, 97, 1, 115, 
                    3, 48, 1, 119, 1, 48, 2, 108, 1, 48, 1, 102, 1, 48, 
                    1, 111, 1, 109, 1, -1, 1, 104, 1, 109, 1, 97, 1, 98, 
                    1, 110, 1, 101, 1, 116, 1, 117, 1, 116, 1, 115, 1, 116, 
                    1, 40, 1, 101, 1, 97, 1, 48, 1, 97, 1, -1, 1, 111, 1, 
                    115, 1, 100, 1, 116, 2, 101, 1, 104, 1, 115, 1, 101, 
                    2, 97, 1, 115, 1, 98, 1, 108, 1, 48, 1, -1, 1, 108, 
                    1, -1, 1, 48, 1, 111, 2, 101, 1, -1, 2, 48, 1, -1, 1, 
                    108, 1, 48, 1, -1, 1, 48, 1, 99, 1, 111, 2, 101, 1, 
                    116, 1, 48, 1, 99, 1, 110, 1, 97, 1, 101, 1, 104, 1, 
                    48, 1, 114, 1, -1, 1, 114, 1, 121, 1, -1, 1, 108, 1, 
                    114, 1, 115, 1, 105, 1, 116, 1, 48, 1, 116, 1, 99, 1, 
                    101, 1, 116, 1, 110, 2, 108, 1, 97, 1, 111, 1, 101, 
                    1, 97, 1, 48, 1, -1, 1, 117, 1, -1, 1, 116, 1, 48, 1, 
                    102, 1, 116, 2, -1, 1, 48, 1, -1, 1, 101, 1, 118, 1, 
                    109, 1, 116, 1, 101, 1, -1, 1, 104, 1, 48, 1, 108, 1, 
                    48, 1, 105, 1, 97, 1, 48, 1, 115, 1, 108, 1, 101, 1, 
                    48, 1, 116, 1, 114, 1, -1, 1, 101, 1, 116, 1, 114, 1, 
                    48, 1, 100, 1, 48, 1, 108, 1, 99, 1, 109, 1, 48, 1, 
                    108, 1, -1, 1, 100, 1, 48, 1, -1, 2, 48, 1, 100, 1, 
                    101, 1, 97, 1, 105, 1, 48, 1, 114, 1, -1, 1, 40, 1, 
                    110, 1, 99, 1, -1, 3, 48, 1, -1, 1, 105, 1, 97, 3, 48, 
                    1, -1, 1, 115, 1, -1, 1, 48, 1, 104, 1, 101, 1, 48, 
                    1, 101, 3, -1, 1, 117, 1, 40, 1, 48, 1, 109, 1, -1, 
                    1, 111, 1, -1, 1, 48, 1, 116, 3, -1, 1, 111, 1, 105, 
                    1, -1, 1, 48, 2, -1, 1, 48, 1, -1, 2, 48, 1, -1, 1, 
                    48, 1, 114, 2, -1, 1, 101, 1, 110, 1, -1, 1, 48, 2, 
                    110, 5, -1, 1, 101, 1, 48, 1, 105, 1, -1, 1, 48, 1, 
                    116, 1, 48, 1, -1, 1, 122, 1, 48, 1, -1, 1, 48, 1, -1, 
                    1, 101, 2, -1, 1, 100, 1, 48, 1, -1 )
      MAX = unpack( 1, 125, 6, -1, 1, 61, 1, -1, 1, 61, 1, 100, 1, 61, 1, 
                    -1, 1, 61, 2, -1, 1, 115, 1, 101, 1, 111, 1, 101, 1, 
                    120, 2, 111, 1, 97, 1, 115, 1, 117, 2, 114, 1, 101, 
                    1, 121, 1, 114, 1, 105, 2, -1, 1, 101, 14, -1, 1, 115, 
                    1, 100, 1, 116, 1, 119, 1, 121, 1, 101, 1, 122, 1, 102, 
                    1, 97, 1, 115, 1, 108, 1, 102, 2, 116, 1, 110, 1, 114, 
                    1, 108, 1, 111, 1, 97, 1, 115, 3, 122, 1, 119, 1, 122, 
                    2, 108, 1, 122, 1, 102, 1, 122, 1, 111, 1, 109, 1, -1, 
                    1, 104, 1, 109, 1, 97, 1, 98, 1, 110, 1, 101, 1, 116, 
                    1, 117, 1, 116, 1, 115, 1, 116, 1, 40, 1, 101, 1, 97, 
                    1, 122, 1, 97, 1, -1, 1, 111, 2, 115, 1, 116, 2, 101, 
                    1, 104, 1, 115, 1, 101, 1, 97, 2, 115, 1, 98, 1, 108, 
                    1, 122, 1, -1, 1, 108, 1, -1, 1, 122, 1, 116, 2, 101, 
                    1, -1, 2, 122, 1, -1, 1, 108, 1, 122, 1, -1, 1, 122, 
                    1, 99, 1, 111, 2, 101, 1, 116, 1, 122, 1, 99, 1, 110, 
                    1, 97, 1, 101, 1, 104, 1, 122, 1, 114, 1, -1, 1, 114, 
                    1, 121, 1, -1, 1, 108, 1, 114, 1, 115, 1, 105, 1, 116, 
                    1, 122, 1, 116, 1, 99, 1, 101, 1, 116, 1, 110, 2, 108, 
                    1, 97, 1, 111, 1, 101, 1, 97, 1, 122, 1, -1, 1, 117, 
                    1, -1, 1, 116, 1, 122, 1, 102, 1, 116, 2, -1, 1, 122, 
                    1, -1, 1, 101, 1, 118, 1, 109, 1, 116, 1, 101, 1, -1, 
                    1, 104, 1, 122, 1, 108, 1, 122, 1, 105, 1, 97, 1, 122, 
                    1, 115, 1, 108, 1, 101, 1, 122, 1, 116, 1, 114, 1, -1, 
                    1, 101, 1, 116, 1, 114, 1, 122, 1, 100, 1, 122, 1, 108, 
                    1, 99, 1, 109, 1, 122, 1, 108, 1, -1, 1, 100, 1, 122, 
                    1, -1, 2, 122, 1, 100, 1, 101, 1, 97, 1, 105, 1, 122, 
                    1, 114, 1, -1, 1, 40, 1, 110, 1, 99, 1, -1, 3, 122, 
                    1, -1, 1, 105, 1, 97, 3, 122, 1, -1, 1, 115, 1, -1, 
                    1, 122, 1, 104, 1, 101, 1, 122, 1, 101, 3, -1, 1, 117, 
                    1, 40, 1, 122, 1, 109, 1, -1, 1, 111, 1, -1, 1, 122, 
                    1, 116, 3, -1, 1, 111, 1, 105, 1, -1, 1, 122, 2, -1, 
                    1, 122, 1, -1, 2, 122, 1, -1, 1, 122, 1, 114, 2, -1, 
                    1, 101, 1, 110, 1, -1, 1, 122, 2, 110, 5, -1, 1, 101, 
                    1, 122, 1, 105, 1, -1, 1, 122, 1, 116, 1, 122, 1, -1, 
                    2, 122, 1, -1, 1, 122, 1, -1, 1, 101, 2, -1, 1, 100, 
                    1, 122, 1, -1 )
      ACCEPT = unpack( 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, -1, 
                       1, 8, 3, -1, 1, 14, 1, -1, 1, 17, 1, 18, 16, -1, 
                       1, 67, 1, 68, 1, -1, 1, 71, 1, 72, 1, 73, 1, 75, 
                       1, 76, 1, 77, 1, 7, 1, 9, 1, 11, 1, 10, 1, 13, 1, 
                       12, 1, 16, 1, 15, 32, -1, 1, 74, 16, -1, 1, 25, 15, 
                       -1, 1, 45, 1, -1, 1, 46, 4, -1, 1, 48, 2, -1, 1, 
                       70, 2, -1, 1, 56, 14, -1, 1, 20, 2, -1, 1, 23, 18, 
                       -1, 1, 44, 1, -1, 1, 49, 4, -1, 1, 54, 1, 55, 1, 
                       -1, 1, 69, 5, -1, 1, 62, 13, -1, 1, 31, 11, -1, 1, 
                       43, 2, -1, 1, 51, 8, -1, 1, 64, 3, -1, 1, 21, 3, 
                       -1, 1, 27, 5, -1, 1, 36, 1, -1, 1, 38, 5, -1, 1, 
                       50, 1, 52, 1, 53, 4, -1, 1, 61, 1, -1, 1, 65, 2, 
                       -1, 1, 22, 1, 24, 1, 26, 2, -1, 1, 32, 1, -1, 1, 
                       33, 1, 35, 1, -1, 1, 39, 2, -1, 1, 42, 2, -1, 1, 
                       58, 1, 59, 2, -1, 1, 66, 3, -1, 1, 34, 1, 37, 1, 
                       40, 1, 41, 1, 47, 3, -1, 1, 19, 3, -1, 1, 60, 2, 
                       -1, 1, 28, 1, -1, 1, 57, 1, -1, 1, 29, 1, 30, 2, 
                       -1, 1, 63 )
      SPECIAL = unpack( 300, -1 )
      TRANSITION = [
        unpack( 1, 39, 1, 38, 2, -1, 1, 38, 18, -1, 1, 39, 1, 1, 1, 40, 
                1, 37, 4, -1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1, 8, 
                1, 9, 10, 36, 1, 10, 1, 38, 1, 11, 1, 12, 1, 13, 2, -1, 
                26, 35, 1, 14, 1, -1, 1, 15, 3, -1, 1, 16, 1, 17, 1, 18, 
                1, 19, 1, 20, 1, 21, 1, 22, 1, 23, 1, 24, 4, 35, 1, 25, 
                1, 26, 1, 27, 1, 35, 1, 28, 1, 29, 1, 30, 2, 35, 1, 31, 
                1, 35, 1, 34, 1, 35, 1, 32, 1, -1, 1, 33 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 36, 3, -1, 1, 41 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 37, 4, -1, 1, 37, 13, -1, 1, 42 ),
        unpack( 1, 43 ),
        unpack( 1, 45 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 47 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 49, 1, -1, 1, 50, 1, -1, 1, 51, 5, -1, 1, 52, 1, -1, 
                 1, 53, 3, -1, 1, 54, 1, 55 ),
        unpack( 1, 56 ),
        unpack( 1, 57, 2, -1, 1, 58 ),
        unpack( 1, 59 ),
        unpack( 1, 60, 2, -1, 1, 61, 14, -1, 1, 62 ),
        unpack( 1, 65, 7, -1, 1, 63, 5, -1, 1, 64 ),
        unpack( 1, 66, 2, -1, 1, 67 ),
        unpack( 1, 68 ),
        unpack( 1, 69, 7, -1, 1, 70, 4, -1, 1, 71 ),
        unpack( 1, 72, 3, -1, 1, 75, 5, -1, 1, 73, 5, -1, 1, 74 ),
        unpack( 1, 77, 7, -1, 1, 78, 3, -1, 1, 76 ),
        unpack( 1, 79 ),
        unpack( 1, 81, 66, -1, 1, 80 ),
        unpack( 1, 82, 11, -1, 1, 83, 4, -1, 1, 84, 1, 85, 3, -1, 1, 86 ),
        unpack( 1, 87, 6, -1, 1, 88, 2, -1, 1, 89 ),
        unpack( 1, 90 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 91 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 92 ),
        unpack( 1, 93 ),
        unpack( 1, 94 ),
        unpack( 1, 95 ),
        unpack( 1, 96 ),
        unpack( 1, 97 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 99 ),
        unpack( 1, 100 ),
        unpack( 1, 101, 4, -1, 1, 102 ),
        unpack( 1, 103 ),
        unpack( 1, 104 ),
        unpack( 1, 105 ),
        unpack( 1, 106, 10, -1, 1, 107 ),
        unpack( 1, 108 ),
        unpack( 1, 109 ),
        unpack( 1, 110 ),
        unpack( 1, 111 ),
        unpack( 1, 112 ),
        unpack( 1, 113 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 2, 35, 1, 115, 
                 23, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 1, 117, 12, 
                 35, 1, 118, 3, 35, 1, 119, 1, 120, 7, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 122 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 19, 35, 1, 
                 123, 6, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 125 ),
        unpack( 1, 126 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 128 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 129 ),
        unpack( 1, 130 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 131 ),
        unpack( 1, 132 ),
        unpack( 1, 133 ),
        unpack( 1, 134 ),
        unpack( 1, 135 ),
        unpack( 1, 136 ),
        unpack( 1, 137 ),
        unpack( 1, 138 ),
        unpack( 1, 139 ),
        unpack( 1, 140 ),
        unpack( 1, 141 ),
        unpack( 1, 142 ),
        unpack( 1, 143 ),
        unpack( 1, 144 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 146 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 147 ),
        unpack( 1, 148 ),
        unpack( 1, 149, 14, -1, 1, 150 ),
        unpack( 1, 151 ),
        unpack( 1, 152 ),
        unpack( 1, 153 ),
        unpack( 1, 154 ),
        unpack( 1, 155 ),
        unpack( 1, 156 ),
        unpack( 1, 157 ),
        unpack( 1, 158, 3, -1, 1, 159, 13, -1, 1, 160 ),
        unpack( 1, 161 ),
        unpack( 1, 162 ),
        unpack( 1, 163 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 165 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 167, 4, -1, 1, 168 ),
        unpack( 1, 169 ),
        unpack( 1, 170 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 173 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 175 ),
        unpack( 1, 176 ),
        unpack( 1, 177 ),
        unpack( 1, 178 ),
        unpack( 1, 179 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 181 ),
        unpack( 1, 182 ),
        unpack( 1, 183 ),
        unpack( 1, 184 ),
        unpack( 1, 185 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 186 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 187 ),
        unpack( 1, 188 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 189 ),
        unpack( 1, 190 ),
        unpack( 1, 191 ),
        unpack( 1, 192 ),
        unpack( 1, 193 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 195 ),
        unpack( 1, 196 ),
        unpack( 1, 197 ),
        unpack( 1, 198 ),
        unpack( 1, 199 ),
        unpack( 1, 200 ),
        unpack( 1, 201 ),
        unpack( 1, 202 ),
        unpack( 1, 203 ),
        unpack( 1, 204 ),
        unpack( 1, 205 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 207 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 208 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 210 ),
        unpack( 1, 211 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 212 ),
        unpack( 1, 213 ),
        unpack( 1, 214 ),
        unpack( 1, 215 ),
        unpack( 1, 216 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 217 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 219 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 220 ),
        unpack( 1, 221 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 223 ),
        unpack( 1, 224 ),
        unpack( 1, 225 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 227 ),
        unpack( 1, 228 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 229 ),
        unpack( 1, 230 ),
        unpack( 1, 231 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 233 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 235 ),
        unpack( 1, 236 ),
        unpack( 1, 237 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 238 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 239 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 243 ),
        unpack( 1, 244 ),
        unpack( 1, 245 ),
        unpack( 1, 246 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 248 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 249 ),
        unpack( 1, 250 ),
        unpack( 1, 251 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 255 ),
        unpack( 1, 256 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 18, 35, 1, 
                 258, 7, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 261 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 263 ),
        unpack( 1, 264 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 266 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 267 ),
        unpack( 1, 268 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 270 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 271 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 273 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 274 ),
        unpack( 1, 275 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 281 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 282 ),
        unpack( 1, 283 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 285 ),
        unpack( 1, 286 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 287 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 289 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 18, 35, 1, 
                 290, 7, 35 ),
        unpack( 1, 292 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 294 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 297 ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack(  ),
        unpack( 1, 298 ),
        unpack( 10, 35, 7, -1, 26, 35, 4, -1, 1, 35, 1, -1, 26, 35 ),
        unpack(  )

      ( 0 ... MIN.length ).zip( MIN, MAX ) do | i, a, z |
        if a > 0 and z < 0
          MAX[ i ] %= 0x10000

      @decision = 18

      def description
          1:1: Tokens : ( T__18 | T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | T__49 | T__50 | T__51 | T__52 | T__53 | T__54 | T__55 | T__56 | T__57 | T__58 | T__59 | T__60 | T__61 | T__62 | T__63 | T__64 | T__65 | T__66 | T__67 | T__68 | T__69 | T__70 | T__71 | T__72 | T__73 | T__74 | T__75 | T__76 | T__77 | T__78 | T__79 | T__80 | T__81 | T__82 | T__83 | T__84 | T__85 | NULL | BOOLEAN | ID | NUMBER | COMMENT | MULTILINE_STRING | NL | WS | STRING );



    def initialize_dfas
      super rescue nil
      @dfa18 = DFA18.new( self, 18 )


  end # class Lexer < ANTLR3::Lexer

  at_exit { Lexer.main( ARGV ) } if __FILE__ == $0
