# HelloSign Ruby SDK In addition to this readme, checkout our quickstart guide here: https://www.hellosign.com/api/gettingStarted#QuickStart ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'hellosign-ruby-sdk' And then execute: $ bundle ## Configuration Create a config block. At a minimum you'll want to set your [API Key](https://www.hellosign.com/home/myAccount/current_tab/integrations#api) but depending on your usage you'll possibly want to set your app's [Client ID](https://www.hellosign.com/oauth/createAppForm) and [Client Secret](https://www.hellosign.com/oauth/createAppForm). In Rails you can place it in `config/initializers/hello_sign.rb` ```ruby require 'hello_sign' HelloSign.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'api_key' # You can use email_address and password instead of api_key. But api_key is recommended # If api_key, email_address and password are all present, api_key will be used # config.email_address = 'email_address' # config.password = 'password' end ``` ##Usage When you have configured your app like above, you can start using it: ```ruby # get your account my_account = HelloSign.get_account # get your signature requests my_signature_requests = HelloSign.get_signature_requests # view a specific signature request signature_request = HelloSign.get_signature_requests :signature_request_id => '42383e7327eda33f4b8b91217cbe95408cc1285f' ``` If you need to authenticate for multiple users and you want a separated client for them, you can run: ```ruby client2 = HelloSign::Client.new :api_key => 'your_user_api_key' user_account = client2.get_account ``` ##Testing Testing relies on built in hard-coded fixtures. You can run the tests without affecting your actual account data. To do so from the root of your project run rake spec. ## Additional notes ### Local callbacks We do not allow app callbacks (event or OAuth) to be set to localhost. However it is still possible to test callbacks against a local server. Tunneling services such as ngrok (http://ngrok.com) can help you set this up.