module Build ## # This class is meant to encapsulate all of the data we know about a build invoked with # `rake package:` or `rake pl:`. It can read in this data via a yaml file, # have it set via accessors, and serialize it back to yaml for easy transport. # class BuildInstance @@build_params = [:apt_host, :apt_repo_path, :apt_repo_url, :author, :benchmark, :build_defaults, :build_dmg, :build_doc, :build_gem, :build_ips, :build_pe, :builder_data_file, :builds_server, :certificate_pem, :cows, :db_table, :deb_build_host, :debversion, :debug, :default_cow, :default_mock, :description, :distribution_server, :dmg_path, :email, :files, :final_mocks, :freight_conf, :gem_default_executables, :gem_dependencies, :gem_description, :gem_devel_dependencies, :gem_excludes, :gem_executables, :gem_files, :gem_forge_project, :gem_name, :gem_rdoc_options, :gem_require_path, :gem_runtime_dependencies, :gem_summary, :gem_test_files, :gemversion, :gpg_key, :gpg_name, :homepage, :ips_build_host, :ips_host, :ips_inter_cert, :ips_package_host, :ips_path, :ips_repo, :ips_store, :ipsversion, :jenkins_build_host, :jenkins_packaging_job, :jenkins_repo_path, :metrics, :name, :project, :origversion, :osx_build_host, :packager, :packaging_repo, :packaging_url, :pbuild_conf, :pe_name, :pe_version, :pg_major_version, :pre_tar_task, :privatekey_pem, :random_mockroot, :rc_mocks, :release, :rpm_build_host, :rpmrelease, :rpmversion, :ref, :sign_tar, :sles_build_host, :sles_repo_path, :sles_repo_host, :sles_arch_repos, :summary, :tar_excludes, :tar_host, :tarball_path, :task, :team, :version, :version_file, :yum_host, :yum_repo_path] @@build_params.each do |v| attr_accessor v end def initialize @task = { :task => $*[0], :args => $*[1..-1] } @ref = git_sha_or_tag end ## # Take a hash of parameters, and iterate over them, # setting each build param to the corresponding hash key,value. # def set_params_from_hash(data = {}) data.each do |param, value| if @@build_params.include?(param.to_sym) self.instance_variable_set("@#{param}", value) else warn "Warning - No build data parameter found for '#{param}'. Perhaps you have an erroneous entry in your yaml file?" end end end ## # Load build parameters from a yaml file. Uses #data_from_yaml in # 00_utils.rake # def set_params_from_file(file) build_data = data_from_yaml(file) set_params_from_hash(build_data) end ## # Return a hash of all build parameters and their values, nil if unassigned. # def params data = {} @@build_params.each do |param|, self.instance_variable_get("@#{param}")) end data end ## # Write all build parameters to a yaml file in a temporary location. Print # the path to the file and return it as a string. Accept an argument for # the write target directory. The name of the params file is the current # git commit sha or tag. # def params_to_yaml(output_dir=nil) dir = output_dir.nil? ? get_temp : output_dir unless File.writable?(dir) warn "#{dir} does not exist or is not writable, skipping build params write. Exiting.." exit 1 end params_file = File.join(dir, "#{self.ref}.yaml"), 'w') do |f| f.puts params.to_yaml end puts params_file params_file end ## # Print the names and values of all the params known to the build object # def print_params params.each { |k,v| puts "#{k}: #{v}" } end end end # Perform a build exclusively from a build params file. Requires that the build # params file include a setting for task, which is an array of the arguments # given to rake originally, including, first, the task name. The params file is # always loaded when passed, so these variables are accessible immediately. namespace :pl do desc "Build from a build params file" task :build_from_params do check_var('PARAMS_FILE', ENV['PARAMS_FILE']) git_co(@build.ref) Rake::Task[@build.task[:task]].invoke(@build.task[:args]) end end