/* global Fae, modal, FCH */ 'use strict'; /** * Fae modals * @namespace */ Fae.modals = { init: function() { this.imageModals(); this.markdownModalListener(); }, /** * Click event to open modal with only an image */ imageModals: function() { $('.js-image-modal').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); // create invisi-image to get natural width/height var image = new Image(); image.src = $this.attr('src'); var image_width = image.width; var image_height = image.height; $this.modal({ minHeight: image_height, minWidth: image_width, overlayClose: true }); }); }, /** * Display markdown guide in a modal * @see {@link form.text.overrideMarkdownDefaults} * @see {@link modals.markdownModalListener} * @has_test {features/form_helpers/fae_input_spec.rb} */ markdownModal: function() { var markdown_hint_width = $('.markdown-hint').width() + 40; $('.markdown-hint-wrapper').modal({ minHeight: 430, minWidth: markdown_hint_width, overlayClose: true, zIndex: 1100 }); }, /** * Markdown guide shown on document click of "markdown-support" so as to support AJAX'd markdown-support fields. * @fires {@link modals.markdownModal} * @has_test {features/form_helpers/fae_input_spec.rb} */ markdownModalListener: function() { FCH.$document.on('click', '.markdown-support', this.markdownModal); } };