require 'fog/core' require 'fog/aws/credential_fetcher' require 'fog/aws/signaturev4' module Fog module AWS extend Fog::Provider service(:auto_scaling, 'aws/auto_scaling', 'AutoScaling') service(:beanstalk, 'aws/beanstalk', 'ElasticBeanstalk') service(:cdn, 'aws/cdn', 'CDN') service(:compute, 'aws/compute', 'Compute') service(:cloud_formation, 'aws/cloud_formation', 'CloudFormation') service(:cloud_watch, 'aws/cloud_watch', 'CloudWatch') service(:data_pipeline, 'aws/data_pipeline', 'DataPipeline') service(:dynamodb, 'aws/dynamodb', 'DynamoDB') service(:dns, 'aws/dns', 'DNS') service(:elasticache, 'aws/elasticache', 'Elasticache') service(:elb, 'aws/elb', 'ELB') service(:emr, 'aws/emr', 'EMR') service(:glacier, 'aws/glacier', 'Glacier') service(:iam, 'aws/iam', 'IAM') service(:rds, 'aws/rds', 'RDS') service(:redshift, 'aws/redshift', 'Redshift') service(:ses, 'aws/ses', 'SES') service(:simpledb, 'aws/simpledb', 'SimpleDB') service(:sns, 'aws/sns', 'SNS') service(:sqs, 'aws/sqs', 'SQS') service(:sts, 'aws/sts', 'STS') service(:storage, 'aws/storage', 'Storage') def self.indexed_param(key, values) params = {} unless key.include?('%d') key << '.%d' end [*values].each_with_index do |value, index| if value.respond_to?('keys') k = format(key, index + 1) value.each do | vkey, vvalue | params["#{k}.#{vkey}"] = vvalue end else params[format(key, index + 1)] = value end end params end def self.serialize_keys(key, value, options = {}) case value when Hash value.each do | k, v | options.merge!(serialize_keys("#{key}.#{k}", v)) end return options when Array value.each_with_index do | it, idx | options.merge!(serialize_keys("#{key}.member.#{(idx + 1)}", it)) end return options else return {key => value} end end def self.indexed_request_param(name, values) idx = -1 Array(values).inject({}) do |params, value| params["#{name}.#{idx += 1}"] = value params end end def self.indexed_filters(filters) params = {} filters.keys.each_with_index do |key, key_index| key_index += 1 params[format('Filter.%d.Name', key_index)] = key [*filters[key]].each_with_index do |value, value_index| value_index += 1 params[format('Filter.%d.Value.%d', key_index, value_index)] = value end end params end def self.escape(string) unless @unf_loaded_or_warned begin require('unf/normalizer') rescue LoadError Fog::Logger.warning("Unable to load the 'unf' gem. Your AWS strings may not be properly encoded.") end @unf_loaded_or_warned = true end string = defined?(::UNF::Normalizer) ? ::UNF::Normalizer.normalize(string, :nfc) : string string.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-~]+)/) { "%" + $1.unpack("H2" * $1.bytesize).join("%").upcase } end def self.signed_params(params, options = {}) params.merge!({ 'AWSAccessKeyId' => options[:aws_access_key_id], 'SignatureMethod' => 'HmacSHA256', 'SignatureVersion' => '2', 'Timestamp' =>"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'Version' => options[:version] }) params.merge!({ 'SecurityToken' => options[:aws_session_token] }) if options[:aws_session_token] body = '' for key in params.keys.sort unless (value = params[key]).nil? body << "#{key}=#{escape(value.to_s)}&" end end string_to_sign = "POST\n#{options[:host]}:#{options[:port]}\n#{options[:path]}\n" << body.chop signed_string = options[:hmac].sign(string_to_sign) body << "Signature=#{escape(Base64.encode64(signed_string).chomp!)}" body end class Mock def self.arn(vendor, account_id, path, region = nil) "arn:aws:#{vendor}:#{region}:#{account_id}:#{path}" end def self.availability_zone(region) "#{region}#{Fog::Mock.random_selection('abcd', 1)}" end def self.box_usage sprintf("%0.10f", rand / 100).to_f end def self.console_output # "[ 0.000000] Linux version 2.6.18-xenU-ec2-v1.2 (root@domU-12-31-39-07-51-82) (gcc version 4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-13)) #2 SMP Wed Aug 19 09:04:38 EDT 2009" Base64.decode64("WyAwLjAwMDAwMF0gTGludXggdmVyc2lvbiAyLjYuMTgteGVuVS1lYzItdjEu\nMiAocm9vdEBkb21VLTEyLTMxLTM5LTA3LTUxLTgyKSAoZ2NjIHZlcnNpb24g\nNC4xLjIgMjAwNzA2MjYgKFJlZCBIYXQgNC4xLjItMTMpKSAjMiBTTVAgV2Vk\nIEF1ZyAxOSAwOTowNDozOCBFRFQgMjAwOQ==\n") end def self.dns_name_for(ip_address) "ec2-#{ip_address.gsub('.','-')}" end def self.private_dns_name_for(ip_address) "ip-#{ip_address.gsub('.','-')}.ec2.internal" end def self.image path = [] (rand(3) + 2).times do path << Fog::Mock.random_letters(rand(9) + 8) end { "imageOwnerId" => Fog::Mock.random_letters(rand(5) + 4), "blockDeviceMapping" => [], "productCodes" => [], "kernelId" => kernel_id, "ramdiskId" => ramdisk_id, "imageState" => "available", "imageId" => image_id, "architecture" => "i386", "isPublic" => true, "imageLocation" => path.join('/'), "imageType" => "machine", "rootDeviceType" => ["ebs","instance-store"][rand(2)], "rootDeviceName" => "/dev/sda1" } end def self.image_id "ami-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.key_fingerprint fingerprint = [] 20.times do fingerprint << Fog::Mock.random_hex(2) end fingerprint.join(':') end def self.instance_id "i-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.ip_address ip = [] 4.times do ip << Fog::Mock.random_numbers(rand(3) + 1).to_i.to_s # remove leading 0 end ip.join('.') end def self.private_ip_address ip_address.gsub(/^\d{1,3}\./,"10.") end def self.kernel_id "aki-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.key_material OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(1024).to_s end def self.owner_id Fog::Mock.random_numbers(12) end def self.ramdisk_id "ari-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.request_id request_id = [] request_id << Fog::Mock.random_hex(8) 3.times do request_id << Fog::Mock.random_hex(4) end request_id << Fog::Mock.random_hex(12) request_id.join('-') end class << self alias :reserved_instances_id :request_id alias :reserved_instances_offering_id :request_id alias :sqs_message_id :request_id alias :sqs_sender_id :request_id end def self.reservation_id "r-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.snapshot_id "snap-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.volume_id "vol-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.security_group_id "sg-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.network_interface_id "eni-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.internet_gateway_id "igw-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.dhcp_options_id "dopt-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.vpc_id "vpc-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.subnet_id "subnet-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.zone_id "zone-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.change_id "change-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end def self.nameservers [ '', '', '', '' ] end def self.key_id(length=21) #Probably close enough Fog::Mock.random_selection('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789',length) end def self.rds_address(db_name,region) "#{db_name}.#{Fog::Mock.random_letters(rand(12) + 4)}.#{region}" end end def self.parse_security_group_options(group_name, options) options ||= if group_name.is_a?(Hash) options = group_name elsif group_name if options.key?('GroupName') raise Fog::Compute::AWS::Error, 'Arguments specified both group_name and GroupName in options' end options = options.clone options['GroupName'] = group_name end name_specified = options.key?('GroupName') && !options['GroupName'].nil? group_id_specified = options.key?('GroupId') && !options['GroupId'].nil? unless name_specified || group_id_specified raise Fog::Compute::AWS::Error, 'Neither GroupName nor GroupId specified' end if name_specified && group_id_specified options.delete('GroupName') end options end module Errors def self.match_error(error) matcher = lambda {|s| s.match(/(?:.*(.*)<\/Code>)(?:.*(.*)<\/Message>)/m)} [error.message, error.response.body].each(& {|s| match = return {:code => match[1].split('.').last, :message => match[2]} if match }) {} # we did not match the message or response body end end end end