module TomosiaIcon8Crawl require 'open-uri' require "HTTParty" require 'pry' require 'WriteExcel' class CrawlIcon8 # get data from website def self.json(key, max) if key == nil p "No data!" else if max == nil url = "{key}" else url = "{key}&amount=#{max}" end end page_data = HTTParty.get(url) @responses = page_data.parsed_response end # save file to txt def self.save_file_txt(index, name, url, size, extension)"log_image.txt", "a+") do |f| f.write("#{index}. name: #{name} | url: #{url} | size: #{size}Kb | extension: #{extension} \n") end end # save file to excel def self.save_file_excel( path, data = {}) begin des = path + '/export.xls' workbook = format = workbook.add_format format.set_bold() format.set_align('center') data_col = workbook.add_format data_col.set_align('center') format_url = workbook.add_format format_url.set_color('blue') format_url.set_align('center') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet worksheet.write_string(0, 0, 'STT', format) worksheet.write_string(0, 1, 'NAME', format) worksheet.write_string(0, 2, 'URL', format) worksheet.write_string(0, 3, 'SIZE', format) worksheet.write_string(0, 4, 'EXTENSION', format) multi = [] data.each_with_index do |row, index| i = index + 1 # p i # p row multi << do row.each do |key, value| # p key worksheet.write_string(i, 0, row['index'], data_col) worksheet.write_string(i, 1, row['name'], data_col) worksheet.write_url(i, 2, row['url'], format_url) worksheet.write_string(i, 3, row['size'], data_col) worksheet.write_string(i, 4, row['extension'], data_col) end end end multi.each{ |m| m.join } workbook.close rescue Exception => e p "Can't saved file" p e # break end end # download image def self.download_image(path, img) timeout = 0 begin open(img) do |image|, 'wb') do |file| file.write( @size = image.size # p @size end end rescue if timeout < 5 timeout += 1 p "Retry download image" retry end end end # multi download image def self.multi_download_image(path, imgs) begin threads = [] @data = [] imgs.each_with_index do |img, index| # p index title = File.basename(img, '.png') des = path. + "/" + index.to_s + "-" + title + ".png" ext = File.extname(img).delete('.') threads << do download_image(des, img) @size = @size.to_s + "byte" row = {"index" => index, "name" => title, "url" => img, "size" => @size, "extension" => ext} @data.push(row) end end threads.each{ |t| t.join } rescue Exception => e p "no data" p e end end # main def self.crawl(keyword = nil, path = ".", max = nil) begin images = [] des = "" json(keyword, max) @responses['icons'].each_with_index do |item, index| src = "{item['platform']}/2x/#{item['commonName']}.png" # add image images.push(src) end multi_download_image(path, images) save_file_excel(path, @data) rescue Exception => e p "--Runtime error--" p e end end end end