MuckEngine.configure do |config| # Global application values. These are used to display the app name, send emails, and configure where system emails go. if Rails.env.production? config.application_url = 'www.#{domain_name}' # Url of the application in production elsif Rails.env.staging? config.application_url = 'www.#{domain_name}' # Url of the application on staging else config.application_url = 'localhost:3000' # Url of the application for test or development end config.application_name = 'Example App' # Common name for your application. i.e. My App, Billy Bob, etc config.from_email = '' # Emails will come from this address i.e.,,, etc config.from_email_name = 'Example App' # This will show up as the name on emails. i.e. config.support_email = '' # Support email for your application. This is used for contact us etc. config.admin_email = '' # Admin email for your application config.customer_service_number = '1-800-' # Phone number if you have one (optional) # Email charset. No need to change this unless you have a good reason to change the encoding. config.mail_charset = 'utf-8' # Email server configuration # Sendgrid is easy: config.email_server_address = "" # Email server address. '' works for sendgrid config.email_user_name = 'username' # Email server username config.email_password = 'password' # Email server password config.base_domain = '' # Basedomain that emails will come from # ssl config.enable_ssl = false # Enable ssl if you have an ssl certificate installed. This will provide security between the client and server. # Google Analtyics Configuration. This will enable Google Analytics on your site and will be used if your template includes: # <%= render :partial => 'layouts/global/google_analytics' %> config.google_tracking_code = "" # Get a tracking code here: The codes look like this: 'UA-9685000-0' config.google_tracking_set_domain = "" # Base domain provided to Google Analytics. Useful if you are using subdomains but want all traffic # recorded into one account. end MuckUsers.configure do |config| config.automatically_activate = true # Automatically active a users account during registration. If true the user won't get a # 'confirm account' email. If false then the user will need to confirm their account via an email. config.automatically_login_after_account_create = true # Automatically log the user in after they have setup their account. This should be false if you # require them to activate their account. config.send_welcome = true # Send out a welcome email after the user has signed up. # if you use recaptcha you will need to also provide a public and private key available from config.use_recaptcha = false # This will turn on recaptcha during registration. This is an alternative to sending the # user a confirm email and can help reduce spam registrations. config.require_access_code = false # Only let a user sign up if they have an access code config.validate_terms_of_service = true # Require that the accept terms of service before signing up. config.let_users_delete_their_account = false # Turn on/off ability for users to delete their own account. It is not recommended that you let # users delete their own accounts since the delete can cascade through the system with unknown results. end MuckProfiles.configure do |config| config.enable_solr = false # This enables or disables acts as solr for profiles. config.enable_geokit = false # Turn geokit functionality on/off. config.enable_guess_location = false # If true the profile system will attempt to determine the user's location via IP and populated with the location, lat and lon fields. config.policy = { :public => [:login, :first_name, :last_name, :about], :authenticated => [:location, :city, :state_id, :country_id, :language_id], :friends => [:email], :private => [] } end MuckActivities.configure do |config| config.enable_live_activity_updates = true # Turns on polling inside the user's activity feed so they constantly get updates from the site config.live_activity_update_interval = 60 # time between updates to live activity feed in seconds config.enable_activity_shares = true # Turn on shares in the activity feed end MuckFriends.configure do |config| # Friend Configuration # The friend system provides a hybrid friend/follow model. Either mode can be turned off or both can be enabled # If only following is enabled then users will be provided the ability to follow, unfollow, and block # If only friending is enabled then users will be provided a 'friend request' link and the ability to accept friend requests # If both modes are are enabled then users will be able to follow other users. A mutual follow results in 'friends'. An unfollow # leaves the other party as just a follower. # Note that at least one mode must be enabled. config.enable_following = true # Turn on 'following'. This is similar to the 'follow' functionality on Twitter in that it let's users watch one # another's activities without having explicit permission from the user. A mutual follow essentially becomes a # friendship. config.enable_following = true config.enable_friending = true # Turn on friend system. config.enable_friend_activity = true # If true then friend related activity will show up in the activity feed. Requires muck-activities gem end if defined?(ActiveRecord) # Don't Include Active Record class name as root for JSON serialized output. ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false end