module Ubiquitously module Postable module Post def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send :include, InstanceMethods end module ClassMethods def submit_to(url = nil) @submit_to = url if url @submit_to end def submit_url(post) post.tokenize.inject(submit_to) do |result, token| result.gsub(/:#{token.first}/, token.last) end end # with and without trailing slash, in case we saved it as one over the other def url_permutations(url) url, params = url.split("?") # without_trailing_slash, with www a = url.gsub(/\/$/, "").gsub(/http(s)?:\/\/([^\/]+)/) do |match| protocol = "http#{$1.to_s}" domain = $2 domain = "www.#{domain}" if domain.split(".").length < 3 # == 3, == 2 "#{protocol}://#{domain}" end # with_trailing_slash, with www b = "#{a}/" # without_trailing_slash, without www c = a.gsub(/http(s)?:\/\/www\./, "http#{$1.to_s}://") # with_trailing_slash, without www d = "#{c}/" [a, b, c, d].map { |url| "#{url}?#{params}".gsub(/\?$/, "") } end end module InstanceMethods def tokenize { :url => self.url, :title => self.title, :description => self.description, :tags => { |tag| tag.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\.]/, " ").squeeze(" ") }.join(", "), :categories => { |tag| tag.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\.]/, " ").squeeze(" ") } } end def private? privacy == 1 || privacy == "1" || privacy == "private" end def public? privacy == 0 || privacy == "0" || privacy == "public" end def url_permutations(url) self.class.url_permutations(url) end def submit_url self.class.submit_url(self) end end end end end