module TestaAppiumDriver module Helpers # supported selectors # id: "" # id: "myId" => will be converted to "" # id: /my/ will find all elements with ids that contain my # desc: "element description" # desc: /ription/ will find all elements that contains ription # class: "android.widget.Button" # class: /Button/ will find all elements with classes that contain Button # text: "Hello world" # text: /ello/ will find all elements with text that contain ello # package: "" # package: /my/ will find all elements with package that contains my # long_clickable: true or false # checkable: true or false # checked: true or false # clickable: true or false # enabled: true or false # focusable: true or false # focused: true or false # index: child index inside of a parent element, index starts from 0 # selected: true or false # scrollable: true or false # @param [Hash] hash selectors for finding elements # @param [Boolean] single should the command return first instance or all of matched elements # @return [String] hash selectors converted to uiautomator command def hash_to_uiautomator(hash, single = true) command = "new UiSelector()" id = resolve_id(hash[:id]) command = "#{ command }.resourceId(\"#{ %(#{ id }) }\")" if id && id.kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }.resourceIdMatches(\".*#{ %(#{ id.source }) }.*\")" if id && id.kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }.description(\"#{ %(#{ hash[:desc] }) }\")" if hash[:desc] && hash[:desc].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }.descriptionMatches(\".*#{ %(#{ hash[:desc].source }) }.*\")" if hash[:desc] && hash[:desc].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }.className(\"#{ %(#{ hash[:class] }) }\")" if hash[:class] && hash[:class].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }.classNameMatches(\".*#{ %(#{ hash[:class].source }) }.*\")" if hash[:class] && hash[:class].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }.text(\"#{ %(#{ hash[:text] }) }\")" if hash[:text] && hash[:text].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }.textMatches(\".*#{ %(#{ hash[:text].source }) }.*\")" if hash[:text] && hash[:text].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }.packageName(\"#{ %(#{ hash[:package] }) }\")" if hash[:package] && hash[:package].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }.packageNameMatches(\".*#{ %(#{ hash[:package].source }) }.*\")" if hash[:package] && hash[:package].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }.longClickable(#{ hash[:long_clickable] })" if hash[:long_clickable] command = "#{ command }.checkable(#{ hash[:checkable] })" unless hash[:checkable].nil? command = "#{ command }.checked(#{ hash[:checked] })" unless hash[:checked].nil? command = "#{ command }.clickable(#{ hash[:clickable] })" unless hash[:clickable].nil? command = "#{ command }.enabled(#{ hash[:enabled] })" unless hash[:enabled].nil? command = "#{ command }.focusable(#{ hash[:focusable] })" unless hash[:focusable].nil? command = "#{ command }.focused(#{ hash[:focused] })" unless hash[:focused].nil? command = "#{ command }.index(#{ hash[:index].to_s })" unless hash[:index].nil? command = "#{ command }.selected(#{ hash[:selected] })" unless hash[:selected].nil? command = "#{ command }.scrollable(#{ hash[:scrollable] })" unless hash[:scrollable].nil? command += ".instance(0)" if single command end # supported selectors # id: "" # id: "myId" => will be converted to "" # id: /my/ will find all elements with ids that contain my # desc: "element description" # desc: /ription/ will find all elements that contains ription # class: "android.widget.Button" # class: /Button/ will find all elements with classes that contain Button # text: "Hello world" # text: /ello/ will find all elements with text that contain ello # package: "" # package: /my/ will find all elements with package that contains my # long_clickable: true or false # checkable: true or false # checked: true or false # clickable: true or false # enabled: true or false # focusable: true or false # focused: true or false # index: child index inside of a parent element, index starts from 0 # selected: true or false # scrollable: true or false # @param [Hash] hash selectors for finding elements # @param [Boolean] single should the command return first instance or all of matched elements # @return [String] hash selectors converted to xpath command def hash_to_xpath(device, hash, single = true) for_android = device == :android command = "//" if for_android id = resolve_id(hash[:id]) if hash[:class] && hash[:class].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }#{hash[:class] }" elsif hash[:class] && hash[:class].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command}*[contains(@class, \"#{ %(#{hash[:class].source }) }\")]" else command = "#{command}*" end command = "#{ command }[@resource-id=\"#{ %(#{ id }) }\"]" if id && id.kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[contains(@resource-id, \"#{ %(#{ id.source }) }\")]" if id && id.kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[@content-desc=\"#{ %(#{hash[:desc] }) }\"]" if hash[:desc] && hash[:desc].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[contains(@content-desc, \"#{ %(#{hash[:desc].source }) }\")]" if hash[:desc] && hash[:desc].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[contains(@class, \"#{ %(#{hash[:class].source }) }\")]" if hash[:class] && hash[:class].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[@text=\"#{ %(#{hash[:text] }) }\"]" if hash[:text] && hash[:text].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[contains(@text, \"#{ %(#{hash[:text].source }) }\")]" if hash[:text] && hash[:text].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[@package=\"#{ %(#{hash[:package] }) }\"]" if hash[:package] && hash[:package].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[contains=(@package, \"#{ %(#{hash[:package].source }) }\")]" if hash[:package] && hash[:package].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[@long-clickable=\"#{ hash[:long_clickable] }\"]" if hash[:long_clickable] command = "#{ command }[@checkable=\"#{ hash[:checkable] }\"]" unless hash[:checkable].nil? command = "#{ command }[@checked=\"#{ hash[:checked] }\"]" unless hash[:checked].nil? command = "#{ command }[@clickable=\"#{ hash[:clickable] }\"]" unless hash[:clickable].nil? command = "#{ command }[@enabled=\"#{ hash[:enabled] }\"]" unless hash[:enabled].nil? command = "#{ command }[@focusable=\"#{ hash[:focusable] }\"]" unless hash[:focusable].nil? command = "#{ command }[@focused=\"#{ hash[:focused] }\"]" unless hash[:focused].nil? command = "#{ command }[@index=\"#{ hash[:index] }\"]" unless hash[:index].nil? command = "#{ command }[@selected=\"#{ hash[:selected] }\"]" unless hash[:selected].nil? # it seems like you cannot query by scrollable # command = "#{ command }[@scrollable=\"#{ hash[:scrollable] }\"]" unless hash[:scrollable].nil? else hash[:type] = hash[:class] unless hash[:class].nil? if hash[:type] && hash[:type].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }#{hash[:type] }" elsif hash[:type] && hash[:type].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command}*[contains(@type, \"#{ %(#{hash[:type].source }) }\")]" else command = "#{command}*" end # # ios specific hash[:label] = hash[:text] unless hash[:text].nil? hash[:name] = hash[:id] unless hash[:id].nil? command = "#{ command }[@enabled=\"#{ hash[:enabled] }\"]" unless hash[:enabled].nil? command = "#{ command }[@label=\"#{ %(#{hash[:label] }) }\"]" if hash[:label] && hash[:label].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[contains(@label, \"#{ %(#{hash[:label].source }) }\")]" if hash[:label] && hash[:label].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[@name=\"#{ %(#{hash[:name] }) }\"]" if hash[:name] && hash[:name].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[contains(@name, \"#{ %(#{hash[:name].source }) }\")]" if hash[:name] && hash[:name].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[@value=\"#{ %(#{hash[:value] }) }\"]" if hash[:value] && hash[:value].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[contains(@value, \"#{ %(#{hash[:value].source }) }\")]" if hash[:value] && hash[:value].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[@width=\"#{ hash[:width] }\"]" unless hash[:width].nil? command = "#{ command }[@height=\"#{ hash[:height] }\"]" unless hash[:height].nil? command = "#{ command }[@visible=\"#{ hash[:visible] }\"]" unless hash[:visible].nil? end command += "[1]" if single command end def hash_to_class_chain(hash, single = true) command = "**/" hash[:type] = hash[:class] unless hash[:class].nil? hash[:label] = hash[:text] unless hash[:text].nil? hash[:name] = hash[:id] unless hash[:id].nil? if hash[:type] && hash[:type].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }#{hash[:type] }" else command = "#{command}*" end command = "#{ command }[`enabled == #{ hash[:enabled] }`]" unless hash[:enabled].nil? command = "#{ command }[`label == \"#{ %(#{hash[:label] }) }\"`]" if hash[:label] && hash[:label].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[`label CONTAINS \"#{ %(#{hash[:label].source }) }\"`]" if hash[:label] && hash[:label].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[`name == \"#{ %(#{hash[:name] }) }\"`]" if hash[:name] && hash[:name].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[`name CONTAINS \"#{ %(#{hash[:name].source }) }\"`]" if hash[:name] && hash[:name].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[`value == \"#{ %(#{hash[:value] }) }\"`]" if hash[:value] && hash[:value].kind_of?(String) command = "#{ command }[`value CONTAINS \"#{ %(#{hash[:value].source }) }\"`]" if hash[:value] && hash[:value].kind_of?(Regexp) command = "#{ command }[`visible == #{ hash[:visible] }`]" unless hash[:visible].nil? command += "[1]" if single command end # check if selectors are for a scrollable element # @param [Boolean] single should the command return first instance or all of matched elements # @param [Hash] selectors for fetching elements # @return [Boolean] true if element has scrollable attribute true or is class one of (RecyclerView, HorizontalScrollView, ScrollView, ListView) def is_scrollable_selector?(selectors, single) return false unless single return true if selectors[:scrollable] if selectors[:class] == "androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView" || selectors[:class] == "android.widget.HorizontalScrollView" || selectors[:class] == "android.widget.ScrollView" || selectors[:class] == "android.widget.ListView" return true elsif selectors[:type] == "XCUIElementTypeScrollView" return true end false end #noinspection RubyUnnecessaryReturnStatement,RubyUnusedLocalVariable # separate selectors from given hash parameters # @param [Hash] params # @return [Array] first element is params, second are selectors def extract_selectors_from_params(params = {}) selectors = { |key, value| [ :id, :long_clickable, :desc, :class, :text, :package, :checkable, :checked, :clickable, :enabled, :focusable, :focused, :index, :selected, :scrollable, # ios specific :type, :label, :x, :y, :width, :height, :visible, :name, :value, :image ].include?(key) } params = Hash[params.to_a - selectors.to_a] # default params params[:single] = true if params[:single].nil? params[:scrollable_locator] = nil if params[:scrollable_locator].nil? if params[:default_find_strategy].nil? params[:default_find_strategy] = DEFAULT_ANDROID_FIND_STRATEGY if @driver.device == :android params[:default_find_strategy] = DEFAULT_IOS_FIND_STRATEGY if @driver.device == :ios || @driver.device == :tvos end if params[:default_scroll_strategy].nil? params[:default_scroll_strategy] = DEFAULT_ANDROID_SCROLL_STRATEGY if @driver.device == :android params[:default_scroll_strategy] = DEFAULT_IOS_SCROLL_STRATEGY if @driver.device == :ios || @driver.device == :tvos end return params, selectors end def resolve_id(id) if id && id.kind_of?(String) && !id.match?(/.*:id\//) # shorthand ids like myId make full ids => if id[0] == "=" return id[1..-1] else return "#{@driver.current_package}:id/#{id}" end else id end end end end