# Using Evals to metaprogram here... Probably bad practice and makes debugging difficult...that being said I'm stubbing # these for now to expediate testing. This only works now since we all use the same buildings.. as the buildings change in the future will require # separate files for each template in the templates folder. require 'json' def create_class_array prototype_buildings = [ 'FullServiceRestaurant', 'Hospital', 'HighriseApartment', 'LargeHotel', 'LargeOffice', 'MediumOffice', 'MidriseApartment', 'Outpatient', 'PrimarySchool', 'QuickServiceRestaurant', 'RetailStandalone', 'SecondarySchool', 'SmallHotel', 'SmallOffice', 'RetailStripmall', 'Warehouse', 'SuperMarket', 'SmallOfficeDetailed', 'MediumOfficeDetailed', 'LargeOfficeDetailed' ] templates = ['ASHRAE9012004', 'ASHRAE9012007', 'ASHRAE9012010', 'ASHRAE9012013', 'DOERef1980to2004', 'DOERefPre1980', 'NRELZNEReady2017'] class_array = [] templates.each do |template| # Create Prototype base class (May not be needed...) # Ex: class NECB2011_Prototype < NECB2011 class_array << " class #{template}_Prototype < #{template} attr_reader :instvarbuilding_type def initialize super() end end " # Create Building Specific classes for each building. # Example class NECB2011Hospital prototype_buildings.each do |name| class_array << " # This class represents a prototypical #{template} #{name}. class #{template}#{name} < #{template} @@building_type = \"#{name}\" register_standard (\"\#{@@template}_\#{@@building_type}\") attr_accessor :prototype_database attr_accessor :prototype_input attr_accessor :lookup_building_type attr_accessor :space_type_map attr_accessor :geometry_file attr_accessor :building_story_map attr_accessor :system_to_space_map def initialize super() @instvarbuilding_type = @@building_type @prototype_input = self.model_find_object(@standards_data['prototype_inputs'], {'template' => @template,'building_type' => @@building_type }, nil) if @prototype_input.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', \"Could not find prototype inputs for \#{{'template' => @template,'building_type' => @@building_type }}, cannot create model.\") raise(\"Could not find prototype inputs for #{template}#{name}, cannot create model.\") return false end @lookup_building_type = self.model_get_lookup_name(@@building_type) #ideally we should map the data required to a instance variable. @geometry_file = 'geometry/' + @prototype_input['geometry_osm'] hvac_map_file = 'geometry/' + @prototype_input['hvac_json'] @system_to_space_map = load_hvac_map(hvac_map_file) self.set_variables() end # This method is used to extend the class with building-type-specific # methods, as defined in Prototype.SomeBuildingType.rb. Each building type # has its own set of methods that change things which are not # common across all prototype buildings, even within a given Standard. def set_variables() # Will be overwritten in class reopen file. # add all building methods for now. self.extend(#{name}) unless @template == 'NECB 2011' end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the space types # available for this particular Standard. def define_space_type_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @space_type_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the HVAC system that will # be applied to those spaces. def define_hvac_system_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @system_to_space_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the building story # that they are located on. def define_building_story_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @building_story_map end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_modify_oa_controller(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_reset_or_room_vav_minimum_damper(prototype_input, model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_fan_efficiency(model) end # Get the name of the building type used in lookups # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @return [String] returns the lookup name as a string # @todo Unify the lookup names and eliminate this method def model_get_lookup_name(building_type) lookup_name = building_type case building_type when 'SmallOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'MediumOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'SmallOfficeDetailed' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'MediumOfficeDetailed' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOfficeDetailed' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'RetailStandalone' lookup_name = 'Retail' when 'RetailStripmall' lookup_name = 'StripMall' when 'Office' lookup_name = 'Office' end return lookup_name end # Makes changes to the daylighting sensors that are too # specific to be coded generically. # # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_custom_daylighting_tweaks(building_type, climate_zone, prototype_input, model) return true end end " end end ['NECB2011', 'NECB2015'].each do |template| # Create Prototype base class (May not be needed...) # Ex: class NECB2011_Prototype < NECB2011 class_array << " class #{template}_Prototype < #{template} attr_reader :instvarbuilding_type def initialize super() end end " # Create Building Specific classes for each building. # Example class NECB2011Hospital prototype_buildings.each do |name| class_array << " # This class represents a prototypical #{template} #{name}. class #{template}#{name} < #{template} BUILDING_TYPE = \"#{name}\" TEMPLATE = \"#{template}\" register_standard (\"\#{TEMPLATE}_\#{BUILDING_TYPE}\") attr_accessor :prototype_database attr_accessor :prototype_input attr_accessor :lookup_building_type attr_accessor :space_type_map attr_accessor :geometry_file attr_accessor :building_story_map attr_accessor :system_to_space_map def initialize super() @building_type = BUILDING_TYPE @template = TEMPLATE @instvarbuilding_type = @building_type @prototype_input = self.model_find_object(@standards_data['prototype_inputs'], {'template' => \"#{template}\",'building_type' => \"#{name}\" }, nil) if @prototype_input.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', \"Could not find prototype inputs for \#{{'template' => \"#{template}\",'building_type' => \"#{name}\" }}, cannot create model.\") #puts JSON.pretty_generate(standards_data['prototype_inputs']) raise(\"Could not find prototype inputs for #{template} #{name}, cannot create model.\") return false end @lookup_building_type = self.model_get_lookup_name(@building_type) #ideally we should map the data required to a instance variable. @geometry_file = 'geometry/' + self.class.name + '.osm' hvac_map_file = 'geometry/' + self.class.name + '.hvac_map.json' # @system_to_space_map = load_hvac_map(hvac_map_file) # No HVAC map json files for NECB self.set_variables() end # This method is used to extend the class with building-type-specific # methods, as defined in Prototype.SomeBuildingType.rb. Each building type # has its own set of methods that change things which are not # common across all prototype buildings, even within a given Standard. def set_variables() end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the space types # available for this particular Standard. def define_space_type_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @space_type_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the HVAC system that will # be applied to those spaces. def define_hvac_system_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @system_to_space_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the building story # that they are located on. def define_building_story_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @building_story_map end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_modify_oa_controller(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_reset_or_room_vav_minimum_damper(prototype_input, model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_fan_efficiency(model) end end " end end return class_array end def create_deer_class_array prototype_buildings = [ 'Asm', 'ECC', 'EPr', 'ERC', 'ESe', 'EUn', 'Gro', 'Hsp', 'Nrs', 'Htl', 'Mtl', 'MBT', 'MLI', 'OfL', 'OfS', 'RFF', 'RSD', 'Rt3', 'RtL', 'RtS', 'SCn', 'SUn', 'WRf', 'GHs', 'DMo', 'MFm', 'SFm' ] # Only a subset of building type and HVAC type combinations are valid building_to_hvac_systems = { 'Asm' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'ECC' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP'], 'EPr' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'WLHP'], 'ERC' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'ESe' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP'], 'EUn' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG'], 'Gro' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'Hsp' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG'], 'Nrs' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'FPFC', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG'], 'Htl' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP'], 'Mtl' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'MBT' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP'], 'MFm' => [ 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'MLI' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'OfL' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP'], 'OfS' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP'], 'RFF' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'RSD' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'Rt3' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP'], 'RtL' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'RtS' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'SCn' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF'], 'SUn' => ['Unc'], 'WRf' => ['DXGF'] } templates = ['DEERPRE1975', 'DEER1985', 'DEER1996', 'DEER2003', 'DEER2007', 'DEER2011', 'DEER2014', 'DEER2015', 'DEER2017'] class_array = [] templates.each do |template| # Create Prototype base class (May not be needed...) # Ex: class DEER_Prototype < DEER1985 class_array << " class #{template}_Prototype < #{template} attr_reader :instvarbuilding_type def initialize super() end end " # Create Building Specific classes for each building. # Example class DEER1985AsmDXGF prototype_buildings.each do |building_type| next if building_to_hvac_systems[building_type].nil? building_to_hvac_systems[building_type].each do |hvac_system| class_array << " # This class represents a prototypical #{template} #{building_type} #{hvac_system}. class #{template}#{building_type}#{hvac_system} < #{template} @@building_type = \"#{building_type}\" @@hvac_system = \"#{hvac_system}\" register_standard (\"\#{@@template}_\#{@@building_type}_\#{@@hvac_system}\") attr_accessor :prototype_database attr_accessor :prototype_input attr_accessor :lookup_building_type attr_accessor :space_type_map attr_accessor :geometry_file attr_accessor :building_story_map attr_accessor :system_to_space_map def initialize super() @instvarbuilding_type = @@building_type @prototype_input = self.model_find_object(standards_data['prototype_inputs'], {'template' => @template,'building_type' => @@building_type, 'hvac_system' => @@hvac_system}, nil) if @prototype_input.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', \"Could not find prototype inputs for \#{{'template' => @template,'building_type' => @@building_type, 'hvac' => @@hvac_system}}, cannot create model.\") raise(\"Could not find prototype inputs for #{template}#{building_type}#{hvac_system}, cannot create model.\") return false end @lookup_building_type = @@building_type #ideally we should map the data required to a instance variable. @geometry_file = 'geometry/' + @prototype_input['geometry_osm'] hvac_map_file = 'geometry/' + @prototype_input['hvac_json'] @system_to_space_map = load_hvac_map(hvac_map_file) self.set_variables() end # This method is used to extend the class with building-type-specific # methods, as defined in Prototype.SomeBuildingType.rb. Each building type # has its own set of methods that change things which are not # common across all prototype buildings, even within a given Standard. def set_variables() # Will be overwritten in class reopen file. # add all building methods for now. end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the space types # available for this particular Standard. def define_space_type_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @space_type_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the HVAC system that will # be applied to those spaces. def define_hvac_system_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @system_to_space_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the building story # that they are located on. def define_building_story_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @building_story_map end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_modify_oa_controller(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_reset_or_room_vav_minimum_damper(prototype_input, model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_fan_efficiency(model) end # Get the name of the building type used in lookups. # For DEER, this is the building type. # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @return [String] returns the lookup name as a string def model_get_lookup_name(building_type) return building_type end # Makes changes to the HVAC systems that are too # specific to be coded generically. # # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_custom_hvac_tweaks(building_type, climate_zone, prototype_input, model) return true end # Makes changes to the SWH systems that are too # specific to be coded generically. # # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_custom_swh_tweaks(building_type, climate_zone, prototype_input, model) return true end # Makes changes to the daylighting sensors that are too # specific to be coded generically. # # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_custom_daylighting_tweaks(building_type, climate_zone, prototype_input, model) return true end end " end end end return class_array end def create_cbes_class_array prototype_buildings = [ 'MediumOffice', 'RetailStandalone', 'SmallOffice' ] templates = [ 'CBESPre1978', 'CBEST241978', 'CBEST241992', 'CBEST242001', 'CBEST242005', 'CBEST242008' ] class_array = [] templates.each do |template| # Create Prototype base class (May not be needed...) # Ex: class CBESPre1978_Prototype < CBESPre1978 class_array << " class #{template}_Prototype < #{template} attr_reader :instvarbuilding_type def initialize super() end end " # Create Building Specific classes for each building. # Example class CBESPre1978_MediumOffice prototype_buildings.each do |building_type| class_array << " # This class represents a prototypical #{template} #{building_type}. class #{template}#{building_type} < #{template} @@building_type = \"#{building_type}\" register_standard (\"\#{@@template}_\#{@@building_type}\") attr_accessor :prototype_database attr_accessor :prototype_input attr_accessor :lookup_building_type attr_accessor :space_type_map attr_accessor :geometry_file attr_accessor :building_story_map attr_accessor :system_to_space_map def initialize super() @instvarbuilding_type = @@building_type @prototype_input = self.model_find_object(standards_data['prototype_inputs'], {'template' => @template,'building_type' => @@building_type}, nil) if @prototype_input.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', \"Could not find prototype inputs for \#{{'template' => @template,'building_type' => @@building_type}}, cannot create model.\") raise(\"Could not find prototype inputs for #{template}#{building_type}, cannot create model.\") return false end @lookup_building_type = self.model_get_lookup_name(@building_type) #ideally we should map the data required to a instance variable. @geometry_file = 'geometry/' + @prototype_input['geometry_osm'] hvac_map_file = 'geometry/' + @prototype_input['hvac_json'] @system_to_space_map = load_hvac_map(hvac_map_file) self.set_variables() end # This method is used to extend the class with building-type-specific # methods, as defined in Prototype.SomeBuildingType.rb. Each building type # has its own set of methods that change things which are not # common across all prototype buildings, even within a given Standard. def set_variables() # Will be overwritten in class reopen file. # add all building methods for now. end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the space types # available for this particular Standard. def define_space_type_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @space_type_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the HVAC system that will # be applied to those spaces. def define_hvac_system_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @system_to_space_map end # Returns the mapping between the names of the spaces # in the geometry .osm file and the building story # that they are located on. def define_building_story_map(building_type, climate_zone) return @building_story_map end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_modify_oa_controller(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_reset_or_room_vav_minimum_damper(prototype_input, model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(model) end # Does nothing unless implmented by the specific standard def model_update_fan_efficiency(model) end # Get the name of the building type used in lookups. # For CBES, this lookup matches the DOE prototype building types. # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @return [String] returns the lookup name as a string def model_get_lookup_name(building_type) lookup_name = building_type case building_type when 'SmallOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'MediumOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOfficeDetailed' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'RetailStandalone' lookup_name = 'Retail' when 'RetailStripmall' lookup_name = 'StripMall' when 'Office' lookup_name = 'Office' end return lookup_name end # Makes changes to the HVAC systems that are too # specific to be coded generically. # # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_custom_hvac_tweaks(building_type, climate_zone, prototype_input, model) return true end # Makes changes to the SWH systems that are too # specific to be coded generically. # # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_custom_swh_tweaks(building_type, climate_zone, prototype_input, model) return true end # Makes changes to the daylighting sensors that are too # specific to be coded generically. # # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_custom_daylighting_tweaks(building_type, climate_zone, prototype_input, model) return true end end " end end return class_array end def create_meta_classes create_class_array.each { |item| eval(item) } # rubocop:disable Security/Eval create_deer_class_array.each { |item| eval(item) } # rubocop:disable Security/Eval create_cbes_class_array.each { |item| eval(item) } # rubocop:disable Security/Eval end def save_meta_classes_to_file filepath = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/do_not_edit_metaclasses.rb" File.open(filepath, 'w') {|f| create_class_array.each {|item| f << item}} end def remove_meta_class_file filepath = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/do_not_edit_metaclasses.rb" FileUtils.rm(filepath) end