# frozen_string_literal: true require 'puppet-strings/yard/handlers/helpers' require 'puppet-strings/yard/handlers/ruby/base' require 'puppet-strings/yard/code_objects' require 'puppet-strings/yard/util' # Implements the handler for Puppet functions written in Ruby. class PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Ruby::FunctionHandler < PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Ruby::Base # Represents the list of Puppet 4.x function API methods to support. DISPATCH_METHOD_NAMES = %w( param required_param optional_param repeated_param optional_repeated_param required_repeated_param block_param required_block_param optional_block_param return_type ).freeze namespace_only handles method_call(:create_function) handles method_call(:newfunction) process do # Only accept calls to Puppet::Functions (4.x) or Puppet::Parser::Functions (3.x) # When `newfunction` is separated from the Puppet::Parser::Functions module name by a # newline, YARD ignores the namespace and uses `newfunction` as the source of the # first statement. return unless statement.count > 1 module_name = statement[0].source return unless module_name == 'Puppet::Functions' || module_name == 'Puppet::Parser::Functions' || module_name == 'newfunction' # Create and register the function object is_3x = module_name == 'Puppet::Parser::Functions' || module_name == 'newfunction' object = PuppetStrings::Yard::CodeObjects::Function.new( get_name(statement, 'Puppet::Functions.create_function'), is_3x ? PuppetStrings::Yard::CodeObjects::Function::RUBY_3X : PuppetStrings::Yard::CodeObjects::Function::RUBY_4X ) object.source = statement register object # For 3x, parse the doc parameter for the docstring # This must be done after the `register` call above because `register` always uses the statement's docstring if is_3x docstring = get_3x_docstring(object.name) register_docstring(object, docstring, nil) if docstring # Default any typeless param tag to 'Any' object.tags(:param).each do |tag| tag.types = ['Any'] unless tag.types && !tag.types.empty? end # Populate the parameters and the return tag object.parameters = object.tags(:param).map{ |p| [p.name, nil] } add_return_tag(object, statement.file, statement.line) else # For 4x, auto generate tags based on dispatch docstrings add_tags(object) end # Mark the function as public if it doesn't already have an api tag object.add_tag YARD::Tags::Tag.new(:api, 'public') unless object.has_tag? :api # Warn if a summary longer than 140 characters was provided PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Helpers.validate_summary_tag(object) if object.has_tag? :summary end private def add_tags(object) log.warn "Missing documentation for Puppet function '#{object.name}' at #{statement.file}:#{statement.line}." if object.docstring.empty? && object.tags.empty? log.warn "The docstring for Puppet 4.x function '#{object.name}' contains @param tags near #{object.file}:#{object.line}: parameter documentation should be made on the dispatch call." unless object.tags(:param).empty? log.warn "The docstring for Puppet 4.x function '#{object.name}' contains @return tags near #{object.file}:#{object.line}: return value documentation should be made on the dispatch call." unless object.tags(:return).empty? log.warn "The docstring for Puppet 4.x function '#{object.name}' contains @overload tags near #{object.file}:#{object.line}: overload tags are automatically generated from the dispatch calls." unless object.tags(:overload).empty? # Delete any existing param/return/overload tags object.docstring.delete_tags(:param) object.docstring.delete_tags(:return) object.docstring.delete_tags(:overload) block = statement.block return unless block && block.count >= 2 # Get the unqualified name of the Puppet function unqualified_name = object.name.to_s.split('::').last # Walk the block statements looking for dispatch calls and methods with the same name as the Puppet function default = nil block[1].children.each do |node| if node.is_a?(YARD::Parser::Ruby::MethodCallNode) add_overload_tag(object, node) elsif node.is_a?(YARD::Parser::Ruby::MethodDefinitionNode) default = node if node.method_name && node.method_name.source == unqualified_name end end # Create an overload for the default method if there is one overloads = object.tags(:overload) if overloads.empty? && default add_method_overload(object, default) overloads = object.tags(:overload) end # If there's only one overload, move the tags to the object itself if overloads.count == 1 overload = overloads.first object.parameters = overload.parameters object.add_tag(*overload.tags) object.docstring.delete_tags(:overload) end end def add_overload_tag(object, node) # Look for a call to a dispatch method with a block return unless node.is_a?(YARD::Parser::Ruby::MethodCallNode) && node.method_name && node.method_name.source == 'dispatch' && node.parameters(false).count == 1 && node.block && node.block.count >= 2 overload_tag = PuppetStrings::Yard::Tags::OverloadTag.new(object.name, node.docstring || '') param_tags = overload_tag.tags(:param) block = nil node.block[1].children.each do |child| next unless child.is_a?(YARD::Parser::Ruby::MethodCallNode) && child.method_name method_name = child.method_name.source next unless DISPATCH_METHOD_NAMES.include?(method_name) if method_name == 'return_type' # Add a return tag if missing overload_tag.add_tag YARD::Tags::Tag.new(:return, '', 'Any') if overload_tag.tag(:return).nil? overload_tag.tag(:return).types = [node_as_string(child.parameters[0])] next end # Check for block if method_name.include?('block') if block log.warn "A duplicate block parameter was found for Puppet function '#{object.name}' at #{child.file}:#{child.line}." next end # Store the block; needs to be appended last block = child next end # Ensure two parameters to parameter definition parameters = child.parameters(false) unless parameters.count == 2 log.warn "Expected 2 arguments to '#{method_name}' call at #{child.file}:#{child.line}: parameter information may not be correct." next end add_param_tag( overload_tag, param_tags, node_as_string(parameters[1]), child.file, child.line, node_as_string(parameters[0]), nil, # TODO: determine default from corresponding Ruby method signature? method_name.include?('optional'), method_name.include?('repeated') ) end # Handle the block parameter after others so it appears last in the list if block parameters = block.parameters(false) if parameters.empty? name = 'block' type = 'Callable' elsif parameters.count == 1 name = node_as_string(parameters[0]) type = 'Callable' elsif parameters.count == 2 type = node_as_string(parameters[0]) name = node_as_string(parameters[1]) else log.warn "Unexpected number of arguments to block definition at #{block.file}:#{block.line}." end if name && type add_param_tag( overload_tag, param_tags, name, block.file, block.line, type, nil, # TODO: determine default from corresponding Ruby method signature? block.method_name.source.include?('optional'), false, # Not repeated true # Is block ) end end # Add a return tag if missing add_return_tag(overload_tag, node.file, node.line) # Validate that tags have parameters validate_overload(overload_tag, node.file, node.line) object.add_tag overload_tag end def add_method_overload(object, node) overload_tag = PuppetStrings::Yard::Tags::OverloadTag.new(object.name, node.docstring || '') param_tags = overload_tag.tags(:param) parameters = node.parameters # Populate the required parameters params = parameters.unnamed_required_params params&.each do |parameter| add_param_tag( overload_tag, param_tags, parameter.source, parameter.file, parameter.line ) end # Populate the optional parameters params = parameters.unnamed_optional_params params&.each do |parameter| add_param_tag( overload_tag, param_tags, parameter[0].source, parameter.file, parameter.line, nil, parameter[1].source, true ) end # Populate the splat parameter param = parameters.splat_param if param add_param_tag( overload_tag, param_tags, param.source, param.file, param.line, nil, nil, false, true ) end # Populate the block parameter param = parameters.block_param if param add_param_tag( overload_tag, param_tags, param.source, param.file, param.line, nil, nil, false, false, true ) end # Add a return tag if missing add_return_tag(overload_tag, node.file, node.line) # Validate that tags have parameters validate_overload(overload_tag, node.file, node.line) object.add_tag overload_tag end def add_param_tag(object, tags, name, file, line, type = nil, default = nil, optional = false, repeated = false, block = false) tag = tags.find { |tag| tag.name == name } if tags log.warn "Missing @param tag for parameter '#{name}' near #{file}:#{line}." unless tag || object.docstring.all.empty? log.warn "The @param tag for parameter '#{name}' should not contain a type specification near #{file}:#{line}: ignoring in favor of dispatch type information." if type && tag && tag.types && !tag.types.empty? if repeated name = '*' + name elsif block name = '&' + name end type ||= tag&.types ? tag.type : 'Any' type = optional ? "Optional[#{type}]" : type object.parameters << [name, to_puppet_literal(default)] if tag tag.name = name tag.types = [type] else object.add_tag YARD::Tags::Tag.new(:param, '', type, name) end end def add_return_tag(object, file, line) tag = object.tag(:return) if tag tag.types = ['Any'] unless tag.types return end log.warn "Missing @return tag near #{file}:#{line}." object.add_tag YARD::Tags::Tag.new(:return, '', 'Any') end def validate_overload(overload, file, line) # Validate that tags have matching parameters overload.tags(:param).each do |tag| next if overload.parameters.find { |p| tag.name == p[0] } log.warn "The @param tag for parameter '#{tag.name}' has no matching parameter at #{file}:#{line}." end end def get_3x_docstring(name) parameters = statement.parameters(false) if parameters.count >= 2 parameters[1].each do |kvp| next unless kvp.count == 2 next unless node_as_string(kvp[0]) == 'doc' docstring = node_as_string(kvp[1]) log.error "Failed to parse docstring for 3.x Puppet function '#{name}' near #{statement.file}:#{statement.line}." and return nil unless docstring return PuppetStrings::Yard::Util.scrub_string(docstring) end end # Log a warning for missing docstring log.warn "Missing documentation for Puppet function '#{name}' at #{statement.file}:#{statement.line}." nil end def to_puppet_literal(literal) case literal when 'nil' 'undef' when ':default' 'default' else literal end end end