module Mondrian::REST class PropertyError < StandardError end module APIHelpers @@olap = nil @@mdx_parser = nil def olap if @@olap.nil? @@olap =['mondrian-olap.params']) @@olap.connect end @@olap end ## # Returns an instance of org.olap4j.mdx.parser.MdxParser def mdx_parser if @@mdx_parser.nil? @@mdx_parser = olap.raw_connection.getParserFactory .createMdxParser(olap.raw_connection) end @@mdx_parser end def olap_flush if olap.connected? olap.flush_schema_cache olap.close end olap.connect end def get_cube_or_404(name) cube = olap.cube(name) error!('Not found', 404) if cube.nil? cube end def mdx(query)"Executing MDX query #{query}") begin result = olap.execute query result.mdx = query if params[:debug] = params[:properties] result.caption_properties = params[:caption] result.cube =, olap.raw_connection.prepareOlapStatement(query).getCube) return result rescue Mondrian::OLAP::Error => st error!({error: st.backtrace}, 400) end end def run_from_params(params) cube = get_cube_or_404(params[:cube_name]) query = build_query(cube, params) mdx_query = query.to_mdx result = mdx(query.to_mdx) result.cube = cube result end NEST = .key { |d| d[0] } .key { |d| d[1] } def self.parse_caption_properties(cprops) if cprops.nil? or cprops.size < 1 return {} end { |cp| names = org.olap4j.mdx.IdentifierNode.parseIdentifier(cp) # IF prop in Dim.Hier.Lvl.Prop format, skip names[1] names.size == 4 ? [names[0], names[2], names[3]] : names }) end ## # parse an array of property specifications like so: # input: ['ISICrev4.Level 2.Level 2 ES', 'ISICrev4.Level 1.Level 1 ES'] # output: {"ISICrev4"=>{"Level 2"=>["Level 2 ES"], "Level 1"=>["Level 1 ES"]}} def self.parse_properties(properties, dimensions) { |p| sl = org.olap4j.mdx.IdentifierNode.parseIdentifier(p).getSegmentList.to_a slsize = sl.size if slsize != 3 and slsize != 4 raise PropertyError, "Properties must be in the form `Dimension.Level.Property Name`" end # check that the dimension is in the drilldown list if dimensions.find { |ad| sl[0].name == ad[:name] }.nil? raise PropertyError, "Dimension `#{sl[0].name}` not in drilldown list" end } .group_by(&:first) .reduce({}) { |h, (k,v)| h[k] = Hash[v.group_by { |x| x.size == 4 ? x[2] : x[1] } .map { |k1, v1| [k1,] }] h } end end end