# Copyright 2009-present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """BSON (Binary JSON) encoding and decoding. The mapping from Python types to BSON types is as follows: ======================================= ============= =================== Python Type BSON Type Supported Direction ======================================= ============= =================== None null both bool boolean both int [#int]_ int32 / int64 py -> bson `bson.int64.Int64` int64 both float number (real) both str string both list array both dict / `SON` object both datetime.datetime [#dt]_ [#dt2]_ date both `bson.regex.Regex` regex both compiled re [#re]_ regex py -> bson `bson.binary.Binary` binary both `bson.objectid.ObjectId` oid both `bson.dbref.DBRef` dbref both None undefined bson -> py `bson.code.Code` code both str symbol bson -> py bytes [#bytes]_ binary both ======================================= ============= =================== .. [#int] A Python int will be saved as a BSON int32 or BSON int64 depending on its size. A BSON int32 will always decode to a Python int. A BSON int64 will always decode to a :class:`~bson.int64.Int64`. .. [#dt] datetime.datetime instances will be rounded to the nearest millisecond when saved .. [#dt2] all datetime.datetime instances are treated as *naive*. clients should always use UTC. .. [#re] :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` instances and regular expression objects from ``re.compile()`` are both saved as BSON regular expressions. BSON regular expressions are decoded as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` instances. .. [#bytes] The bytes type is encoded as BSON binary with subtype 0. It will be decoded back to bytes. """ import calendar import datetime import itertools import re import struct import sys import uuid from codecs import utf_8_decode as _utf_8_decode # type: ignore[attr-defined] from codecs import utf_8_encode as _utf_8_encode # type: ignore[attr-defined] from collections import abc as _abc from typing import ( IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterator, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, NoReturn, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, ) from bson.binary import ( ALL_UUID_SUBTYPES, CSHARP_LEGACY, JAVA_LEGACY, OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, STANDARD, UUID_SUBTYPE, Binary, UuidRepresentation, ) from bson.code import Code from bson.codec_options import ( DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS, CodecOptions, _DocumentType, _raw_document_class, ) from bson.dbref import DBRef from bson.decimal128 import Decimal128 from bson.errors import InvalidBSON, InvalidDocument, InvalidStringData from bson.int64 import Int64 from bson.max_key import MaxKey from bson.min_key import MinKey from bson.objectid import ObjectId from bson.regex import Regex from bson.son import RE_TYPE, SON from bson.timestamp import Timestamp from bson.tz_util import utc # Import some modules for type-checking only. if TYPE_CHECKING: from array import array from mmap import mmap try: from bson import _cbson # type: ignore[attr-defined] _USE_C = True except ImportError: _USE_C = False __all__ = [ "ALL_UUID_SUBTYPES", "CSHARP_LEGACY", "JAVA_LEGACY", "OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE", "STANDARD", "UUID_SUBTYPE", "Binary", "UuidRepresentation", "Code", "DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS", "CodecOptions", "DBRef", "Decimal128", "InvalidBSON", "InvalidDocument", "InvalidStringData", "Int64", "MaxKey", "MinKey", "ObjectId", "Regex", "RE_TYPE", "SON", "Timestamp", "utc", "EPOCH_AWARE", "EPOCH_NAIVE", "BSONNUM", "BSONSTR", "BSONOBJ", "BSONARR", "BSONBIN", "BSONUND", "BSONOID", "BSONBOO", "BSONDAT", "BSONNUL", "BSONRGX", "BSONREF", "BSONCOD", "BSONSYM", "BSONCWS", "BSONINT", "BSONTIM", "BSONLON", "BSONDEC", "BSONMIN", "BSONMAX", "get_data_and_view", "gen_list_name", "encode", "decode", "decode_all", "decode_iter", "decode_file_iter", "is_valid", "BSON", "has_c", ] EPOCH_AWARE = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, utc) EPOCH_NAIVE = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) BSONNUM = b"\x01" # Floating point BSONSTR = b"\x02" # UTF-8 string BSONOBJ = b"\x03" # Embedded document BSONARR = b"\x04" # Array BSONBIN = b"\x05" # Binary BSONUND = b"\x06" # Undefined BSONOID = b"\x07" # ObjectId BSONBOO = b"\x08" # Boolean BSONDAT = b"\x09" # UTC Datetime BSONNUL = b"\x0A" # Null BSONRGX = b"\x0B" # Regex BSONREF = b"\x0C" # DBRef BSONCOD = b"\x0D" # Javascript code BSONSYM = b"\x0E" # Symbol BSONCWS = b"\x0F" # Javascript code with scope BSONINT = b"\x10" # 32bit int BSONTIM = b"\x11" # Timestamp BSONLON = b"\x12" # 64bit int BSONDEC = b"\x13" # Decimal128 BSONMIN = b"\xFF" # Min key BSONMAX = b"\x7F" # Max key _UNPACK_FLOAT_FROM = struct.Struct(" Tuple[Any, memoryview]: if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)): return data, memoryview(data) view = memoryview(data) return view.tobytes(), view def _raise_unknown_type(element_type: int, element_name: str) -> NoReturn: """Unknown type helper.""" raise InvalidBSON( "Detected unknown BSON type %r for fieldname '%s'. Are " "you using the latest driver version?" % (chr(element_type).encode(), element_name) ) def _get_int( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Decode a BSON int32 to python int.""" return _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0], position + 4 def _get_c_string(data: Any, view: Any, position: int, opts: CodecOptions) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Decode a BSON 'C' string to python str.""" end = data.index(b"\x00", position) return _utf_8_decode(view[position:end], opts.unicode_decode_error_handler, True)[0], end + 1 def _get_float( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any ) -> Tuple[float, int]: """Decode a BSON double to python float.""" return _UNPACK_FLOAT_FROM(data, position)[0], position + 8 def _get_string( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, dummy: Any ) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Decode a BSON string to python str.""" length = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0] position += 4 if length < 1 or obj_end - position < length: raise InvalidBSON("invalid string length") end = position + length - 1 if data[end] != 0: raise InvalidBSON("invalid end of string") return _utf_8_decode(view[position:end], opts.unicode_decode_error_handler, True)[0], end + 1 def _get_object_size(data: Any, position: int, obj_end: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Validate and return a BSON document's size.""" try: obj_size = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0] except struct.error as exc: raise InvalidBSON(str(exc)) end = position + obj_size - 1 if data[end] != 0: raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo") if end >= obj_end: raise InvalidBSON("invalid object length") # If this is the top-level document, validate the total size too. if position == 0 and obj_size != obj_end: raise InvalidBSON("invalid object length") return obj_size, end def _get_object( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, dummy: Any ) -> Tuple[Any, int]: """Decode a BSON subdocument to opts.document_class or bson.dbref.DBRef.""" obj_size, end = _get_object_size(data, position, obj_end) if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class): return (opts.document_class(data[position : end + 1], opts), position + obj_size) obj = _elements_to_dict(data, view, position + 4, end, opts) position += obj_size # If DBRef validation fails, return a normal doc. if ( isinstance(obj.get("$ref"), str) and "$id" in obj and isinstance(obj.get("$db"), (str, type(None))) ): return (DBRef(obj.pop("$ref"), obj.pop("$id", None), obj.pop("$db", None), obj), position) return obj, position def _get_array( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, element_name: str ) -> Tuple[Any, int]: """Decode a BSON array to python list.""" size = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0] end = position + size - 1 if data[end] != 0: raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo") position += 4 end -= 1 result: List[Any] = [] # Avoid doing global and attribute lookups in the loop. append = result.append index = data.index getter = _ELEMENT_GETTER decoder_map = opts.type_registry._decoder_map while position < end: element_type = data[position] # Just skip the keys. position = index(b"\x00", position) + 1 try: value, position = getter[element_type]( data, view, position, obj_end, opts, element_name ) except KeyError: _raise_unknown_type(element_type, element_name) if decoder_map: custom_decoder = decoder_map.get(type(value)) if custom_decoder is not None: value = custom_decoder(value) append(value) if position != end + 1: raise InvalidBSON("bad array length") return result, position + 1 def _get_binary( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, dummy1: Any ) -> Tuple[Union[Binary, uuid.UUID], int]: """Decode a BSON binary to bson.binary.Binary or python UUID.""" length, subtype = _UNPACK_LENGTH_SUBTYPE_FROM(data, position) position += 5 if subtype == 2: length2 = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0] position += 4 if length2 != length - 4: raise InvalidBSON("invalid binary (st 2) - lengths don't match!") length = length2 end = position + length if length < 0 or end > obj_end: raise InvalidBSON("bad binary object length") # Convert UUID subtypes to native UUIDs. if subtype in ALL_UUID_SUBTYPES: uuid_rep = opts.uuid_representation binary_value = Binary(data[position:end], subtype) if ( (uuid_rep == UuidRepresentation.UNSPECIFIED) or (subtype == UUID_SUBTYPE and uuid_rep != STANDARD) or (subtype == OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE and uuid_rep == STANDARD) ): return binary_value, end return binary_value.as_uuid(uuid_rep), end # Decode subtype 0 to 'bytes'. if subtype == 0: value = data[position:end] else: value = Binary(data[position:end], subtype) return value, end def _get_oid( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any ) -> Tuple[ObjectId, int]: """Decode a BSON ObjectId to bson.objectid.ObjectId.""" end = position + 12 return ObjectId(data[position:end]), end def _get_boolean( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any ) -> Tuple[bool, int]: """Decode a BSON true/false to python True/False.""" end = position + 1 boolean_byte = data[position:end] if boolean_byte == b"\x00": return False, end elif boolean_byte == b"\x01": return True, end raise InvalidBSON("invalid boolean value: %r" % boolean_byte) def _get_date( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: int, opts: CodecOptions, dummy1: Any ) -> Tuple[datetime.datetime, int]: """Decode a BSON datetime to python datetime.datetime.""" return _millis_to_datetime(_UNPACK_LONG_FROM(data, position)[0], opts), position + 8 def _get_code( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, element_name: str ) -> Tuple[Code, int]: """Decode a BSON code to bson.code.Code.""" code, position = _get_string(data, view, position, obj_end, opts, element_name) return Code(code), position def _get_code_w_scope( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, element_name: str ) -> Tuple[Code, int]: """Decode a BSON code_w_scope to bson.code.Code.""" code_end = position + _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0] code, position = _get_string(data, view, position + 4, code_end, opts, element_name) scope, position = _get_object(data, view, position, code_end, opts, element_name) if position != code_end: raise InvalidBSON("scope outside of javascript code boundaries") return Code(code, scope), position def _get_regex( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, opts: CodecOptions, dummy1: Any ) -> Tuple[Regex, int]: """Decode a BSON regex to bson.regex.Regex or a python pattern object.""" pattern, position = _get_c_string(data, view, position, opts) bson_flags, position = _get_c_string(data, view, position, opts) bson_re = Regex(pattern, bson_flags) return bson_re, position def _get_ref( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, element_name: str ) -> Tuple[DBRef, int]: """Decode (deprecated) BSON DBPointer to bson.dbref.DBRef.""" collection, position = _get_string(data, view, position, obj_end, opts, element_name) oid, position = _get_oid(data, view, position, obj_end, opts, element_name) return DBRef(collection, oid), position def _get_timestamp( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any ) -> Tuple[Timestamp, int]: """Decode a BSON timestamp to bson.timestamp.Timestamp.""" inc, timestamp = _UNPACK_TIMESTAMP_FROM(data, position) return Timestamp(timestamp, inc), position + 8 def _get_int64( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any ) -> Tuple[Int64, int]: """Decode a BSON int64 to bson.int64.Int64.""" return Int64(_UNPACK_LONG_FROM(data, position)[0]), position + 8 def _get_decimal128( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any ) -> Tuple[Decimal128, int]: """Decode a BSON decimal128 to bson.decimal128.Decimal128.""" end = position + 16 return Decimal128.from_bid(data[position:end]), end # Each decoder function's signature is: # - data: bytes # - view: memoryview that references `data` # - position: int, beginning of object in 'data' to decode # - obj_end: int, end of object to decode in 'data' if variable-length type # - opts: a CodecOptions _ELEMENT_GETTER: Dict[int, Callable[..., Tuple[Any, int]]] = { ord(BSONNUM): _get_float, ord(BSONSTR): _get_string, ord(BSONOBJ): _get_object, ord(BSONARR): _get_array, ord(BSONBIN): _get_binary, ord(BSONUND): lambda u, v, w, x, y, z: (None, w), # Deprecated undefined ord(BSONOID): _get_oid, ord(BSONBOO): _get_boolean, ord(BSONDAT): _get_date, ord(BSONNUL): lambda u, v, w, x, y, z: (None, w), ord(BSONRGX): _get_regex, ord(BSONREF): _get_ref, # Deprecated DBPointer ord(BSONCOD): _get_code, ord(BSONSYM): _get_string, # Deprecated symbol ord(BSONCWS): _get_code_w_scope, ord(BSONINT): _get_int, ord(BSONTIM): _get_timestamp, ord(BSONLON): _get_int64, ord(BSONDEC): _get_decimal128, ord(BSONMIN): lambda u, v, w, x, y, z: (MinKey(), w), ord(BSONMAX): lambda u, v, w, x, y, z: (MaxKey(), w), } if _USE_C: def _element_to_dict( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions ) -> Any: return _cbson._element_to_dict(data, position, obj_end, opts) else: def _element_to_dict( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions ) -> Any: """Decode a single key, value pair.""" element_type = data[position] position += 1 element_name, position = _get_c_string(data, view, position, opts) try: value, position = _ELEMENT_GETTER[element_type]( data, view, position, obj_end, opts, element_name ) except KeyError: _raise_unknown_type(element_type, element_name) if opts.type_registry._decoder_map: custom_decoder = opts.type_registry._decoder_map.get(type(value)) if custom_decoder is not None: value = custom_decoder(value) return element_name, value, position _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=MutableMapping[Any, Any]) def _raw_to_dict(data: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, result: _T) -> _T: data, view = get_data_and_view(data) return _elements_to_dict(data, view, position, obj_end, opts, result) def _elements_to_dict( data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, result: Any = None ) -> Any: """Decode a BSON document into result.""" if result is None: result = opts.document_class() end = obj_end - 1 while position < end: key, value, position = _element_to_dict(data, view, position, obj_end, opts) result[key] = value if position != obj_end: raise InvalidBSON("bad object or element length") return result def _bson_to_dict(data: Any, opts: CodecOptions) -> Any: """Decode a BSON string to document_class.""" data, view = get_data_and_view(data) try: if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class): return opts.document_class(data, opts) _, end = _get_object_size(data, 0, len(data)) return _elements_to_dict(data, view, 4, end, opts) except InvalidBSON: raise except Exception: # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback. _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() raise InvalidBSON(str(exc_value)).with_traceback(exc_tb) if _USE_C: _bson_to_dict = _cbson._bson_to_dict # noqa: F811 _PACK_FLOAT = struct.Struct(" Generator[bytes, None, None]: """Generate "keys" for encoded lists in the sequence b"0\x00", b"1\x00", b"2\x00", ... The first 1000 keys are returned from a pre-built cache. All subsequent keys are generated on the fly. """ for name in _LIST_NAMES: yield name counter = itertools.count(1000) while True: yield (str(next(counter)) + "\x00").encode("utf8") def _make_c_string_check(string: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes: """Make a 'C' string, checking for embedded NUL characters.""" if isinstance(string, bytes): if b"\x00" in string: raise InvalidDocument("BSON keys / regex patterns must not contain a NUL character") try: _utf_8_decode(string, None, True) return string + b"\x00" except UnicodeError: raise InvalidStringData("strings in documents must be valid UTF-8: %r" % string) else: if "\x00" in string: raise InvalidDocument("BSON keys / regex patterns must not contain a NUL character") return cast(bytes, _utf_8_encode(string)[0]) + b"\x00" def _make_c_string(string: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes: """Make a 'C' string.""" if isinstance(string, bytes): try: _utf_8_decode(string, None, True) return string + b"\x00" except UnicodeError: raise InvalidStringData("strings in documents must be valid UTF-8: %r" % string) else: return cast(bytes, _utf_8_encode(string)[0]) + b"\x00" def _make_name(string: str) -> bytes: """Make a 'C' string suitable for a BSON key.""" # Keys can only be text in python 3. if "\x00" in string: raise InvalidDocument("BSON keys / regex patterns must not contain a NUL character") return cast(bytes, _utf_8_encode(string)[0]) + b"\x00" def _encode_float(name: bytes, value: float, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode a float.""" return b"\x01" + name + _PACK_FLOAT(value) def _encode_bytes(name: bytes, value: bytes, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode a python bytes.""" # Python3 special case. Store 'bytes' as BSON binary subtype 0. return b"\x05" + name + _PACK_INT(len(value)) + b"\x00" + value def _encode_mapping(name: bytes, value: Any, check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions) -> bytes: """Encode a mapping type.""" if _raw_document_class(value): return b"\x03" + name + value.raw data = b"".join([_element_to_bson(key, val, check_keys, opts) for key, val in value.items()]) return b"\x03" + name + _PACK_INT(len(data) + 5) + data + b"\x00" def _encode_dbref(name: bytes, value: DBRef, check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions) -> bytes: """Encode bson.dbref.DBRef.""" buf = bytearray(b"\x03" + name + b"\x00\x00\x00\x00") begin = len(buf) - 4 buf += _name_value_to_bson(b"$ref\x00", value.collection, check_keys, opts) buf += _name_value_to_bson(b"$id\x00", value.id, check_keys, opts) if value.database is not None: buf += _name_value_to_bson(b"$db\x00", value.database, check_keys, opts) for key, val in value._DBRef__kwargs.items(): buf += _element_to_bson(key, val, check_keys, opts) buf += b"\x00" buf[begin : begin + 4] = _PACK_INT(len(buf) - begin) return bytes(buf) def _encode_list(name: bytes, value: Sequence[Any], check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions) -> bytes: """Encode a list/tuple.""" lname = gen_list_name() data = b"".join([_name_value_to_bson(next(lname), item, check_keys, opts) for item in value]) return b"\x04" + name + _PACK_INT(len(data) + 5) + data + b"\x00" def _encode_text(name: bytes, value: str, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode a python str.""" bvalue = _utf_8_encode(value)[0] return b"\x02" + name + _PACK_INT(len(bvalue) + 1) + bvalue + b"\x00" def _encode_binary(name: bytes, value: Binary, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode bson.binary.Binary.""" subtype = value.subtype if subtype == 2: value = _PACK_INT(len(value)) + value # type: ignore return b"\x05" + name + _PACK_LENGTH_SUBTYPE(len(value), subtype) + value def _encode_uuid(name: bytes, value: uuid.UUID, dummy: Any, opts: CodecOptions) -> bytes: """Encode uuid.UUID.""" uuid_representation = opts.uuid_representation binval = Binary.from_uuid(value, uuid_representation=uuid_representation) return _encode_binary(name, binval, dummy, opts) def _encode_objectid(name: bytes, value: ObjectId, dummy: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode bson.objectid.ObjectId.""" return b"\x07" + name + value.binary def _encode_bool(name: bytes, value: bool, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode a python boolean (True/False).""" return b"\x08" + name + (value and b"\x01" or b"\x00") def _encode_datetime(name: bytes, value: datetime.datetime, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode datetime.datetime.""" millis = _datetime_to_millis(value) return b"\x09" + name + _PACK_LONG(millis) def _encode_none(name: bytes, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any) -> bytes: """Encode python None.""" return b"\x0A" + name def _encode_regex(name: bytes, value: Regex, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode a python regex or bson.regex.Regex.""" flags = value.flags # Python 3 common case if flags == re.UNICODE: return b"\x0B" + name + _make_c_string_check(value.pattern) + b"u\x00" elif flags == 0: return b"\x0B" + name + _make_c_string_check(value.pattern) + b"\x00" else: sflags = b"" if flags & re.IGNORECASE: sflags += b"i" if flags & re.LOCALE: sflags += b"l" if flags & re.MULTILINE: sflags += b"m" if flags & re.DOTALL: sflags += b"s" if flags & re.UNICODE: sflags += b"u" if flags & re.VERBOSE: sflags += b"x" sflags += b"\x00" return b"\x0B" + name + _make_c_string_check(value.pattern) + sflags def _encode_code(name: bytes, value: Code, dummy: Any, opts: CodecOptions) -> bytes: """Encode bson.code.Code.""" cstring = _make_c_string(value) cstrlen = len(cstring) if value.scope is None: return b"\x0D" + name + _PACK_INT(cstrlen) + cstring scope = _dict_to_bson(value.scope, False, opts, False) full_length = _PACK_INT(8 + cstrlen + len(scope)) return b"\x0F" + name + full_length + _PACK_INT(cstrlen) + cstring + scope def _encode_int(name: bytes, value: int, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode a python int.""" if -2147483648 <= value <= 2147483647: return b"\x10" + name + _PACK_INT(value) else: try: return b"\x12" + name + _PACK_LONG(value) except struct.error: raise OverflowError("BSON can only handle up to 8-byte ints") def _encode_timestamp(name: bytes, value: Any, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode bson.timestamp.Timestamp.""" return b"\x11" + name + _PACK_TIMESTAMP(value.inc, value.time) def _encode_long(name: bytes, value: Any, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode a python long (python 2.x)""" try: return b"\x12" + name + _PACK_LONG(value) except struct.error: raise OverflowError("BSON can only handle up to 8-byte ints") def _encode_decimal128(name: bytes, value: Decimal128, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any) -> bytes: """Encode bson.decimal128.Decimal128.""" return b"\x13" + name + value.bid def _encode_minkey(name: bytes, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any) -> bytes: """Encode bson.min_key.MinKey.""" return b"\xFF" + name def _encode_maxkey(name: bytes, dummy0: Any, dummy1: Any, dummy2: Any) -> bytes: """Encode bson.max_key.MaxKey.""" return b"\x7F" + name # Each encoder function's signature is: # - name: utf-8 bytes # - value: a Python data type, e.g. a Python int for _encode_int # - check_keys: bool, whether to check for invalid names # - opts: a CodecOptions _ENCODERS = { bool: _encode_bool, bytes: _encode_bytes, datetime.datetime: _encode_datetime, dict: _encode_mapping, float: _encode_float, int: _encode_int, list: _encode_list, str: _encode_text, tuple: _encode_list, type(None): _encode_none, uuid.UUID: _encode_uuid, Binary: _encode_binary, Int64: _encode_long, Code: _encode_code, DBRef: _encode_dbref, MaxKey: _encode_maxkey, MinKey: _encode_minkey, ObjectId: _encode_objectid, Regex: _encode_regex, RE_TYPE: _encode_regex, SON: _encode_mapping, Timestamp: _encode_timestamp, Decimal128: _encode_decimal128, # Special case. This will never be looked up directly. _abc.Mapping: _encode_mapping, } _MARKERS = { 5: _encode_binary, 7: _encode_objectid, 11: _encode_regex, 13: _encode_code, 17: _encode_timestamp, 18: _encode_long, 100: _encode_dbref, 127: _encode_maxkey, 255: _encode_minkey, } _BUILT_IN_TYPES = tuple(t for t in _ENCODERS) def _name_value_to_bson( name: bytes, value: Any, check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions, in_custom_call: bool = False, in_fallback_call: bool = False, ) -> bytes: """Encode a single name, value pair.""" # First see if the type is already cached. KeyError will only ever # happen once per subtype. try: return _ENCODERS[type(value)](name, value, check_keys, opts) # type: ignore except KeyError: pass # Second, fall back to trying _type_marker. This has to be done # before the loop below since users could subclass one of our # custom types that subclasses a python built-in (e.g. Binary) marker = getattr(value, "_type_marker", None) if isinstance(marker, int) and marker in _MARKERS: func = _MARKERS[marker] # Cache this type for faster subsequent lookup. _ENCODERS[type(value)] = func return func(name, value, check_keys, opts) # type: ignore # Third, check if a type encoder is registered for this type. # Note that subtypes of registered custom types are not auto-encoded. if not in_custom_call and opts.type_registry._encoder_map: custom_encoder = opts.type_registry._encoder_map.get(type(value)) if custom_encoder is not None: return _name_value_to_bson( name, custom_encoder(value), check_keys, opts, in_custom_call=True ) # Fourth, test each base type. This will only happen once for # a subtype of a supported base type. Unlike in the C-extensions, this # is done after trying the custom type encoder because checking for each # subtype is expensive. for base in _BUILT_IN_TYPES: if isinstance(value, base): func = _ENCODERS[base] # Cache this type for faster subsequent lookup. _ENCODERS[type(value)] = func return func(name, value, check_keys, opts) # type: ignore # As a last resort, try using the fallback encoder, if the user has # provided one. fallback_encoder = opts.type_registry._fallback_encoder if not in_fallback_call and fallback_encoder is not None: return _name_value_to_bson( name, fallback_encoder(value), check_keys, opts, in_fallback_call=True ) raise InvalidDocument("cannot encode object: %r, of type: %r" % (value, type(value))) def _element_to_bson(key: Any, value: Any, check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions) -> bytes: """Encode a single key, value pair.""" if not isinstance(key, str): raise InvalidDocument("documents must have only string keys, key was %r" % (key,)) if check_keys: if key.startswith("$"): raise InvalidDocument("key %r must not start with '$'" % (key,)) if "." in key: raise InvalidDocument("key %r must not contain '.'" % (key,)) name = _make_name(key) return _name_value_to_bson(name, value, check_keys, opts) def _dict_to_bson(doc: Any, check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions, top_level: bool = True) -> bytes: """Encode a document to BSON.""" if _raw_document_class(doc): return cast(bytes, doc.raw) try: elements = [] if top_level and "_id" in doc: elements.append(_name_value_to_bson(b"_id\x00", doc["_id"], check_keys, opts)) for key, value in doc.items(): if not top_level or key != "_id": elements.append(_element_to_bson(key, value, check_keys, opts)) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("encoder expected a mapping type but got: %r" % (doc,)) encoded = b"".join(elements) return _PACK_INT(len(encoded) + 5) + encoded + b"\x00" if _USE_C: _dict_to_bson = _cbson._dict_to_bson # noqa: F811 def _millis_to_datetime(millis: int, opts: CodecOptions) -> datetime.datetime: """Convert milliseconds since epoch UTC to datetime.""" diff = ((millis % 1000) + 1000) % 1000 seconds = (millis - diff) // 1000 micros = diff * 1000 if opts.tz_aware: dt = EPOCH_AWARE + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, microseconds=micros) if opts.tzinfo: dt = dt.astimezone(opts.tzinfo) return dt else: return EPOCH_NAIVE + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, microseconds=micros) def _datetime_to_millis(dtm: datetime.datetime) -> int: """Convert datetime to milliseconds since epoch UTC.""" if dtm.utcoffset() is not None: dtm = dtm - dtm.utcoffset() # type: ignore return int(calendar.timegm(dtm.timetuple()) * 1000 + dtm.microsecond // 1000) _CODEC_OPTIONS_TYPE_ERROR = TypeError("codec_options must be an instance of CodecOptions") _DocumentIn = Mapping[str, Any] _ReadableBuffer = Union[bytes, memoryview, "mmap", "array"] def encode( document: _DocumentIn, check_keys: bool = False, codec_options: CodecOptions = DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS, ) -> bytes: """Encode a document to BSON. A document can be any mapping type (like :class:`dict`). Raises :class:`TypeError` if `document` is not a mapping type, or contains keys that are not instances of :class:`basestring` (:class:`str` in python 3). Raises :class:`~bson.errors.InvalidDocument` if `document` cannot be converted to :class:`BSON`. :Parameters: - `document`: mapping type representing a document - `check_keys` (optional): check if keys start with '$' or contain '.', raising :class:`~bson.errors.InvalidDocument` in either case - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`. .. versionadded:: 3.9 """ if not isinstance(codec_options, CodecOptions): raise _CODEC_OPTIONS_TYPE_ERROR return _dict_to_bson(document, check_keys, codec_options) def decode( data: _ReadableBuffer, codec_options: "Optional[CodecOptions[_DocumentType]]" = None ) -> _DocumentType: """Decode BSON to a document. By default, returns a BSON document represented as a Python :class:`dict`. To use a different :class:`MutableMapping` class, configure a :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`:: >>> import collections # From Python standard library. >>> import bson >>> from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions >>> data = bson.encode({'a': 1}) >>> decoded_doc = bson.decode(data) >>> options = CodecOptions(document_class=collections.OrderedDict) >>> decoded_doc = bson.decode(data, codec_options=options) >>> type(decoded_doc) :Parameters: - `data`: the BSON to decode. Any bytes-like object that implements the buffer protocol. - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`. .. versionadded:: 3.9 """ opts: CodecOptions = codec_options or DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS if not isinstance(opts, CodecOptions): raise _CODEC_OPTIONS_TYPE_ERROR return _bson_to_dict(data, opts) def _decode_all(data: _ReadableBuffer, opts: "CodecOptions[_DocumentType]") -> List[_DocumentType]: """Decode a BSON data to multiple documents.""" data, view = get_data_and_view(data) data_len = len(data) docs: List[_DocumentType] = [] position = 0 end = data_len - 1 use_raw = _raw_document_class(opts.document_class) try: while position < end: obj_size = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0] if data_len - position < obj_size: raise InvalidBSON("invalid object size") obj_end = position + obj_size - 1 if data[obj_end] != 0: raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo") if use_raw: docs.append(opts.document_class(data[position : obj_end + 1], opts)) # type: ignore else: docs.append(_elements_to_dict(data, view, position + 4, obj_end, opts)) position += obj_size return docs except InvalidBSON: raise except Exception: # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback. _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() raise InvalidBSON(str(exc_value)).with_traceback(exc_tb) if _USE_C: _decode_all = _cbson._decode_all # noqa: F811 def decode_all( data: _ReadableBuffer, codec_options: "Optional[CodecOptions[_DocumentType]]" = None ) -> List[_DocumentType]: """Decode BSON data to multiple documents. `data` must be a bytes-like object implementing the buffer protocol that provides concatenated, valid, BSON-encoded documents. :Parameters: - `data`: BSON data - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`. .. versionchanged:: 3.9 Supports bytes-like objects that implement the buffer protocol. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Removed `compile_re` option: PyMongo now always represents BSON regular expressions as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` objects. Use :meth:`~bson.regex.Regex.try_compile` to attempt to convert from a BSON regular expression to a Python regular expression object. Replaced `as_class`, `tz_aware`, and `uuid_subtype` options with `codec_options`. """ opts = codec_options or DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS if not isinstance(opts, CodecOptions): raise _CODEC_OPTIONS_TYPE_ERROR return _decode_all(data, opts) # type: ignore[arg-type] def _decode_selective(rawdoc: Any, fields: Any, codec_options: Any) -> Mapping[Any, Any]: if _raw_document_class(codec_options.document_class): # If document_class is RawBSONDocument, use vanilla dictionary for # decoding command response. doc = {} else: # Else, use the specified document_class. doc = codec_options.document_class() for key, value in rawdoc.items(): if key in fields: if fields[key] == 1: doc[key] = _bson_to_dict(rawdoc.raw, codec_options)[key] else: doc[key] = _decode_selective(value, fields[key], codec_options) else: doc[key] = value return doc def _convert_raw_document_lists_to_streams(document: Any) -> None: cursor = document.get("cursor") if cursor: for key in ("firstBatch", "nextBatch"): batch = cursor.get(key) if batch: stream = b"".join(doc.raw for doc in batch) cursor[key] = [stream] def _decode_all_selective(data: Any, codec_options: CodecOptions, fields: Any) -> List[Any]: """Decode BSON data to a single document while using user-provided custom decoding logic. `data` must be a string representing a valid, BSON-encoded document. :Parameters: - `data`: BSON data - `codec_options`: An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions` with user-specified type decoders. If no decoders are found, this method is the same as ``decode_all``. - `fields`: Map of document namespaces where data that needs to be custom decoded lives or None. For example, to custom decode a list of objects in 'field1.subfield1', the specified value should be ``{'field1': {'subfield1': 1}}``. If ``fields`` is an empty map or None, this method is the same as ``decode_all``. :Returns: - `document_list`: Single-member list containing the decoded document. .. versionadded:: 3.8 """ if not codec_options.type_registry._decoder_map: return decode_all(data, codec_options) if not fields: return decode_all(data, codec_options.with_options(type_registry=None)) # Decode documents for internal use. from bson.raw_bson import RawBSONDocument internal_codec_options = codec_options.with_options( document_class=RawBSONDocument, type_registry=None ) _doc = _bson_to_dict(data, internal_codec_options) return [ _decode_selective( _doc, fields, codec_options, ) ] def decode_iter( data: bytes, codec_options: "Optional[CodecOptions[_DocumentType]]" = None ) -> Iterator[_DocumentType]: """Decode BSON data to multiple documents as a generator. Works similarly to the decode_all function, but yields one document at a time. `data` must be a string of concatenated, valid, BSON-encoded documents. :Parameters: - `data`: BSON data - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Replaced `as_class`, `tz_aware`, and `uuid_subtype` options with `codec_options`. .. versionadded:: 2.8 """ opts = codec_options or DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS if not isinstance(opts, CodecOptions): raise _CODEC_OPTIONS_TYPE_ERROR position = 0 end = len(data) - 1 while position < end: obj_size = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0] elements = data[position : position + obj_size] position += obj_size yield _bson_to_dict(elements, opts) def decode_file_iter( file_obj: Union[BinaryIO, IO], codec_options: "Optional[CodecOptions[_DocumentType]]" = None ) -> Iterator[_DocumentType]: """Decode bson data from a file to multiple documents as a generator. Works similarly to the decode_all function, but reads from the file object in chunks and parses bson in chunks, yielding one document at a time. :Parameters: - `file_obj`: A file object containing BSON data. - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Replaced `as_class`, `tz_aware`, and `uuid_subtype` options with `codec_options`. .. versionadded:: 2.8 """ opts = codec_options or DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS while True: # Read size of next object. size_data = file_obj.read(4) if not size_data: break # Finished with file normaly. elif len(size_data) != 4: raise InvalidBSON("cut off in middle of objsize") obj_size = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(size_data, 0)[0] - 4 elements = size_data + file_obj.read(max(0, obj_size)) yield _bson_to_dict(elements, opts) def is_valid(bson: bytes) -> bool: """Check that the given string represents valid :class:`BSON` data. Raises :class:`TypeError` if `bson` is not an instance of :class:`str` (:class:`bytes` in python 3). Returns ``True`` if `bson` is valid :class:`BSON`, ``False`` otherwise. :Parameters: - `bson`: the data to be validated """ if not isinstance(bson, bytes): raise TypeError("BSON data must be an instance of a subclass of bytes") try: _bson_to_dict(bson, DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS) return True except Exception: return False class BSON(bytes): """BSON (Binary JSON) data. .. warning:: Using this class to encode and decode BSON adds a performance cost. For better performance use the module level functions :func:`encode` and :func:`decode` instead. """ @classmethod def encode( cls: Type["BSON"], document: _DocumentIn, check_keys: bool = False, codec_options: CodecOptions = DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS, ) -> "BSON": """Encode a document to a new :class:`BSON` instance. A document can be any mapping type (like :class:`dict`). Raises :class:`TypeError` if `document` is not a mapping type, or contains keys that are not instances of :class:`basestring` (:class:`str` in python 3). Raises :class:`~bson.errors.InvalidDocument` if `document` cannot be converted to :class:`BSON`. :Parameters: - `document`: mapping type representing a document - `check_keys` (optional): check if keys start with '$' or contain '.', raising :class:`~bson.errors.InvalidDocument` in either case - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Replaced `uuid_subtype` option with `codec_options`. """ return cls(encode(document, check_keys, codec_options)) def decode(self, codec_options: CodecOptions = DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS) -> _DocumentType: # type: ignore[override] """Decode this BSON data. By default, returns a BSON document represented as a Python :class:`dict`. To use a different :class:`MutableMapping` class, configure a :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`:: >>> import collections # From Python standard library. >>> import bson >>> from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions >>> data = bson.BSON.encode({'a': 1}) >>> decoded_doc = bson.BSON(data).decode() >>> options = CodecOptions(document_class=collections.OrderedDict) >>> decoded_doc = bson.BSON(data).decode(codec_options=options) >>> type(decoded_doc) :Parameters: - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Removed `compile_re` option: PyMongo now always represents BSON regular expressions as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` objects. Use :meth:`~bson.regex.Regex.try_compile` to attempt to convert from a BSON regular expression to a Python regular expression object. Replaced `as_class`, `tz_aware`, and `uuid_subtype` options with `codec_options`. """ return decode(self, codec_options) def has_c() -> bool: """Is the C extension installed?""" return _USE_C