- content_for :main do %h1.menu_icon Menu .cms_form = form_for @menu, :url=>"/menu", :method=>:put do |f| %label Name = f.text_field :name .field_help The name by which your menu will be referenced %label Description = f.text_area :description .field_help A brief description to explain what the menu is for and/or where it will be used .advanced %label Can Have Sub Items = f.check_box :can_have_children .field_help Is it permissible to add items to this menu as sub items of existing items? %label Show Separator? = f.check_box :use_separator .field_help Add a ListItem tag <li> between each top level menu item when rendering the menu = f.hidden_field :is_system_menu %div(style="margin-top: 10px;") = kit_submit "Save"