= TinyMCE Plugin ImageSelector This gem uses the tiny_mce gem's plugin system to install the https://github.com/kete/image_selector_tinymce_plugin plugin. = Usage To use this plugin, clone the source, gem build, gem install, and add the following after the tiny_mce gem config line: config.gem 'tiny_mce' # if you haven't done so already config.gem 'tiny_mce_plugin_imageselector' You'll want to adjust your config/tiny_mce.yml file to take advantage of the plugin. The imageselector plugin assumes that your site has imageselector config files at /javascripts/image_selector_config/. See the README at https://github.com/kete/image_selector_tinymce_plugin/ for more details on how they are set up. = Credits tiny_mce_plugin_imageselector was created for the Kete project (http://kete.net.nz) and is maintained by Walter McGinnis . = License tiny_mce_plugin_imageselector is covered by the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. Copyright (C) 2011 Horowhenua Library Trust