module Hyrax module CollectionsHelper # TODO: we could move this to CollectionPresenter if it had a view_context # @param presenter [Hyrax::CollectionPresenter] # @param terms [Array,:all] the list of terms to draw def present_terms(presenter, terms = :all, &block) terms = presenter.terms if terms == :all, self).fields(terms, &block) end def render_collection_links(solr_doc) collection_list =, controller.current_ability) return if collection_list.empty? links = { |collection| link_to collection.title_or_label, hyrax.collection_path( } collection_links = [] links.each_with_index do |link, n| collection_links << link collection_links << ', ' unless links[n + 1].nil? end content_tag :span, safe_join([t('hyrax.collection.is_part_of'), ': '] + collection_links) end ## # Append a collection_type_id to the existing querystring (whether or not it has pre-existing params) # @return [String] the original url with and added collection_type_id param def append_collection_type_url(url, collection_type_id) uri = URI.parse(url) uri.query = [uri.query, "collection_type_id=#{collection_type_id}"].compact.join('&') uri.to_s end # @return [Boolean] def has_collection_search_parameters? params[:cq].present? end def button_for_remove_from_collection(collection, document, label: 'Remove From Collection', btn_class: 'btn-primary') render 'hyrax/dashboard/collections/button_remove_from_collection', collection: collection, label: label, document: document, btn_class: btn_class end def button_for_remove_selected_from_collection(collection, label = 'Remove From Collection') render 'hyrax/dashboard/collections/button_for_remove_selected_from_collection', collection: collection, label: label end # add hidden fields to a form for removing a single document from a collection def single_item_action_remove_form_fields(form, document) single_item_action_form_fields(form, document, 'remove') end # @param collection_type_gid [String] The gid of the CollectionType to be looked up # @return [String] The CollectionType's title if found, else the gid def collection_type_label(collection_type_gid) CollectionType.find_by_gid!(collection_type_gid).title rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, URI::BadURIError CollectionType.find_or_create_default_collection_type.title end private # add hidden fields to a form for performing an action on a single document on a collection def single_item_action_form_fields(form, document, action) render 'hyrax/dashboard/collections/single_item_action_fields', form: form, document: document, action: action end end end