module NewRelic; TEST = true; end unless defined? NewRelic::TEST ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' NEWRELIC_PLUGIN_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..")) $LOAD_PATH << File.join(NEWRELIC_PLUGIN_DIR,"test") $LOAD_PATH << File.join(NEWRELIC_PLUGIN_DIR,"ui/helpers") $LOAD_PATH.uniq! require 'rubygems' # We can speed things up in tests that don't need to load rails. # You can also run the tests in a mode without rails. Many tests # will be skipped. if ENV['SKIP_RAILS'] dirs = File.dirname(__FILE__).split('/') while dirs.any? && ![log]).join('/')) dirs.pop end RAILS_ROOT = dirs.any? ? dirs.join("/") : "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/.." unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT) $LOAD_PATH << File.join(NEWRELIC_PLUGIN_DIR, "lib") require File.join(NEWRELIC_PLUGIN_DIR, "lib/newrelic_rpm") else begin require File.expand_path("../../../config/environment", NEWRELIC_PLUGIN_DIR) require 'test_help' rescue LoadError puts "Unable to load Rails for New Relic tests: try setting the environment variable SKIP_RAILS=false" raise end end require 'test/unit' require 'mocha' require 'shoulda' require 'test_contexts' def assert_between(floor, ceiling, value, message = nil) assert floor <= value && value <= ceiling, message || "expected #{floor} <= #{value} <= #{ceiling}" end def compare_metrics expected_list, actual_list actual = actual_list actual.delete('GC/cumulative') # in case we are in REE expected = expected_list assert_equal expected.to_a.sort, actual.to_a.sort, "extra: #{(actual - expected).to_a.join(", ")}; missing: #{(expected - actual).to_a.join(", ")}" end =begin Enable this to see test names as they run Test::Unit::TestCase.class_eval do def run_with_info *args, &block puts "#{}/#{@method_name}" run_without_info *args, &block end alias_method_chain :run, :info end =end module TransactionSampleTestHelper def make_sql_transaction(*sql) sampler = sampler.notice_first_scope_push sampler.notice_transaction '/path', nil, :jim => "cool" sampler.notice_push_scope "a" sampler.notice_transaction '/path/2', nil, :jim => "cool" sql.each {|sql_statement| sampler.notice_sql(sql_statement, {:adapter => "test"}, 0 ) } sleep 1.0 yield if block_given? sampler.notice_pop_scope "a" sampler.notice_scope_empty sampler.samples[0] end end