Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction( :new, :type => :rvalue, :arity => -1, :doc => <<-DOC Creates a new instance/object of a given data type. This function makes it possible to create new instances of concrete data types. If a block is given it is called with the just created instance as an argument. Calling this function is equivalent to directly calling the data type: **Example:** `new` and calling type directly are equivalent ```puppet $a = Integer.new("42") $b = Integer("42") ``` These would both convert the string `"42"` to the decimal value `42`. **Example:** arguments by position or by name ```puppet $a = Integer.new("42", 8) $b = Integer({from => "42", radix => 8}) ``` This would convert the octal (radix 8) number `"42"` in string form to the decimal value `34`. The new function supports two ways of giving the arguments: * by name (using a hash with property to value mapping) * by position (as regular arguments) Note that it is not possible to create new instances of some abstract data types (for example `Variant`). The data type `Optional[T]` is an exception as it will create an instance of `T` or `undef` if the value to convert is `undef`. The arguments that can be given is determined by the data type. > An assertion is always made that the produced value complies with the given type constraints. **Example:** data type constraints are checked ```puppet Integer[0].new("-100") ``` Would fail with an assertion error (since value is less than 0). The following sections show the arguments and conversion rules per data type built into the Puppet Type System. ### Conversion to Optional[T] and NotUndef[T] Conversion to these data types is the same as a conversion to the type argument `T`. In the case of `Optional[T]` it is accepted that the argument to convert may be `undef`. It is however not acceptable to give other arguments (than `undef`) that cannot be converted to `T`. ### Conversion to Integer A new `Integer` can be created from `Integer`, `Float`, `Boolean`, and `String` values. For conversion from `String` it is possible to specify the radix (base). ```puppet type Radix = Variant[Default, Integer[2,2], Integer[8,8], Integer[10,10], Integer[16,16]] function Integer.new( String $value, Radix $radix = 10, Boolean $abs = false ) function Integer.new( Variant[Numeric, Boolean] $value, Boolean $abs = false ) ``` * When converting from `String` the default radix is 10. * If radix is not specified an attempt is made to detect the radix from the start of the string: * `0b` or `0B` is taken as radix 2. * `0x` or `0X` is taken as radix 16. * `0` as radix 8. * All others are decimal. * Conversion from `String` accepts an optional sign in the string. * For hexadecimal (radix 16) conversion an optional leading "0x", or "0X" is accepted. * For octal (radix 8) an optional leading "0" is accepted. * For binary (radix 2) an optional leading "0b" or "0B" is accepted. * When `radix` is set to `default`, the conversion is based on the leading. characters in the string. A leading "0" for radix 8, a leading "0x", or "0X" for radix 16, and leading "0b" or "0B" for binary. * Conversion from `Boolean` results in 0 for `false` and 1 for `true`. * Conversion from `Integer`, `Float`, and `Boolean` ignores the radix. * `Float` value fractions are truncated (no rounding). * When `abs` is set to `true`, the result will be an absolute integer. Examples - Converting to Integer: ```puppet $a_number = Integer("0xFF", 16) # results in 255 $a_number = Integer("010") # results in 8 $a_number = Integer("010", 10) # results in 10 $a_number = Integer(true) # results in 1 $a_number = Integer(-38, 10, true) # results in 38 ``` ### Conversion to Float A new `Float` can be created from `Integer`, `Float`, `Boolean`, and `String` values. For conversion from `String` both float and integer formats are supported. ```puppet function Float.new( Variant[Numeric, Boolean, String] $value, Boolean $abs = true ) ``` * For an integer, the floating point fraction of `.0` is added to the value. * A `Boolean` `true` is converted to 1.0, and a `false` to 0.0 * In `String` format, integer prefixes for hex and binary are understood (but not octal since floating point in string format may start with a '0'). * When `abs` is set to `true`, the result will be an absolute floating point value. ### Conversion to Numeric A new `Integer` or `Float` can be created from `Integer`, `Float`, `Boolean` and `String` values. ```puppet function Numeric.new( Variant[Numeric, Boolean, String] $value, Boolean $abs = true ) ``` * If the value has a decimal period, or if given in scientific notation (e/E), the result is a `Float`, otherwise the value is an `Integer`. The conversion from `String` always uses a radix based on the prefix of the string. * Conversion from `Boolean` results in 0 for `false` and 1 for `true`. * When `abs` is set to `true`, the result will be an absolute `Float`or `Integer` value. Examples - Converting to Numeric ```puppet $a_number = Numeric(true) # results in 1 $a_number = Numeric("0xFF") # results in 255 $a_number = Numeric("010") # results in 8 $a_number = Numeric("3.14") # results in 3.14 (a float) $a_number = Numeric(-42.3, true) # results in 42.3 $a_number = Numeric(-42, true) # results in 42 ``` ### Conversion to Timespan A new `Timespan` can be created from `Integer`, `Float`, `String`, and `Hash` values. Several variants of the constructor are provided. #### Timespan from seconds When a Float is used, the decimal part represents fractions of a second. ```puppet function Timespan.new( Variant[Float, Integer] $value ) ``` #### Timespan from days, hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second The arguments can be passed separately in which case the first four, days, hours, minutes, and seconds are mandatory and the rest are optional. All values may overflow and/or be negative. The internal 128-bit nano-second integer is calculated as: ``` (((((days * 24 + hours) * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000 + milliseconds) * 1000 + microseconds) * 1000 + nanoseconds ``` ```puppet function Timespan.new( Integer $days, Integer $hours, Integer $minutes, Integer $seconds, Integer $milliseconds = 0, Integer $microseconds = 0, Integer $nanoseconds = 0 ) ``` or, all arguments can be passed as a `Hash`, in which case all entries are optional: ```puppet function Timespan.new( Struct[{ Optional[negative] => Boolean, Optional[days] => Integer, Optional[hours] => Integer, Optional[minutes] => Integer, Optional[seconds] => Integer, Optional[milliseconds] => Integer, Optional[microseconds] => Integer, Optional[nanoseconds] => Integer }] $hash ) ``` #### Timespan from String and format directive patterns The first argument is parsed using the format optionally passed as a string or array of strings. When an array is used, an attempt will be made to parse the string using the first entry and then with each entry in succession until parsing succeeds. If the second argument is omitted, an array of default formats will be used. An exception is raised when no format was able to parse the given string. ```puppet function Timespan.new( String $string, Variant[String[2],Array[String[2], 1]] $format = ) ) ``` the arguments may also be passed as a `Hash`: ```puppet function Timespan.new( Struct[{ string => String[1], Optional[format] => Variant[String[2],Array[String[2], 1]] }] $hash ) ``` The directive consists of a percent (%) character, zero or more flags, optional minimum field width and a conversion specifier as follows: ``` %[Flags][Width]Conversion ``` ##### Flags: | Flag | Meaning | ---- | --------------- | - | Don't pad numerical output | _ | Use spaces for padding | 0 | Use zeros for padding ##### Format directives: | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | D | Number of Days | | H | Hour of the day, 24-hour clock | | M | Minute of the hour (00..59) | | S | Second of the minute (00..59) | | L | Millisecond of the second (000..999) | | N | Fractional seconds digits | The format directive that represents the highest magnitude in the format will be allowed to overflow. I.e. if no "%D" is used but a "%H" is present, then the hours may be more than 23. The default array contains the following patterns: ``` ['%D-%H:%M:%S', '%D-%H:%M', '%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M'] ``` Examples - Converting to Timespan ```puppet $duration = Timespan(13.5) # 13 seconds and 500 milliseconds $duration = Timespan({days=>4}) # 4 days $duration = Timespan(4, 0, 0, 2) # 4 days and 2 seconds $duration = Timespan('13:20') # 13 hours and 20 minutes (using default pattern) $duration = Timespan('10:03.5', '%M:%S.%L') # 10 minutes, 3 seconds, and 5 milli-seconds $duration = Timespan('10:03.5', '%M:%S.%N') # 10 minutes, 3 seconds, and 5 nano-seconds ``` ### Conversion to Timestamp A new `Timestamp` can be created from `Integer`, `Float`, `String`, and `Hash` values. Several variants of the constructor are provided. #### Timestamp from seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) When a Float is used, the decimal part represents fractions of a second. ```puppet function Timestamp.new( Variant[Float, Integer] $value ) ``` #### Timestamp from String and patterns consisting of format directives The first argument is parsed using the format optionally passed as a string or array of strings. When an array is used, an attempt will be made to parse the string using the first entry and then with each entry in succession until parsing succeeds. If the second argument is omitted, an array of default formats will be used. A third optional timezone argument can be provided. The first argument will then be parsed as if it represents a local time in that timezone. The timezone can be any timezone that is recognized when using the '%z' or '%Z' formats, or the word 'current', in which case the current timezone of the evaluating process will be used. The timezone argument is case insensitive. The default timezone, when no argument is provided, or when using the keyword `default`, is 'UTC'. It is illegal to provide a timezone argument other than `default` in combination with a format that contains '%z' or '%Z' since that would introduce an ambiguity as to which timezone to use. The one extracted from the string, or the one provided as an argument. An exception is raised when no format was able to parse the given string. ```puppet function Timestamp.new( String $string, Variant[String[2],Array[String[2], 1]] $format = , String $timezone = default) ) ``` the arguments may also be passed as a `Hash`: ```puppet function Timestamp.new( Struct[{ string => String[1], Optional[format] => Variant[String[2],Array[String[2], 1]], Optional[timezone] => String[1] }] $hash ) ``` The directive consists of a percent (%) character, zero or more flags, optional minimum field width and a conversion specifier as follows: ``` %[Flags][Width]Conversion ``` ##### Flags: | Flag | Meaning | ---- | --------------- | - | Don't pad numerical output | _ | Use spaces for padding | 0 | Use zeros for padding | # | Change names to upper-case or change case of am/pm | ^ | Use uppercase | : | Use colons for %z ##### Format directives (names and padding can be altered using flags): **Date (Year, Month, Day):** | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | Y | Year with century, zero-padded to at least 4 digits | | C | year / 100 (rounded down such as 20 in 2009) | | y | year % 100 (00..99) | | m | Month of the year, zero-padded (01..12) | | B | The full month name ("January") | | b | The abbreviated month name ("Jan") | | h | Equivalent to %b | | d | Day of the month, zero-padded (01..31) | | e | Day of the month, blank-padded ( 1..31) | | j | Day of the year (001..366) | **Time (Hour, Minute, Second, Subsecond):** | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | H | Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, zero-padded (00..23) | | k | Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, blank-padded ( 0..23) | | I | Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, zero-padded (01..12) | | l | Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, blank-padded ( 1..12) | | P | Meridian indicator, lowercase ("am" or "pm") | | p | Meridian indicator, uppercase ("AM" or "PM") | | M | Minute of the hour (00..59) | | S | Second of the minute (00..60) | | L | Millisecond of the second (000..999). Digits under millisecond are truncated to not produce 1000 | | N | Fractional seconds digits, default is 9 digits (nanosecond). Digits under a specified width are truncated to avoid carry up | **Time (Hour, Minute, Second, Subsecond):** | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | z | Time zone as hour and minute offset from UTC (e.g. +0900) | | :z | hour and minute offset from UTC with a colon (e.g. +09:00) | | ::z | hour, minute and second offset from UTC (e.g. +09:00:00) | | Z | Abbreviated time zone name or similar information. (OS dependent) | **Weekday:** | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | A | The full weekday name ("Sunday") | | a | The abbreviated name ("Sun") | | u | Day of the week (Monday is 1, 1..7) | | w | Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6) | **ISO 8601 week-based year and week number:** The first week of YYYY starts with a Monday and includes YYYY-01-04. The days in the year before the first week are in the last week of the previous year. | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | G | The week-based year | | g | The last 2 digits of the week-based year (00..99) | | V | Week number of the week-based year (01..53) | **Week number:** The first week of YYYY that starts with a Sunday or Monday (according to %U or %W). The days in the year before the first week are in week 0. | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | U | Week number of the year. The week starts with Sunday. (00..53) | | W | Week number of the year. The week starts with Monday. (00..53) | **Seconds since the Epoch:** | Format | Meaning | | s | Number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. | **Literal string:** | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | n | Newline character (\n) | | t | Tab character (\t) | | % | Literal "%" character | **Combination:** | Format | Meaning | | ------ | ------- | | c | date and time (%a %b %e %T %Y) | | D | Date (%m/%d/%y) | | F | The ISO 8601 date format (%Y-%m-%d) | | v | VMS date (%e-%^b-%4Y) | | x | Same as %D | | X | Same as %T | | r | 12-hour time (%I:%M:%S %p) | | R | 24-hour time (%H:%M) | | T | 24-hour time (%H:%M:%S) | The default array contains the following patterns: When a timezone argument (other than `default`) is explicitly provided: ``` ['%FT%T.L', '%FT%T', '%F'] ``` otherwise: ``` ['%FT%T.%L %Z', '%FT%T %Z', '%F %Z', '%FT%T.L', '%FT%T', '%F'] ``` Examples - Converting to Timestamp ```puppet $ts = Timestamp(1473150899) # 2016-09-06 08:34:59 UTC $ts = Timestamp({string=>'2015', format=>'%Y'}) # 2015-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC $ts = Timestamp('Wed Aug 24 12:13:14 2016', '%c') # 2016-08-24 12:13:14 UTC $ts = Timestamp('Wed Aug 24 12:13:14 2016 PDT', '%c %Z') # 2016-08-24 19:13:14.000 UTC $ts = Timestamp('2016-08-24 12:13:14', '%F %T', 'PST') # 2016-08-24 20:13:14.000 UTC $ts = Timestamp('2016-08-24T12:13:14', default, 'PST') # 2016-08-24 20:13:14.000 UTC ``` ### Conversion to Type A new `Type` can be create from its `String` representation. **Example:** Creating a type from a string ```puppet $t = Type.new('Integer[10]') ``` ### Conversion to String Conversion to `String` is the most comprehensive conversion as there are many use cases where a string representation is wanted. The defaults for the many options have been chosen with care to be the most basic "value in textual form" representation. The more advanced forms of formatting are intended to enable writing special purposes formatting functions in the Puppet language. A new string can be created from all other data types. The process is performed in several steps - first the data type of the given value is inferred, then the resulting data type is used to find the most significant format specified for that data type. And finally, the found format is used to convert the given value. The mapping from data type to format is referred to as the *format map*. This map allows different formatting depending on type. **Example:** Positive Integers in Hexadecimal prefixed with '0x', negative in Decimal ```puppet $format_map = { Integer[default, 0] => "%d", Integer[1, default] => "%#x" } String("-1", $format_map) # produces '-1' String("10", $format_map) # produces '0xa' ``` A format is specified on the form: ``` %[Flags][Width][.Precision]Format ``` `Width` is the number of characters into which the value should be fitted. This allocated space is padded if value is shorter. By default it is space padded, and the flag `0` will cause padding with `0` for numerical formats. `Precision` is the number of fractional digits to show for floating point, and the maximum characters included in a string format. Note that all data type supports the formats `s` and `p` with the meaning "default string representation" and "default programmatic string representation" (which for example means that a String is quoted in 'p' format). #### Signatures of String conversion ```puppet type Format = Pattern[/^%([\s\+\-#0\[\{<\(\|]*)([1-9][0-9]*)?(?:\.([0-9]+))?([a-zA-Z])/] type ContainerFormat = Struct[{ format => Optional[String], separator => Optional[String], separator2 => Optional[String], string_formats => Hash[Type, Format] }] type TypeMap = Hash[Type, Variant[Format, ContainerFormat]] type Formats = Variant[Default, String[1], TypeMap] function String.new( Any $value, Formats $string_formats ) ``` Where: * `separator` is the string used to separate entries in an array, or hash (extra space should not be included at the end), defaults to `","` * `separator2` is the separator between key and value in a hash entry (space padding should be included as wanted), defaults to `" => "`. * `string_formats` is a data type to format map for values contained in arrays and hashes - defaults to `{Any => "%p"}`. Note that these nested formats are not applicable to data types that are containers; they are always formatted as per the top level format specification. **Example:** Simple Conversion to String (using defaults) ```puppet $str = String(10) # produces '10' $str = String([10]) # produces '["10"]' ``` **Example:** Simple Conversion to String specifying the format for the given value directly ```puppet $str = String(10, "%#x") # produces '0x10' $str = String([10], "%(a") # produces '("10")' ``` **Example:** Specifying type for values contained in an array ```puppet $formats = { Array => { format => '%(a', string_formats => { Integer => '%#x' } } } $str = String([1,2,3], $formats) # produces '(0x1, 0x2, 0x3)' ``` The given formats are merged with the default formats, and matching of values to convert against format is based on the specificity of the mapped type; for example, different formats can be used for short and long arrays. #### Integer to String | Format | Integer Formats | ------ | --------------- | d | Decimal, negative values produces leading '-'. | x X | Hexadecimal in lower or upper case. Uses ..f/..F for negative values unless + is also used. A `#` adds prefix 0x/0X. | o | Octal. Uses ..0 for negative values unless `+` is also used. A `#` adds prefix 0. | b B | Binary with prefix 'b' or 'B'. Uses ..1/..1 for negative values unless `+` is also used. | c | Numeric value representing a Unicode value, result is a one unicode character string, quoted if alternative flag # is used | s | Same as d, or d in quotes if alternative flag # is used. | p | Same as d. | eEfgGaA | Converts integer to float and formats using the floating point rules. Defaults to `d`. #### Float to String | Format | Float formats | ------ | ------------- | f | Floating point in non exponential notation. | e E | Exponential notation with 'e' or 'E'. | g G | Conditional exponential with 'e' or 'E' if exponent < -4 or >= the precision. | a A | Hexadecimal exponential form, using 'x'/'X' as prefix and 'p'/'P' before exponent. | s | Converted to string using format p, then applying string formatting rule, alternate form # quotes result. | p | Same as f format with minimum significant number of fractional digits, prec has no effect. | dxXobBc | Converts float to integer and formats using the integer rules. Defaults to `p`. #### String to String | Format | String | ------ | ------ | s | Unquoted string, verbatim output of control chars. | p | Programmatic representation - strings are quoted, interior quotes and control chars are escaped. | C | Each `::` name segment capitalized, quoted if alternative flag `#` is used. | c | Capitalized string, quoted if alternative flag `#` is used. | d | Downcased string, quoted if alternative flag `#` is used. | u | Upcased string, quoted if alternative flag `#` is used. | t | Trims leading and trailing whitespace from the string, quoted if alternative flag `#` is used. Defaults to `s` at top level and `p` inside array or hash. #### Boolean to String | Format | Boolean Formats | ---- | ------------------- | t T | String 'true'/'false' or 'True'/'False', first char if alternate form is used (i.e. 't'/'f' or 'T'/'F'). | y Y | String 'yes'/'no', 'Yes'/'No', 'y'/'n' or 'Y'/'N' if alternative flag `#` is used. | dxXobB | Numeric value 0/1 in accordance with the given format which must be valid integer format. | eEfgGaA | Numeric value 0.0/1.0 in accordance with the given float format and flags. | s | String 'true' / 'false'. | p | String 'true' / 'false'. #### Regexp to String | Format | Regexp Formats | ---- | -------------- | s | No delimiters, quoted if alternative flag `#` is used. | p | Delimiters `/ /`. #### Undef to String | Format | Undef formats | ------ | ------------- | s | Empty string, or quoted empty string if alternative flag `#` is used. | p | String 'undef', or quoted '"undef"' if alternative flag `#` is used. | n | String 'nil', or 'null' if alternative flag `#` is used. | dxXobB | String 'NaN'. | eEfgGaA | String 'NaN'. | v | String 'n/a'. | V | String 'N/A'. | u | String 'undef', or 'undefined' if alternative `#` flag is used. #### Default value to String | Format | Default formats | ------ | --------------- | d D | String 'default' or 'Default', alternative form `#` causes value to be quoted. | s | Same as d. | p | Same as d. #### Binary value to String | Format | Default formats | ------ | --------------- | s | binary as unquoted UTF-8 characters (errors if byte sequence is invalid UTF-8). Alternate form escapes non ascii bytes. | p | 'Binary("")' | b | '' - base64 string with newlines inserted | B | '' - base64 strict string (without newlines inserted) | u | '' - base64 urlsafe string | t | 'Binary' - outputs the name of the type only | T | 'BINARY' - output the name of the type in all caps only * The alternate form flag `#` will quote the binary or base64 text output. * The format `%#s` allows invalid UTF-8 characters and outputs all non ascii bytes as hex escaped characters on the form `\\xHH` where `H` is a hex digit. * The width and precision values are applied to the text part only in `%p` format. #### Array & Tuple to String | Format | Array/Tuple Formats | ------ | ------------- | a | Formats with `[ ]` delimiters and `,`, alternate form `#` indents nested arrays/hashes. | s | Same as a. | p | Same as a. See "Flags" `<[({\|` for formatting of delimiters, and "Additional parameters for containers; Array and Hash" for more information about options. The alternate form flag `#` will cause indentation of nested array or hash containers. If width is also set it is taken as the maximum allowed length of a sequence of elements (not including delimiters). If this max length is exceeded, each element will be indented. #### Hash & Struct to String | Format | Hash/Struct Formats | ------ | ------------- | h | Formats with `{ }` delimiters, `,` element separator and ` => ` inner element separator unless overridden by flags. | s | Same as h. | p | Same as h. | a | Converts the hash to an array of [k,v] tuples and formats it using array rule(s). See "Flags" `<[({\|` for formatting of delimiters, and "Additional parameters for containers; Array and Hash" for more information about options. The alternate form flag `#` will format each hash key/value entry indented on a separate line. #### Type to String | Format | Array/Tuple Formats | ------ | ------------- | s | The same as `p`, quoted if alternative flag `#` is used. | p | Outputs the type in string form as specified by the Puppet Language. #### Flags | Flag | Effect | ------ | ------ | (space) | A space instead of `+` for numeric output (`-` is shown), for containers skips delimiters. | # | Alternate format; prefix 0x/0x, 0 (octal) and 0b/0B for binary, Floats force decimal '.'. For g/G keep trailing 0. | + | Show sign +/- depending on value's sign, changes x, X, o, b, B format to not use 2's complement form. | - | Left justify the value in the given width. | 0 | Pad with 0 instead of space for widths larger than value. | <[({\| | Defines an enclosing pair <> [] () {} or \| \| when used with a container type. ### Conversion to Boolean Accepts a single value as argument: * Float 0.0 is `false`, all other float values are `true` * Integer 0 is `false`, all other integer values are `true` * Strings * `true` if 'true', 'yes', 'y' (case independent compare) * `false` if 'false', 'no', 'n' (case independent compare) * Boolean is already boolean and is simply returned ### Conversion to Array and Tuple When given a single value as argument: * A non empty `Hash` is converted to an array matching `Array[Tuple[Any,Any], 1]`. * An empty `Hash` becomes an empty array. * An `Array` is simply returned. * An `Iterable[T]` is turned into an array of `T` instances. * A `Binary` is converted to an `Array[Integer[0,255]]` of byte values When given a second Boolean argument: * if `true`, a value that is not already an array is returned as a one element array. * if `false`, (the default), converts the first argument as shown above. **Example:** Ensuring value is an array ```puppet $arr = Array($value, true) ``` Conversion to a `Tuple` works exactly as conversion to an `Array`, only that the constructed array is asserted against the given tuple type. ### Conversion to Hash and Struct Accepts a single value as argument: * An empty `Array` becomes an empty `Hash` * An `Array` matching `Array[Tuple[Any,Any], 1]` is converted to a hash where each tuple describes a key/value entry * An `Array` with an even number of entries is interpreted as `[key1, val1, key2, val2, ...]` * An `Iterable` is turned into an `Array` and then converted to hash as per the array rules * A `Hash` is simply returned Alternatively, a tree can be constructed by giving two values; an array of tuples on the form `[path, value]` (where the `path` is the path from the root of a tree, and `value` the value at that position in the tree), and either the option `'tree'` (do not convert arrays to hashes except the top level), or `'hash_tree'` (convert all arrays to hashes). The tree/hash_tree forms of Hash creation are suited for transforming the result of an iteration using `tree_each` and subsequent filtering or mapping. **Example:** Mapping a hash tree Mapping an arbitrary structure in a way that keeps the structure, but where some values are replaced can be done by using the `tree_each` function, mapping, and then constructing a new Hash from the result: ```puppet # A hash tree with 'water' at different locations $h = { a => { b => { x => 'water'}}, b => { y => 'water'} } # a helper function that turns water into wine function make_wine($x) { if $x == 'water' { 'wine' } else { $x } } # create a flattened tree with water turned into wine $flat_tree = $h.tree_each.map |$entry| { [$entry[0], make_wine($entry[1])] } # create a new Hash and log it notice Hash($flat_tree, 'hash_tree') ``` Would notice the hash `{a => {b => {x => wine}}, b => {y => wine}}` Conversion to a `Struct` works exactly as conversion to a `Hash`, only that the constructed hash is asserted against the given struct type. ### Conversion to a Regexp A `String` can be converted into a `Regexp` **Example**: Converting a String into a Regexp ```puppet $s = '[a-z]+\.com' $r = Regexp($s) if('foo.com' =~ $r) { ... } ``` ### Creating a SemVer A SemVer object represents a single [Semantic Version](http://semver.org/). It can be created from a String, individual values for its parts, or a hash specifying the value per part. See the specification at [semver.org](http://semver.org/) for the meaning of the SemVer's parts. The signatures are: ```puppet type PositiveInteger = Integer[0,default] type SemVerQualifier = Pattern[/\A(?[0-9A-Za-z-]+)(?:\.\g)*\Z/] type SemVerString = String[1] type SemVerHash =Struct[{ major => PositiveInteger, minor => PositiveInteger, patch => PositiveInteger, Optional[prerelease] => SemVerQualifier, Optional[build] => SemVerQualifier }] function SemVer.new(SemVerString $str) function SemVer.new( PositiveInteger $major PositiveInteger $minor PositiveInteger $patch Optional[SemVerQualifier] $prerelease = undef Optional[SemVerQualifier] $build = undef ) function SemVer.new(SemVerHash $hash_args) ``` **Examples:** SemVer and SemVerRange usage ```puppet # As a type, SemVer can describe disjunct ranges which versions can be # matched against - here the type is constructed with two # SemVerRange objects. # $t = SemVer[ SemVerRange('>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'), SemVerRange('>=3.0.0 <4.0.0') ] notice(SemVer('1.2.3') =~ $t) # true notice(SemVer('2.3.4') =~ $t) # false notice(SemVer('3.4.5') =~ $t) # true ``` ### Creating a SemVerRange A `SemVerRange` object represents a range of `SemVer`. It can be created from a `String`, or from two `SemVer` instances, where either end can be given as a literal `default` to indicate infinity. The string format of a `SemVerRange` is specified by the [Semantic Version Range Grammar](https://github.com/npm/node-semver#ranges). > Use of the comparator sets described in the grammar (joining with `||`) is not supported. The signatures are: ```puppet type SemVerRangeString = String[1] type SemVerRangeHash = Struct[{ min => Variant[Default, SemVer], Optional[max] => Variant[Default, SemVer], Optional[exclude_max] => Boolean }] function SemVerRange.new( SemVerRangeString $semver_range_string ) function SemVerRange.new( Variant[Default,SemVer] $min Variant[Default,SemVer] $max Optional[Boolean] $exclude_max = undef ) function SemVerRange.new( SemVerRangeHash $semver_range_hash ) ``` For examples of `SemVerRange` use, see "Creating a SemVer". ### Creating a Binary A `Binary` object represents a sequence of bytes and it can be created from a String in Base64 format, an Array containing byte values. A Binary can also be created from a Hash containing the value to convert to a `Binary`. The signatures are: ```puppet type ByteInteger = Integer[0,255] type Base64Format = Enum["%b", "%u", "%B", "%s"] type StringHash = Struct[{value => String, "format" => Optional[Base64Format]}] type ArrayHash = Struct[{value => Array[ByteInteger]}] type BinaryArgsHash = Variant[StringHash, ArrayHash] function Binary.new( String $base64_str, Optional[Base64Format] $format ) function Binary.new( Array[ByteInteger] $byte_array } # Same as for String, or for Array, but where arguments are given in a Hash. function Binary.new(BinaryArgsHash $hash_args) ``` The formats have the following meaning: | format | explanation | | ---- | ---- | | B | The data is in base64 strict encoding | u | The data is in URL safe base64 encoding | b | The data is in base64 encoding, padding as required by base64 strict, is added by default | s | The data is a puppet string. The string must be valid UTF-8, or convertible to UTF-8 or an error is raised. | r | (Ruby Raw) the byte sequence in the given string is used verbatim irrespective of possible encoding errors * The default format is `%B`. * Note that the format `%r` should be used sparingly, or not at all. It exists for backwards compatibility reasons when someone receiving a string from some function and that string should be treated as Binary. Such code should be changed to return a Binary instead of a String. **Examples:** Creating a Binary ```puppet # create the binary content "abc" $a = Binary('YWJj') # create the binary content from content in a module's file $b = binary_file('mymodule/mypicture.jpg') ``` * Since 4.5.0 * Binary type since 4.8.0 Creating an instance of a `Type` using the `Init` type. ------- The type `Init[T]` describes a value that can be used when instantiating a type. When used as the first argument in a call to `new`, it will dispatch the call to its contained type and optionally augment the parameter list with additional arguments. **Example:** Creating an instance of Integer using Init[Integer] ```puppet # The following declaration $x = Init[Integer].new('128') # is exactly the same as $x = Integer.new('128') ``` or, with base 16 and using implicit new ```puppet # The following declaration $x = Init[Integer,16]('80') # is exactly the same as $x = Integer('80', 16) ``` **Example:** Creating an instance of String using a predefined format ```puppet $fmt = Init[String,'%#x'] notice($fmt(256)) # will notice '0x100' ``` DOC ) do |args| Puppet::Parser::Functions::Error.is4x('new') end