require 'spec_helper' require 'lib/middleman-cdn/clients/rackspace_response_doubles.rb' describe Middleman::Cli::RackspaceClient, :include_rackspace_response_doubles do describe '#invalidate', :vcr do let(:username) { "111111" } let(:api_key) { "000000" } let(:region) { "DFW" } let(:container) { "container" } let(:notification_email) { "" } let(:subject) {, api_key) } before do allow(HTTParty).to receive(:post).and_return(double_for_response_auth_success) allow(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).and_return(double_for_response_delete) end context "authentication" do context "valid credentials" do before do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with("", { :body => { "auth" => { "RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials" => { "username" => username, "apiKey" => api_key } } }.to_json, :headers => { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } }).once.and_return(double_for_response_auth_success) end it "should authenticate using the given credentials" do subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") end it "should authenticate once only" do subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") subject.invalidate(region, container, "/dir/index.html") end end context "invalid credentials" do it "should raise error" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).and_return(double_for_response_auth_fail) expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should retry authentication when needed" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with("", anything).once.and_return(double_for_response_auth_fail) expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with("", anything).once.and_return(double_for_response_auth_success) subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") rescue nil subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") end end end context "successful invalidate (204)" do it "should not raise error" do expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to_not raise_error end context "with notification email" do it "should include notification email in invalidation request" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).with(anything, hash_including({ :headers => hash_including({ "x-purge-email" => "" }) })).once.and_return(double_for_response_delete) subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html", notification_email: "") end end context "with file names that contain characters not allowed in a URL" do it "should escape the file path" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).with(match(/\/dir\/index%20file.html$/), anything).once.and_return(double_for_response_delete) subject.invalidate(region, container, "/dir/index file.html") end end end context "unsuccessful invalidation" do it "should raise error on 400 with fail message" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).and_return(double_for_response_delete(status_code: 400, fail_message: "the fail message")) expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "400, the fail message") end it "should raise error on 400 without fail message" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).and_return(double_for_response_delete(status_code: 400)) expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "400, an error occurred.") end it "should raise error on 403" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).and_return(double_for_response_delete(status_code: 403)) expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "403, the server refused to respond to the request. Check your credentials.") end it "should raise error on 404" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).and_return(double_for_response_delete(status_code: 404)) expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "404, the requested resource could not be found.") end it "should raise error on any unspecified response codes" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).and_return(double_for_response_delete(status_code: 999)) expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "999, an error occurred.") end it "should raise error on any unspecified response codes with fail message in body" do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:delete).and_return(double_for_response_delete(status_code: 999, fail_message: "the error has arrived")) expect{ subject.invalidate(region, container, "/index.html") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "999, an error occurred. the error has arrived") end end end end