<% chapter "History", "history" do %> <% project_history do %> <% section "Version 0.2.0 (2009-01-25)" do %> This release adds support for unit testing, improves the portability of **Inochi** and configurability of your projects, adds new content to the user manual, and fixes some bugs. <% paragraph "Contributor kudos" do %> Florian Gilcher patched **Inochi** to: * Run on both JRuby and normal Ruby in multiple versions and with different executable names on Windows. * Allow project authors to be specified by hand instead of always relying on the license file to be in expected form, because his license template doesn't follow that form. <% end %> <% paragraph "New features" do %> * Added support for unit testing via the [minitest](http://rubyforge.org/projects/bfts/) library. See <%= xref "Test your project" %> for documentation. Also, in related news, the scaffold generator now emits a default unit test for the main project library. * Added optional ProgramName parameter to the scaffold generator. This allows you to specify reasonable program names when your project module has a strange capitalization: > inochi ERBook create er_book/LICENSE > inochi ERBook erbook create erbook/LICENSE > inochi ERBook foobar create foobar/LICENSE * Allow project authors to be specified via `Inochi.init :YourProject, :authors => ...` <% end %> <% paragraph "Bug fixes" do %> * Use `Gem::RubyGemsVersion` instead of a shell command to determine rubygems version for generation of <tt>setup.erb</tt>. (Florian Gilcher) * Add blank lines between all list items, not just multi-line ones, in the plain-text version of the relase announcement for improved readability. * Omit LaTeX-style heading numbers from release announcements. They caused confusion, especially in plain-text announcements, when trying to determine which version of a project was released. <% end %> <% paragraph "Housekeeping" do %> * Added unit tests for utility methods provided by the **Inochi** module: project name calculation and CamelCase to snake\_case conversion. <% end %> <% end %> <% section "Version 0.1.0 (2009-01-13)" do %> This release reattempts to fix the [circular dependency problem](http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/176173#771281) that occurred when installing either **Inochi** or **ERBook**. <% paragraph "New features" do %> * `**Inochi**.init()` now adds `#major()`, `#series()`, and `#requirement()` instance methods to a project's `VERSION` constant. <% end %> <% paragraph "Bug fixes" do %> * Solved circular dependency problem by making inochi gem not dependent on erbook gem. However, ERBook is still required during runtime and is supplied on the `gem install` command for **Inochi**. <%= xref "Installation" %> has been updated accordingly. * Add forgotten Rake dependency for **Inochi** gem. <% end %> <% end %> <% section "Version 0.0.1 (2009-01-13)" do %> This release fixes some show-stopper bugs. <% paragraph "Contributor kudos" do %> * Florian Gilcher tried the first release of **Inochi** and reported bugs. <% end %> <% paragraph "Bug fixes" do %> * Florian Gilcher reported that the name of the project library was [being determined incorrectly](http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/176173#771351). * Florian Gilcher reported that there was a [circular dependency problem](http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/176173#771281) when installing the **Inochi** gem. The solution is to specify the <tt>--force</tt> option when installing the gem. <%= xref "Installation" %> has been updated accordingly. * Generated project scaffolds now check against the major version of the **Inochi** gem, to avoid runtime version conflicts. <% end %> <% paragraph "Housekeeping" do %> * Only add project libraries to `$LOAD_PATH` if not already there. <% end %> <% end %> <% section "Version 0.0.0 (2009-01-13)" do %> This is the first release of **Inochi**. Happy birthday! <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>