# Palindrome detector `dhoard_palindrome` is a sample Ruby gem created in [*Learn Enough Ruby to Be Dangerous*](https://www.learnenough.com/ruby-tutorial) by Michael Hartl. ## Installation To install `dhoard_palindrome`, add this line to your application's `Gemfile`: ``` gem 'dhoard_palindrome' ``` Then install as follows: ``` $ bundle install ``` Or install it directly using `gem`: ``` $ gem install dhoard_palindrome ``` ## Usage `dhoard_palindrome` adds a `palindrome?` method to the `String` class, and can be used as follows: ``` $ irb >> require 'dhoard_palindrome' >> "honey badger".palindrome? => false >> "deified".palindrome? => true >> "Able was I, ere I saw Elba.".palindrome? => true >> phrase = "Madam, I'm Adam." >> phrase.palindrome? => true ``` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).# dhoard_palindrome