/* RSence * Copyright 2009 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** Manages data value synchronization. ** ** Keeps track of all +HValue+ instances present. ***/ //var//RSence.COMM COMM.Values = HClass.extend({ /** No constructor, singleton class. **/ constructor: null, /** An +Object+ containing all values by key. **/ values: {}, /** A list of value keys whose value has changed. To be synchronized asap. **/ tosync: [], /** = Description * Creates a new +HValue+ instance. Its main purpose is to act as the main * client-side value creation interface for the server representation of * +HValue+. * * = Parameters * +_id+:: The unique id of the +HValue+ instance (set by the server) * +_data:: The initial data of the +HValue+ instance (set by the server) * **/ create: function(_id,_data){ HValue.nu(_id,_data); }, /** = Description * Binds a +HValue+ instance created externally to +self.values+. * Called from +HValue+ upon construction. * * = Parameters * +_id+:: The unique id of the +HValue+ instance (set by the server) * +_value+:: The +HValue+ instance itself. * **/ add: function(_id,_value){ this.values[_id] = _value; }, /** = Description * Sets the data of the +HValue+ instance by +_Id+. * * = Parameters * +_id+:: The unique id of the +HValue+ instance (set by the server) * +_data+:: The new data, any Object type supported by JSON. * **/ set: function(_id,_data){ this.values[_id].set(_data); }, /** = Description * Sets and decodes the +_data+. Main value setter interface * for the server representation of +HValue+. * * = Parameters * +_id+:: The unique id of the +HValue+ instance (set by the server) * +_data+:: The new data from the server, to be decoded. * **/ s: function(_id,_data){ var _this = this; _data = _this.decode(_data); _this.values[_id].s(_data); }, /** = Description * Deletes a +HValue+ instance by +_id+. * * = Parameters * +_id+:: The unique id of the +HValue+ instance (set by the server) * **/ del: function(_id){ var _this = this, _values = _this.values, _value = _values[_id], _views = _value.views, _viewsLen = _views.lengt, i = 0, _view; for(;i<_viewsLen;i++){ _view = _views[i]; _view.valueObj = HDummyValue.nu(0,_value.value); } _value.views = []; delete _values[_id]; }, /** = Description * Marks the +HValue+ instance as changed and tries to send it * immediately, unless COMM.Transporter has an ongoing transfer. * Usually called by the +HValue+ instance internally. * * = Parameters * +_value+:: The +HValue+ instanche that changed. * **/ changed: function(_value){ var _this = this; if(_this.tosync.indexOf(_value.id)===-1){ _this.tosync.push(_value.id); var _transporter = COMM.Transporter; if(!_transporter.busy){ _transporter.sync(); } } }, // List of primitive object types. _builtins: [ 'b', // boolean 'n', // number 's' // string ], /** = Description * Use this method to detect the type of the object given. * * Returns the type of the object given as a character code. Returns false, * if unknown or unsupported objcet type. * * = Returns * _One of the following:_ * - 'a': Array * - 'h': Hash (Generic Object) * - 'd': Date * - 'b': Boolean (true/false) * - 'n': Number (integers and floats) * - 's': String * - '~': Null * - '-': Undefined * **/ type: function(_obj){ if(_obj === null){ return '~'; } else if (_obj === undefined){ return '-'; } var _type = (typeof _obj).slice(0,1); if(this._builtins.indexOf(_type)!==-1){ return _type; } else if(_type==='o'){ if(_obj.constructor === Array){ return 'a'; // array } else if(_obj.constructor === Object){ return 'h'; // hash } else if(_obj.constructor === Date){ return 'd'; // date } return false; } return false; }, // Returns an encoded version of the array _arr as a string _encodeArr: function(_arr){ var _str = '[', _output = [], _len = _arr.length, _this = this, _item, i = 0; for(;i<_len;i++){ _item = _this.encode(_arr[i]); _output.push( _item ); } _str += _output.join(',')+']'; return _str; }, // Returns a decoded array with decoded content of array _arr _decodeArr: function(_arr){ var _output = [], _len = _arr.length, _this = this, _item, i = 0; for(;i<_len;i++){ _item = _this.decode(_arr[i]); _output.push( _item ); } return _output; }, // Returns an encoded version of the Hash (Object) _hash as a string _encodeHash: function(_hash){ var _str = '{', _output = [], _this = this, _key, _value; for(_key in _hash){ _value = _hash[_key]; _output.push( _this.encode( _key ) + ':' + _this.encode( _value ) ); } _str += _output.join(',')+'}'; return _str; }, // Returns a decoded version of the Hash (Object) _hash _decodeHash: function(_hash){ var _output = {}, _this = this, _key, _value; for(_key in _hash){ _value = _hash[_key]; _output[_this.decode(_key)] = _this.decode(_value); } return _output; }, // Regular expression match/replace pairs for string escaping. _stringSubstitutions: [ [(/\\/g), '\\\\'], //[(/\b/g), '\\b'], [(/\t/g), '\\t'], [(/\n/g), '\\n'], [(/\f/g), '\\f'], [(/\r/g), '\\r'], [(/"/g), '\\"'] ], // Quotes a string (escapes quotation marks and places quotes around) _quoteString: function(_str){ var _this = this, _substitutions = _this._stringSubstitutions, i = 0, _len = _substitutions.length, _line, _from, _to, _output = ''; for(;i<_len;i++){ _line = _substitutions[i]; _from = _line[0]; _to = _line[1]; _str = _str.replace( _from, _to ); } return '"' + _str + '"'; }, // Encodes the native character set to url-encoded unicode. // Likely causes issues with non-ascii strings, shouldn't be called (for now). _encodeString: function(_str){ console.log( 'WARNING: encodeString called with string: ',_str ); var _outStr; try { _outStr = unescape( encodeURIComponent( _str ) ); } catch(e) { _outStr = _str; } return _outStr; }, // Decodes the url-encoded unicode to the native character set _decodeString: function(_str){ var _outStr; try { _outStr = decodeURIComponent( escape( _str ) ); } catch(e) { _outStr = _str; } return _outStr; }, /** = Description * Encodes an object to a ascii string (special characters url-encoded). * * = Parameters * +_obj+:: Any object * * = Returns * A +String+ representation of the +_obj+ * **/ encode: function(_obj){ var _str, _type, _this = this; if(_obj === null){ return 'null'; } else if(_obj !== undefined){ _type = _this.type(_obj); if(!_type){ return 'null'; } switch(_type){ case 'b': _str = String(_obj); break; case 'n': _str = String(_obj); break; case 's': _str = _this._quoteString(_obj); break; // Might need further investigation, but _encodeString is disabled for now: // case 's': _str = _this._quoteString(_this._encodeString(_obj)); break; case 'd': _str = '"@'+String(_obj.getTime()/1000)+'"'; break; case 'a': _str = _this._encodeArr(_obj); break; case 'h': _str = _this._encodeHash(_obj); break; default: _str = 'null'; break; } } else { return 'null'; } return _str; }, _nativeEncode: function(_obj){ try{ return JSON.stringify( _obj ); } catch(e){ console.log('invalid json:',_obj); return "{}"; } }, /** = Description * Decodes a JSON object. Decodes url-encoded strings contained. * * = Parameters * +_ibj+:: A raw object with special characters url-encoded. * * = Returns * An version of the object with the contained strings decoded to unicode. * **/ decode: function(_ibj){ var _obj, _type, _this = this; if(_ibj !== null && _ibj !== undefined){ _type = _this.type(_ibj); if(!_type){ return null; } switch(_type){ case 'b': _obj = _ibj; break; case 'n': _obj = _ibj; break; case 's': _obj = _this._decodeString(_ibj); break; case 'd': _obj = _ibj; break; case 'a': _obj = _this._decodeArr(_ibj); break; case 'h': _obj = _this._decodeHash(_ibj); break; default: _obj = null; break; } } else { return null; } return _obj; }, _nativeDecode: function(_ibj){ var _obj, _type, _this = this; if(_ibj !== null && _ibj !== undefined){ _type = _this.type(_ibj); if(!_type){ return null; } switch(_type){ case 'b': _obj = _ibj; break; case 'n': _obj = _ibj; break; case 's': _obj = _this._decodeString(_ibj); break; case 'd': _obj = _ibj; break; case 'a': _obj = JSON.parse(_ibj); break; case 'h': _obj = JSON.parse(_ibj); break; default: _obj = null; break; } } else { return null; } return _obj; }, /** = Description * Makes a deep copy of the object. * * When you use assignment of a js object, only primitive object types * (strings, numbers and booleans) are copied. This method makes a deep * (nested) clone of the input object. * * = Parameters * +_obj+:: Any object. * * = Returns * A copy of the object. * **/ clone: function( _obj, _shallow ){ if(_obj === null){ return null; } else if (_obj === undefined){ console.log('Undefined object, supplementing with null.'); return null; } var _item, _cloned; if( _obj instanceof Array ){ _cloned = []; for( _item = 0; _item < _obj.length; _item ++ ){ if(_shallow){ _cloned[ _item ] = _obj[ _item ]; } else { _cloned[ _item ] = this.clone( _obj[ _item ] ); } } return _cloned; } else if( _obj instanceof Object ){ _cloned = {}; for( _item in _obj ){ if(_shallow){ _cloned[ _item ] = _obj[ _item ]; } else { _cloned[ _item ] = this.clone( _obj[ _item ] ); } } return _cloned; } else { return _obj; } }, _nativeClone: function( _obj ){ if(_obj === null){ return null; } else if (_obj === undefined){ console.log('Undefined object, supplementing with null.'); return null; } if( (_obj instanceof Array) || (_obj instanceof Object) ){ // conversion via encoding/decoding via JSON string. return JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( _obj ) ); } else { // no conversion needed (numbers, strings, booleans etc..) return _obj; } }, /** = Description * Returns an URI-encoded string representation of all the changed values to * synchronize to the server. * * = Returns * An encoded string representation of values to synchronize. **/ sync: function(){ var _this = this, _response = [ COMM.Session.ses_key,{},[] ], _error = COMM.Transporter._clientEvalError; if( _error ){ _response[2].push({'err_msg':_error}); } // new implementation, symmetric with the server response format if( this.tosync.length > 0 ){ _response[1].set=[]; var _syncValues = _response[1].set, _values = _this.values, _tosync = _this.tosync, i = _tosync.length, _id, _value; while(i--){ _id = _tosync.shift(); _value = _values[_id].value; _syncValues.push( [ _id, _value ] ); } } // console.log('response:',_response); // console.log('encoded:',_this.encode(_response)); return _this.encode(_response); }, // Old sync implementation: // sync: function(){ // if(this.tosync.length===0){ // return false; // } // var // _syncValues = {}, // _this = this, // _values = _this.values, // _tosync = _this.tosync, // _len = _tosync.length, // i = 0, _id, _value; // for(;i<_len;i++){ // _id = _tosync.shift(); // _value = _values[_id].value; // _syncValues[_id] = _value; // } // return encodeURIComponent(_this.encode(_syncValues)); // }, _detectNativeJSONSupport: function(){ if(window['JSON']){ var _JSON = window.JSON, _fun = 'function'; if((typeof _JSON['parse'] === _fun) && (typeof _JSON['stringify'] === _fun)){ // console.log('Has native JSON support. Re-routing encode, decode and clone methods of COMM.Values...'); this.clone = this._nativeClone; this.encode = this._nativeEncode; // this.decode = this._nativeDecode; } } } }); COMM.Values._detectNativeJSONSupport(); // Backwards compatibility assignment for code that still // uses HVM as a reference of the Value Manager: HVM = COMM.Values;