require 'stripe' module Stripe class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Stripe class << self attr_accessor :testing end stripe_config = config.stripe =, :api_version, :secret_key, :verify_ssl_certs, :publishable_key, :endpoint, :debug_js, :auto_mount, :eager_load, :open_timeout, :read_timeout).new def stripe_config.api_key=(key) warn "[DEPRECATION] to align with stripe nomenclature, stripe.api_key has been renamed to config.stripe.secret_key" self.secret_key = key end initializer 'stripe.configure.defaults', :before => 'stripe.configure' do |app| stripe = app.config.stripe stripe.secret_key ||= ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'] stripe.endpoint ||= '/stripe' stripe.auto_mount = true if stripe.auto_mount.nil? stripe.eager_load ||= [] if stripe.debug_js.nil? stripe.debug_js = ::Rails.env.development? end end initializer 'stripe.configure' do |app| [:api_base, :verify_ssl_certs, :api_version, :open_timeout, :read_timeout].each do |key| value = app.config.stripe.send(key) Stripe.send("#{key}=", value) unless value.nil? end secret_key = app.config.stripe.secret_key Stripe.api_key = secret_key unless secret_key.nil? $stderr.puts <<-MSG unless Stripe.api_key No API key was configured for environment #{::Rails.env}! this application will be unable to interact with You can set your API key with either the environment variable `STRIPE_SECRET_KEY` (recommended) or by setting `config.stripe.secret_key` in your environment file directly. MSG end initializer 'stripe.callbacks.eager_load' do |app| app.config.after_initialize do app.config.stripe.eager_load.each do |constant| begin constant.to_s.camelize.constantize rescue NameError require constant end end end end initializer 'stripe.javascript_helper' do ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do # ActionController::API does not have a helper method if respond_to?(:helper) helper Stripe::JavascriptHelper end end end initializer 'stripe.plans_and_coupons' do |app| for configuration in %w(plans coupons) path = app.root.join("config/stripe/#{configuration}.rb") load path if path.exist? end end rake_tasks do load 'stripe/rails/tasks.rake' end end end