# encoding: utf-8 require "clamp" # gem 'clamp' require "logstash/environment" require "logstash/errors" require "logstash/config/cpu_core_strategy" require "stud/trap" require "logstash/config/loader" require "uri" require "net/http" require "logstash/pipeline" class LogStash::Agent < Clamp::Command attr_reader :pipelines DEFAULT_INPUT = "input { stdin { type => stdin } }" DEFAULT_OUTPUT = "output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }" option ["-f", "--config"], "CONFIG_PATH", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.config"), :attribute_name => :config_path option "-e", "CONFIG_STRING", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.config-string", :default_input => DEFAULT_INPUT, :default_output => DEFAULT_OUTPUT), :default => "", :attribute_name => :config_string option ["-w", "--pipeline-workers"], "COUNT", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.pipeline-workers"), :attribute_name => :pipeline_workers, :default => LogStash::Pipeline::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:default_pipeline_workers] option ["-b", "--pipeline-batch-size"], "SIZE", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.pipeline-batch-size"), :attribute_name => :pipeline_batch_size, :default => LogStash::Pipeline::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:pipeline_batch_size] option ["-u", "--pipeline-batch-delay"], "DELAY_IN_MS", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.pipeline-batch-delay"), :attribute_name => :pipeline_batch_delay, :default => LogStash::Pipeline::DEFAULT_SETTINGS[:pipeline_batch_delay] option ["--filterworkers"], "COUNT", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.filterworkers"), :attribute_name => :filter_workers option ["-l", "--log"], "FILE", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.log"), :attribute_name => :log_file # Old support for the '-v' flag' option "-v", :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.verbosity"), :attribute_name => :verbosity, :multivalued => true option "--quiet", :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.quiet") option "--verbose", :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.verbose") option "--debug", :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.debug") option ["-V", "--version"], :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.version") option ["-p", "--pluginpath"] , "PATH", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.pluginpath"), :multivalued => true, :attribute_name => :plugin_paths option ["-t", "--configtest"], :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.configtest"), :attribute_name => :config_test option "--[no-]allow-unsafe-shutdown", :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.unsafe_shutdown"), :attribute_name => :unsafe_shutdown, :default => false option ["-r", "--[no-]auto-reload"], :flag, I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.auto_reload"), :attribute_name => :auto_reload, :default => false option ["--reload-interval"], "RELOAD_INTERVAL", I18n.t("logstash.agent.flag.reload_interval"), :attribute_name => :reload_interval, :default => 3, &:to_i option ["-n", "--node-name"], "NAME", I18n.t("logstash.runner.flag.node_name"), :attribute_name => :node_name, :default => Socket.gethostname def initialize(*params) super(*params) @logger = Cabin::Channel.get(LogStash) @pipelines = {} @pipeline_settings ||= { :pipeline_id => "main" } @upgrade_mutex = Mutex.new @config_loader = LogStash::Config::Loader.new(@logger) end def pipeline_workers=(pipeline_workers_value) @pipeline_settings[:pipeline_workers] = validate_positive_integer(pipeline_workers_value) end def pipeline_batch_size=(pipeline_batch_size_value) @pipeline_settings[:pipeline_batch_size] = validate_positive_integer(pipeline_batch_size_value) end def pipeline_batch_delay=(pipeline_batch_delay_value) @pipeline_settings[:pipeline_batch_delay] = validate_positive_integer(pipeline_batch_delay_value) end def validate_positive_integer(str_arg) int_arg = str_arg.to_i if str_arg !~ /^\d+$/ || int_arg < 1 raise ArgumentError, "Expected a positive integer, got '#{str_arg}'" end int_arg end # Emit a warning message. def warn(message) # For now, all warnings are fatal. raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, message end # def warn def fail(message) raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, message end # def fail # Run the agent. This method is invoked after clamp parses the # flags given to this program. def execute require "logstash/pipeline" require "cabin" # gem 'cabin' require "logstash/plugin" LogStash::ShutdownWatcher.unsafe_shutdown = unsafe_shutdown? LogStash::ShutdownWatcher.logger = @logger if version? show_version return 0 end # temporarily send logs to stdout as well if a --log is specified # and stdout appears to be a tty show_startup_errors = log_file && STDOUT.tty? if show_startup_errors stdout_logs = @logger.subscribe(STDOUT) end configure if filter_workers @logger.warn("--filter-workers is deprecated! Please use --pipeline-workers or -w. This setting will be removed in the next major version!") self.pipeline_workers = filter_workers end # You must specify a config_string or config_path if config_string.nil? && config_path.nil? fail(I18n.t("logstash.agent.missing-configuration")) end if auto_reload? && config_path.nil? # there's nothing to reload fail(I18n.t("logstash.agent.reload-without-config-path")) end if config_test? config_loader = LogStash::Config::Loader.new(@logger) config_str = config_loader.format_config(config_path, config_string) config_error = LogStash::Pipeline.config_valid?(config_str) if config_error == true @logger.terminal "Configuration OK" return 0 else @logger.fatal I18n.t("logstash.error", :error => config_error) return 1 end end register_pipeline("main", @pipeline_settings.merge({ :config_string => config_string, :config_path => config_path })) sigint_id = trap_sigint() sigterm_id = trap_sigterm() sighup_id = trap_sighup() @logger.unsubscribe(stdout_logs) if show_startup_errors @logger.info("starting agent") start_pipelines return 1 if clean_state? @thread = Thread.current # this var is implicilty used by Stud.stop? Stud.stoppable_sleep(reload_interval) # sleep before looping if auto_reload? Stud.interval(reload_interval) { reload_state! } else while !Stud.stop? if clean_state? || running_pipelines? sleep 0.5 else break end end end shutdown return 0 rescue LogStash::ConfigurationError => e @logger.unsubscribe(stdout_logs) if show_startup_errors @logger.error I18n.t("logstash.agent.error", :error => e) if !config_test? @logger.info I18n.t("logstash.agent.configtest-flag-information") end return 1 rescue => e @logger.unsubscribe(stdout_logs) if show_startup_errors @logger.warn(I18n.t("oops"), :error => e, :class => e.class.name, :backtrace => e.backtrace) return 1 ensure @log_fd.close if @log_fd Stud::untrap("INT", sigint_id) unless sigint_id.nil? Stud::untrap("TERM", sigterm_id) unless sigterm_id.nil? Stud::untrap("HUP", sighup_id) unless sighup_id.nil? end # def execute # Do any start-time configuration. # # Log file stuff, plugin path checking, etc. def configure configure_logging(log_file) configure_plugin_paths(plugin_paths) end # def configure # Point logging at a specific path. def configure_logging(path) # Set with the -v (or -vv...) flag if quiet? @logger.level = :error elsif verbose? @logger.level = :info elsif debug? @logger.level = :debug else # Old support for the -v and -vv stuff. if verbosity? && verbosity?.any? # this is an array with length of how many times the flag is given if verbosity?.length == 1 @logger.warn("The -v flag is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You should use --verbose instead.") @logger.level = :info else @logger.warn("The -vv flag is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You should use --debug instead.") @logger.level = :debug end else @logger.level = :warn end end if log_file # TODO(sissel): Implement file output/rotation in Cabin. # TODO(sissel): Catch exceptions, report sane errors. begin @log_fd.close if @log_fd @log_fd = File.new(path, "a") rescue => e fail(I18n.t("logstash.agent.configuration.log_file_failed", :path => path, :error => e)) end puts "Sending logstash logs to #{path}." @logger.unsubscribe(@logger_subscription) if @logger_subscription @logger_subscription = @logger.subscribe(@log_fd) else @logger.subscribe(STDOUT) end # TODO(sissel): redirect stdout/stderr to the log as well # http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-7003 end # def configure_logging # add the given paths for ungemified/bare plugins lookups # @param paths [String, Array] plugins path string or list of path strings to add def configure_plugin_paths(paths) Array(paths).each do |path| fail(I18n.t("logstash.agent.configuration.plugin_path_missing", :path => path)) unless File.directory?(path) LogStash::Environment.add_plugin_path(path) end end ## Signal Trapping ## def trap_sigint Stud::trap("INT") do if @interrupted_once @logger.fatal(I18n.t("logstash.agent.forced_sigint")) exit else @logger.warn(I18n.t("logstash.agent.sigint")) Thread.new(@logger) {|logger| sleep 5; logger.warn(I18n.t("logstash.agent.slow_shutdown")) } @interrupted_once = true Stud.stop!(@thread) end end end def trap_sigterm Stud::trap("TERM") do @logger.warn(I18n.t("logstash.agent.sigterm")) Stud.stop!(@thread) end end def trap_sighup Stud::trap("HUP") do @logger.warn(I18n.t("logstash.agent.sighup")) reload_state! end end ## Pipeline CRUD ## def shutdown(pipeline) pipeline.shutdown do ::LogStash::ShutdownWatcher.start(pipeline) end end # # register_pipeline - adds a pipeline to the agent's state # @param pipeline_id [String] pipeline string identifier # @param settings [Hash] settings that will be passed when creating the pipeline. # keys should be symbols such as :pipeline_workers and :pipeline_batch_delay def register_pipeline(pipeline_id, settings) pipeline = create_pipeline(settings.merge(:pipeline_id => pipeline_id)) return unless pipeline.is_a?(LogStash::Pipeline) @pipelines[pipeline_id] = pipeline end def reload_state! @upgrade_mutex.synchronize do @pipelines.each do |pipeline_id, _| begin reload_pipeline!(pipeline_id) rescue => e @logger.error(I18n.t("oops"), :error => e, :backtrace => e.backtrace) end end end end def create_pipeline(settings) begin config = fetch_config(settings) rescue => e @logger.error("failed to fetch pipeline configuration", :message => e.message) return end begin LogStash::Pipeline.new(config, settings) rescue => e @logger.error("fetched an invalid config", :config => config, :reason => e.message) return end end def start_pipelines @pipelines.each { |id, _| start_pipeline(id) } end def shutdown shutdown_pipelines end def shutdown_pipelines @pipelines.each { |id, _| stop_pipeline(id) } end def stop_pipeline(id) pipeline = @pipelines[id] return unless pipeline @logger.log("stopping pipeline", :id => id) pipeline.shutdown { LogStash::ShutdownWatcher.start(pipeline) } @pipelines[id].thread.join end def running_pipelines? @upgrade_mutex.synchronize do @pipelines.select {|pipeline_id, _| running_pipeline?(pipeline_id) }.any? end end def running_pipeline?(pipeline_id) thread = @pipelines[pipeline_id].thread thread.is_a?(Thread) && thread.alive? end def upgrade_pipeline(pipeline_id, new_pipeline) stop_pipeline(pipeline_id) @pipelines[pipeline_id] = new_pipeline start_pipeline(pipeline_id) end def clean_state? @pipelines.empty? end # since this method modifies the @pipelines hash it is # wrapped in @upgrade_mutex in the parent call `reload_state!` def reload_pipeline!(id) old_pipeline = @pipelines[id] new_pipeline = create_pipeline(old_pipeline.original_settings) return if new_pipeline.nil? if old_pipeline.config_str == new_pipeline.config_str @logger.debug("no configuration change for pipeline", :pipeline => id, :config => old_pipeline.config_str) else @logger.log("fetched new config for pipeline. upgrading..", :pipeline => id, :config => new_pipeline.config_str) upgrade_pipeline(id, new_pipeline) end end def start_pipeline(id) pipeline = @pipelines[id] return unless pipeline.is_a?(LogStash::Pipeline) return if pipeline.ready? @logger.info("starting pipeline", :id => id) Thread.new do LogStash::Util.set_thread_name("pipeline.#{id}") begin pipeline.run rescue => e @logger.error("Pipeline aborted due to error", :exception => e, :backtrace => e.backtrace) end end sleep 0.01 until pipeline.ready? end ## Pipeline Aux methods ## def fetch_config(settings) @config_loader.format_config(settings[:config_path], settings[:config_string]) end private def node_uuid @node_uuid ||= SecureRandom.uuid end ### Version actions ### def show_version show_version_logstash if [:info, :debug].include?(verbosity?) || debug? || verbose? show_version_ruby show_version_java if LogStash::Environment.jruby? show_gems if [:debug].include?(verbosity?) || debug? end end # def show_version def show_version_logstash require "logstash/version" puts "logstash #{LOGSTASH_VERSION}" end # def show_version_logstash def show_version_ruby puts RUBY_DESCRIPTION end # def show_version_ruby def show_version_java properties = java.lang.System.getProperties puts "java #{properties["java.version"]} (#{properties["java.vendor"]})" puts "jvm #{properties["java.vm.name"]} / #{properties["java.vm.version"]}" end # def show_version_java def show_gems require "rubygems" Gem::Specification.each do |spec| puts "gem #{spec.name} #{spec.version}" end end # def show_gems end # class LogStash::Agent