###* Tooltips ======== Up.js comes with a basic tooltip implementation. You can an [`up-tooltip`](/up-tooltip) attribute to any HTML tag to show a tooltip whenever the user hovers over the element: Decks \#\#\#\# Styling The [default styles](https://github.com/makandra/upjs/blob/master/lib/assets/stylesheets/up/tooltip.css.sass) show a simple tooltip with white text on a gray background. A gray triangle points to the element. To change the styling, simply override CSS rules for the `.up-tooltip` selector and its `:after` selector that is used the triangle. The HTML of a tooltip element is simply this:
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The tooltip element is appended to the end of ``. @class up.tooltip ### up.tooltip = (($) -> u = up.util ###* Sets default options for future tooltips. @property up.tooltip.config @param {String} [config.position] The default position of tooltips relative to the element. Can be either `"top"` or `"bottom"`. @param {String} [config.openAnimation='fade-in'] The animation used to open a tooltip. @param {String} [config.closeAnimation='fade-out'] The animation used to close a tooltip. @stable ### config = u.config position: 'top' openAnimation: 'fade-in' closeAnimation: 'fade-out' reset = -> config.reset() setPosition = ($link, $tooltip, position) -> linkBox = u.measure($link) tooltipBox = u.measure($tooltip) css = switch position when "top" left: linkBox.left + 0.5 * (linkBox.width - tooltipBox.width) top: linkBox.top - tooltipBox.height when "bottom" left: linkBox.left + 0.5 * (linkBox.width - tooltipBox.width) top: linkBox.top + linkBox.height else u.error("Unknown position %o", position) $tooltip.attr('up-position', position) $tooltip.css(css) createElement = (options) -> $element = u.$createElementFromSelector('.up-tooltip') if u.isGiven(options.text) $element.text(options.text) else $element.html(options.html) $element.appendTo(document.body) $element ###* Opens a tooltip over the given element. up.tooltip.attach('.help', { html: 'Enter multiple words or phrases' }); @function up.tooltip.attach @param {Element|jQuery|String} elementOrSelector @param {String} [options.html] The HTML to display in the tooltip. @param {String} [options.position='top'] The position of the tooltip. Known values are `top` and `bottom`. @param {String} [options.animation] The animation to use when opening the tooltip. @return {Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the tooltip's opening animation has finished. @stable ### attach = (linkOrSelector, options = {}) -> $link = $(linkOrSelector) html = u.option(options.html, $link.attr('up-tooltip-html')) text = u.option(options.text, $link.attr('up-tooltip')) position = u.option(options.position, $link.attr('up-position'), config.position) animation = u.option(options.animation, u.castedAttr($link, 'up-animation'), config.openAnimation) animateOptions = up.motion.animateOptions(options, $link) close() $tooltip = createElement(text: text, html: html) setPosition($link, $tooltip, position) up.animate($tooltip, animation, animateOptions) ###* Closes a currently shown tooltip. Does nothing if no tooltip is currently shown. @function up.tooltip.close @param {Object} options See options for [`up.animate`](/up.animate). @stable ### close = (options) -> $tooltip = $('.up-tooltip') if $tooltip.length options = u.options(options, animation: config.closeAnimation) options = u.merge(options, up.motion.animateOptions(options)) up.destroy($tooltip, options) ###* Displays a tooltip with text content when hovering the mouse over this element: Decks To make the tooltip appear below the element instead of above the element, add an `up-position` attribute: Decks @selector [up-tooltip] @param {String} [up-animation] The animation used to open the tooltip. Defaults to [`up.tooltip.config.openAnimation`](/up.tooltip.config). @param {String} [up-position] The default position of tooltips relative to the element. Can be either `"top"` or `"bottom"`. Defaults to [`up.tooltip.config.position`](/up.tooltip.config). @stable ### ###* Displays a tooltip with HTML content when hovering the mouse over this element: Decks @selector [up-tooltip-html] @stable ### up.compiler('[up-tooltip], [up-tooltip-html]', ($link) -> # Don't register these events on document since *every* # mouse move interaction bubbles up to the document. $link.on('mouseover', -> attach($link)) $link.on('mouseout', -> close()) ) # Close the tooltip when someone clicks anywhere. up.on('click', 'body', (event, $body) -> close() ) # The framework is reset between tests, so also close # a currently open tooltip. up.on 'up:framework:reset', close # Close the tooltip when the user presses ESC. up.bus.onEscape(-> close()) # The framework is reset between tests up.on 'up:framework:reset', reset attach: attach close: close open: -> u.error('up.tooltip.open no longer exists. Use up.tooltip.attach instead.') )(jQuery)