require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'shellwords' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks namespace :spec do rspec_options = '--color --format d --fail-fast --order random' do |s| s.pattern = 'spec/sauce/**_spec.rb' s.rspec_opts = rspec_options end do |s| s.pattern = 'spec/integration/**_spec.rb' s.rspec_opts = rspec_options end end def ensure_rvm! unless File.exists? File.expand_path("~/.rvm/scripts/rvm") abort("I don't think you have RVM installed, which means this test will fail") end end namespace :test do namespace :cucumber do desc "Run an integration test with the cucumber-capybara code (slow)" task :capybara do |t| ensure_rvm! sh "(cd examples/cucumber-capybara/ && ./" end end namespace :rails3 do desc "Run an integration test with the rails3-demo code (slow)" task :testunit do |t| ensure_rvm! sh "(cd examples/rails3-demo && ./" end end end desc "Run *all* tests, this will be slow!" task :test => [:'spec:unit', :'spec:integration', :'test:cucumber:capybara', :'test:rails3:testunit'] do |test| test.libs << 'lib' << 'examples' test.pattern = 'examples/test_*.rb' test.verbose = true end begin require 'rcov/rcovtask' do |test| test.libs << 'test' test.pattern = 'test/**/test_*.rb' test.verbose = true end rescue LoadError task :rcov do abort "RCov is not available. In order to run rcov, you must: sudo gem install spicycode-rcov" end end require 'rake/rdoctask' do |rdoc| version = File.exist?('VERSION') ?'VERSION') : "" rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.title = "sauce #{version}" rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end GEMS = ['sauce-jasmine', 'sauce-cucumber'] def gem_kind(name) name.split('-')[1] end GEMS.each do |gem| namespace gem_kind(gem) do desc "Build the #{gem} gem" task :build do sh "(cd gems/#{gem} && rake build)" end desc "Release the #{gem} gem" task :release do sh "(cd gems/#{gem} && rake release)" end end end task :build => GEMS.collect { |n| "#{gem_kind(n)}:build" } task :release => [:build] task :default => [:'spec:unit', :build]