# dense ## dense 1.1.6 released 2018-12-24 (Merry Christmas!) * Interpret "replies.0_1_2" as `[ "replies", "0_1_2" ]` not `[ "replies", 0 ]` ## dense 1.1.5 released 2018-12-04 * Differentiate KeyError and IndexError upon miss ## dense 1.1.4 released 2018-11-08 * Fix `Dense.fetch({ 'a' => nil }, 'a')` * Implement Dense.force_set(coll, k, v) ## dense 1.1.3 released 2018-08-13 * Accept '!' in names ## dense 1.1.2 released 2018-07-15 * Accept string and symbol keys in path arrays * Accept path arrays in Dense::Path.make ## dense 1.1.1 released 2018-06-15 * Accept `[a;b;c]` union keys * Accept regular expressions for object keys ## dense 1.1.0 released 2018-04-29 * Add Dense.path(path) and Dense.gather(collection, path) * Use but enhance KeyError and TypeError * Differentiate between `*` and `.*` * Complete ework around Path#gather * Straighten Dense.fetch ## dense 1.0.0 released 2017-09-29 * Accept `owner[age]` (unquoted key name in bracket index) * Accept '=' and '?' in key names * Introduce Dense::Path#last * Introduce Dense::Path indexation and equality * Introduce Dense::Path #length and #size * Introduce Dense::Path::NotIndexableError#relabel * Introduce Dense::Path::NotIndexableError * Differentiate `Dense.get(col, path)` from `Dense.fetch(col, path[, default])` * Provide Dense::Path.to_s * Introduce Dense.has_key?(collection, path) * Introduce Dense.insert(collection, path, value) * Accept `.first` and `.last` when indexing arrays * Introduce Dense.unset(collection, path) * Introduce Dense.set(collection, path, value) * Introduce Dense.get(collection, path) ## dense 0.1.0 released 2017-08-06 * initial release