module Danger # Report your Ruby app test suite code coverage. # # You can use [simplecov]( to # gather code coverage data and a # [json formatter]( so # this plugin can parse it. # # @example Report code coverage # #'coverage/coverage.json') # simplecov.individual_report('coverage/coverage.json', Dir.pwd) # # @see marcelofabri/danger-simplecov_json # @tags ruby, code-coverage, simplecov # class DangerSimpleCovJson < Plugin # Parse a JSON code coverage file and report that information as a # message in Danger. # @return [void] # def report(coverage_path, sticky: true) if File.exist? coverage_path coverage_json = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true) metrics = coverage_json[:metrics] percentage = metrics[:covered_percent] lines = metrics[:covered_lines] total_lines = metrics[:total_lines] formatted_percentage = format('%.02f', percentage) message("Code coverage is now at #{formatted_percentage}% (#{lines}/#{total_lines} lines)", sticky: sticky) else fail('Code coverage data not found') end end # Parse a JSON code coverage file and report on the files that you have # added or modified in git # @return [void] # def individual_report(coverage_path, current_project_path) if File.exist? coverage_path committed_files = git.modified_files + git.added_files unless current_project_path.nil? committed_files = do |s| current_project_path + '/' + s end end covered_files = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true)[:files] .select { |f| committed_files.include?(f[:filename]) } return if covered_files.nil? || covered_files.empty? markdown individual_coverage_message(covered_files) else fail('Code coverage data not found') end end # Builds the markdown table displaying coverage on individual files # @param [Array] covered_files # @return [String] Markdown table # def individual_coverage_message(covered_files) require 'terminal-table' message = "### Code Coverage\n\n" table = headings: %w(File Coverage), style: { border_i: '|' }, rows: do |file| [file[:filename], "#{format('%.02f', file[:covered_percent])}%"] end ).to_s message + table.split("\n")[1..-2].join("\n") end def self.instance_name 'simplecov' end end end