module Spaceship module Tunes # Represents an editable version of an iTunes Connect Application # This can either be the live or the edit version retrieved via the app class AppVersion < TunesBase # @return (Spaceship::Tunes::Application) A reference to the application # this version is for attr_accessor :application # @return (String) The version number of this version attr_accessor :version # @return (String) The copyright information of this app attr_accessor :copyright # @return (Spaceship::Tunes::AppStatus) What's the current status of this app # e.g. Waiting for Review, Ready for Sale, ... attr_reader :app_status # @return (Bool) Is that the version that's currently available in the App Store? attr_accessor :is_live # @return (String) App Status (e.g. 'readyForSale'). You should use `app_status` instead attr_accessor :raw_status # @return (Bool) attr_accessor :can_reject_version # @return (Bool) attr_accessor :can_prepare_for_upload # @return (Bool) attr_accessor :can_send_version_live # @return (Bool) Should the app automatically be released once it's approved? attr_accessor :release_on_approval # @return (Bool) attr_accessor :can_beta_test # @return (Bool) Does the binary contain a watch binary? attr_accessor :supports_apple_watch # @return (String) URL to the full resolution 1024x1024 app icon attr_accessor :app_icon_url # @return (String) Name of the original file attr_accessor :app_icon_original_name # @return (String) URL to the full resolution 1024x1024 app icon attr_accessor :watch_app_icon_url # @return (String) Name of the original file attr_accessor :watch_app_icon_original_name # @return (Integer) a unqiue ID for this version generated by iTunes Connect attr_accessor :version_id #### # App Review Information #### # @return (String) App Review Information First Name attr_accessor :review_first_name # @return (String) App Review Information Last Name attr_accessor :review_last_name # @return (String) App Review Information Phone Number attr_accessor :review_phone_number # @return (String) App Review Information Email Address attr_accessor :review_email # @return (String) App Review Information Demo Account User Name attr_accessor :review_demo_user # @return (String) App Review Information Demo Account Password attr_accessor :review_demo_password # @return (String) App Review Information Notes attr_accessor :review_notes #### # Localized values #### # @return (Array) Raw access the all available languages. You shouldn't use it probbaly attr_accessor :languages # @return (Hash) A hash representing the keywords in all languages attr_reader :keywords # @return (Hash) A hash representing the description in all languages attr_reader :description # @return (Hash) The changelog attr_reader :release_notes # @return (Hash) A hash representing the keywords in all languages attr_reader :support_url # @return (Hash) A hash representing the keywords in all languages attr_reader :marketing_url # @return (Hash) Represents the screenshots of this app version (read-only) attr_reader :screenshots attr_mapping({ 'canBetaTest' => :can_beta_test, 'canPrepareForUpload' => :can_prepare_for_upload, 'canRejectVersion' => :can_reject_version, 'canSendVersionLive' => :can_send_version_live, 'copyright.value' => :copyright, 'details.value' => :languages, 'largeAppIcon.value.originalFileName' => :app_icon_original_name, 'largeAppIcon.value.url' => :app_icon_url, 'releaseOnApproval.value' => :release_on_approval, 'status' => :raw_status, 'supportsAppleWatch' => :supports_apple_watch, 'versionId' => :version_id, 'version.value' => :version, 'watchAppIcon.value.originalFileName' => :watch_app_icon_original_name, 'watchAppIcon.value.url' => :watch_app_icon_url, # App Review Information 'appReviewInfo.firstName.value' => :review_first_name, 'appReviewInfo.lastName.value' => :review_last_name, 'appReviewInfo.phoneNumber.value' => :review_phone_number, 'appReviewInfo.emailAddress.value' => :review_email, 'appReviewInfo.reviewNotes.value' => :review_notes, 'appReviewInfo.userName.value' => :review_demo_user, 'appReviewInfo.password.value' => :review_demo_password }) class << self # Create a new object based on a hash. # This is used to create a new object based on the server response. def factory(attrs) obj = obj.unfold_languages return obj end # @param application (Spaceship::Tunes::Application) The app this version is for # @param app_id (String) The unique Apple ID of this app # @param is_live (Boolean) def find(application, app_id, is_live) attrs = client.app_version(app_id, is_live) return nil unless attrs attrs.merge!(application: application) attrs.merge!(is_live: is_live) return self.factory(attrs) end end # @return (Bool) Is that version currently available in the App Store? # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName def is_live? is_live end # rubocop:enable Style/PredicateName # Call this method to make sure the given languages are available for this app # You should call this method before accessing the name, description and other localized values # This will create the new language if it's not available yet and do nothing if everything's there # def create_languages!(languages) # raise "Please pass an array" unless languages.kind_of?Array # copy_from = self.languages.first # languages.each do |language| # # First, see if it's already available # found = self.languages.find do |local| # local['language'] == language # end # unless found # new_language = copy_from.dup # new_language['language'] = language # [:description, :releaseNotes, :keywords].each do |key| # new_language[key.to_s]['value'] = nil # end # self.languages << new_language # unfold_languages # # Now we need to set a useless `pageLanguageValue` value because iTC says so, after adding a new version # self.languages.each do |current| # current['pageLanguageValue'] = current['language'] # end # end # end # languages # end # Push all changes that were made back to iTunes Connect def save! client.update_app_version!(application.apple_id, is_live?, raw_data) end # @return (String) An URL to this specific resource. You can enter this URL into your browser def url url = "" url += "deliverable" if self.is_live? return url end # Private methods def setup # Properly parse the AppStatus status = raw_data['status'] @app_status = Tunes::AppStatus.get_from_string(status) # Setup the screenshots @screenshots = {} raw_data['details']['value'].each do |row| # Now that's one language right here @screenshots[row['language']] = setup_screenshots(row) end end # Prefill name, keywords, etc... def unfold_languages { keywords: :keywords, description: :description, supportURL: :support_url, marketingURL: :marketing_url, releaseNotes: :release_notes }.each do |json, attribute| instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}".to_sym,, languages)) end end # These methods takes care of properly parsing values that # are not returned in the right format, e.g. boolean as string def release_on_approval super == 'true' end def supports_apple_watch !super.nil? end private # generates the nested data structure to represent screenshots def setup_screenshots(row) screenshots = row.fetch('screenshots', {}).fetch('value', nil) return [] unless screenshots result = [] screenshots.each do |device_type, value| value['value'].each do |screenshot| screenshot = screenshot['value'] result <<{ url: screenshot['url'], thumbnail_url: screenshot['thumbNailUrl'], sort_order: screenshot['sortOrder'], original_file_name: screenshot['originalFileName'], device_type: device_type, language: row['language'] }) end end return result end end end end