# # ActiveFacts Generators. # Generate CQL from an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/generate/ordered' module ActiveFacts module Generate #:nodoc: # Generate CQL for an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # Invoke as # afgen --cql .cql class CQL < OrderedDumper private include Metamodel def vocabulary_start(vocabulary) puts "vocabulary #{vocabulary.name};\n\n" end def vocabulary_end end def value_type_banner puts "/*\n * Value Types\n */" end def value_type_end puts "\n" end def value_type_dump(o) return unless o.supertype # An imported type if o.name == o.supertype.name # In ActiveFacts, parameterising a ValueType will create a new datatype # throw Can't handle parameterized value type of same name as its datatype" if ... end parameters = [ o.length != 0 || o.scale != 0 ? o.length : nil, o.scale != 0 ? o.scale : nil ].compact parameters = parameters.length > 0 ? "("+parameters.join(",")+")" : "()" #" restricted to {#{(allowed_values.map{|r| r.inspect}*", ").gsub('"',"'")}}") puts "#{o.name} is defined as #{o.supertype.name}#{ parameters }#{ o.value_restriction ? " restricted to {#{ o.value_restriction.all_allowed_range.sort_by{|ar| ((min = ar.value_range.minimum_bound) && min.value) || ((max = ar.value_range.maximum_bound) && max.value) }.map{|ar| # REVISIT: Need to display as string or numeric according to type here... min = ar.value_range.minimum_bound max = ar.value_range.maximum_bound (min ? min.value : "") + (min.value != (max&&max.value) ? (".." + (max ? max.value : "")) : "") }*", " }}" : "" };" end def append_ring_to_reading(reading, ring) reading << " [#{(ring.ring_type.scan(/[A-Z][a-z]*/)*", ").downcase}]" end def identified_by_roles_and_facts(entity_type, identifying_roles, identifying_facts, preferred_readings) identifying_role_names = identifying_roles.map{|role| preferred_role_ref = preferred_readings[role.fact_type].role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|reading_rr| reading_rr.role == role } role_words = [] # REVISIT: Consider whether NOT to use the adjective if it's a prefix of the role_name role_name = role.role_name role_name = nil if role_name == "" # debug "concept.name=#{preferred_role_ref.role.concept.name}, role_name=#{role_name.inspect}, preferred_role_name=#{preferred_role_ref.role.role_name.inspect}" if (role.fact_type.all_role.size == 1) # REVISIT: Guard against unary reading containing the illegal words "and" and "where". role.fact_type.default_reading # Need whole reading for a unary. elsif (role_name) role_name else role_words << preferred_role_ref.leading_adjective if preferred_role_ref.leading_adjective != "" role_words << preferred_role_ref.role.concept.name role_words << preferred_role_ref.trailing_adjective if preferred_role_ref.trailing_adjective != "" role_words.compact*"-" end } # REVISIT: Consider emitting extra fact types here, instead of in entity_type_dump? # Just beware that readings having the same players will be considered to be of the same fact type, even if they're not. # Detect standard reference-mode scenarios ft = identifying_facts[0] fact_constraints = nil ftr = ft.all_role.sort_by{|role| role.ordinal} if identifying_facts.size == 1 and entity_role = ftr[n = (ftr[0].concept == entity_type ? 0 : 1)] and value_role = ftr[1-n] and value_name = value_role.concept.name and residual = value_name.gsub(%r{#{entity_role.concept.name}},'') and residual != '' and residual != value_name # The EntityType is identified by its association with a single ValueType # whose name is an extension (the residual) of the EntityType's name. # Detect standard reference-mode readings: forward_reading = reverse_reading = nil ft.all_reading.each do |reading| if reading.reading_text =~ /^\{(\d)\} has \{\d\}$/ if reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.ordinal == $1.to_i}.role == entity_role forward_reading = reading else reverse_reading = reading end elsif reading.reading_text =~ /^\{(\d)\} is of \{\d\}$/ if reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.ordinal == $1.to_i}.role == value_role reverse_reading = reading else forward_reading = reading end end end debug :mode, "------------------- Didn't find standard forward reading" unless forward_reading debug :mode, "------------------- Didn't find standard reverse reading" unless reverse_reading # If we didn't find at least one of the standard readings, don't use a refmode: if (forward_reading || reverse_reading) # Elide the constraints that would have been emitted on those readings. # If there is a UC that's not in the standard form for a reference mode, # we have to emit the standard reading anyhow. fact_constraints = @presence_constraints_by_fact[ft] fact_constraints.each do |pc| if (pc.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size == 1 and pc.max_frequency == 1) # It's a uniqueness constraint, and will be regenerated @constraints_used[pc] = true end end @fact_types_dumped[ft] = true # Figure out whether any non-standard readings exist: other_readings = ft.all_reading - [forward_reading] - [reverse_reading] debug :mode, "--- other_readings.size now = #{other_readings.size}" if other_readings.size > 0 fact_text = other_readings.map do |reading| expanded_reading(reading, fact_constraints, true) end*",\n\t" return " identified by its #{residual}" + (fact_text != "" ? " where\n\t" + fact_text : "") end end identifying_facts.each{|f| @fact_types_dumped[f] = true } @identifying_fact_text = identifying_facts.map{|f| fact_readings_with_constraints(f, fact_constraints) }.flatten*",\n\t" " identified by #{ identifying_role_names*" and " }" + " where\n\t"+@identifying_fact_text end def entity_type_banner puts "/*\n * Entity Types\n */" end def entity_type_group_end puts "\n" end def fact_readings(fact_type) constrained_fact_readings = fact_readings_with_constraints(fact_type) constrained_fact_readings*",\n\t" end def subtype_dump(o, supertypes, pi) print "#{o.name} is a kind of #{ o.supertypes.map(&:name)*", " }" if pi print identified_by(o, pi) end # If there's a preferred_identifier for this subtype, identifying readings were emitted print((pi ? "," : " where") + "\n\t" + fact_readings(o.fact_type)) if o.fact_type puts ";\n" end def non_subtype_dump(o, pi) print "#{o.name} is" + identified_by(o, pi) print(" where\n\t"+ fact_readings(o.fact_type)) if o.fact_type puts ";\n" end def fact_type_dump(fact_type, name) @identifying_fact_text = nil if (o = fact_type.entity_type) print "#{o.name} is" if !o.all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.empty? print " a kind of #{ o.supertypes.map(&:name)*", " }" end # Alternate identification of objectified fact type? primary_supertype = o.supertypes[0] pi = fact_type.entity_type.preferred_identifier if pi && primary_supertype && primary_supertype.preferred_identifier != pi print identified_by(o, pi) print ";\n" end end unless @identifying_fact_text print " where\n\t" if o puts(fact_readings(fact_type)+";") end end def fact_type_banner puts "/*\n * Fact Types\n */" end def fact_type_end puts "\n" end def constraint_banner puts "/*\n * Constraints:" puts " */" end def constraint_end end # Of the players of a set of roles, return the one that's a subclass of (or same as) all others, else nil def roleplayer_subclass(roles) roles[1..-1].inject(roles[0].concept){|subclass, role| next nil unless subclass and EntityType === role.concept role.concept.supertypes_transitive.include?(subclass) ? role.concept : nil } end def dump_presence_constraint(c) roles = c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role } # REVISIT: If only one role is covered and it's mandatory >=1 constraint, use SOME/THAT form: # each Bug SOME Tester logged THAT Bug; players = c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.concept.name}.uniq fact_types = c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type}.uniq puts \ "each #{players.size > 1 ? "combination " : ""}#{players*", "} occurs #{c.frequency} time in\n\t"+ "#{fact_types.map{|ft| ft.default_reading([], nil)}*",\n\t"}" + ";" =begin # More than one fact type involved, an external constraint. fact_type = rr.role.fact_type # or all facts are binary and the counterparts of the roles are. puts "// REVISIT: " + if (player = roleplayer_subclass(roles)) "#{player.name} must play #{c.frequency} of " else counterparts = roles.map{|r| r.fact_type.all_role[r.fact_type.all_role[0] != r ? 0 : -1] } player = roleplayer_subclass(counterparts) "#{c.frequency} #{player ? player.name : "UNKNOWN" } exists for each " end + "#{ c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| "'#{rr.role.fact_type.default_reading([], nil)}'" }*", " }" =end =begin puts \ "FOR each #{players*", "}" + (c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size > 1 ? " "+c.frequency+" of these holds" : "") + "\n\t"+ "#{c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| role = rr.role fact_type = role.fact_type some_that = Array.new(fact_type.all_role.size, "some") c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.each{|rr2| next if rr2.role.fact_type != fact_type some_that[fact_type.all_role.index(role)] = "that" } rr.role.fact_type.default_reading(some_that, nil) }*",\n\t"}" + ";" =end end # Find the common supertype of these concepts. # N.B. This will only work if all concepts are on the direct path to the deepest. def common_supertype(concepts) players_differ = false common = concepts[1..-1].inject(concepts[0]) do |supertype, concept| if !supertype || concept == supertype concept # Most common case elsif concept.supertypes_transitive.include?(supertype) players_differ = true supertype elsif supertype.supertypes_transitive.include?(concept) players_differ = true concept else return nil # No common supertype end end return common, players_differ end def dump_set_constraint(c) # REVISIT exclusion: every must either reading1, reading2, ... # Each constraint involves two or more occurrences of one or more players. # For each player, a subtype may be involved in the occurrences. # Find the common supertype of each player. scrs = c.all_set_comparison_roles.sort_by{|scr| scr.ordinal} player_count = scrs[0].role_sequence.all_role_ref.size role_seq_count = scrs.size #raise "Can't verbalise constraint over many players and facts" if player_count > 1 and role_seq_count > 1 # puts "#{c.class.basename} has #{role_seq_count} scr's: #{scrs.map{|scr| "("+scr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.concept.name}*", "+")"}*", "}" players_differ = [] # Record which players are also played by subclasses players = (0...player_count).map do |pi| # Find the common supertype of the players of the pi'th role in each sequence concepts = scrs.map{|r| r.role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}[pi].role.concept } player, players_differ[pi] = common_supertype(concepts) raise "Role sequences of #{c.class.basename} must have concepts matching #{concepts.map(&:name)*","} in position #{pi}" unless player player end #puts "#{c.class.basename} has players #{players.map{|p| p.name}*", "}" if (SetEqualityConstraint === c) # REVISIT: Need a proper approach to some/that and adjective disambiguation: puts \ scrs.map{|scr| scr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type.default_reading([], nil) }*" and " } * "\n\tif and only if\n\t" + ";" return end mode = c.is_mandatory ? "exactly one" : "at most one" puts "for each #{players.map{|p| p.name}*", "} #{mode} of these holds:\n\t" + (scrs.map do |scr| constrained_roles = scr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role } fact_types = constrained_roles.map{|r| r.fact_type }.uniq fact_types.map do |fact_type| # REVISIT: future: Use "THAT" and "SOME" only when: # - the role player occurs twice in the reading, or # - is a subclass of the constrained concept, or reading = fact_type.preferred_reading expand_constrained(reading, constrained_roles, players, players_differ) end * " and " end*",\n\t" )+';' end # Expand this reading using (in)definite articles where needed # Handle any roles in constrained_roles specially. def expand_constrained(reading, constrained_roles, players, players_differ) frequency_constraints = reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map {|role_ref| i = constrained_roles.index(role_ref.role) if !i [ "some", role_ref.role.concept.name] elsif players_differ[i] [ "that", players[i].name ] # Make sure to use the superclass name else if reading.fact_type.all_role.select{|r| r.concept == role_ref.role.concept }.size > 1 [ "that", role_ref.role.concept.name ] else [ "some", role_ref.role.concept.name ] end end } frequency_constraints = [] unless frequency_constraints.detect{|fc| fc[0] != "some" } #$stderr.puts "fact_type roles (#{fact_type.all_role.map{|r| r.concept.name}*","}) default_reading '#{fact_type.preferred_reading.reading_text}' roles (#{fact_type.preferred_reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.concept.name}*","}) #{frequency_constraints.inspect}" # REVISIT: Make sure that we refer to the constrained players by their common supertype reading.expand(frequency_constraints, nil) end def dump_subset_constraint(c) # If the role players are identical and not duplicated, we can simply say "reading1 only if reading2" subset_roles, subset_fact_types = c.subset_role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}.map{|rr| [rr.role, rr.role.fact_type]}.transpose superset_roles, superset_fact_types = c.superset_role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}.map{|rr| [rr.role, rr.role.fact_type]}.transpose subset_fact_types.uniq! superset_fact_types.uniq! subset_players = subset_roles.map(&:concept) superset_players = superset_roles.map(&:concept) # We need to ensure that if the player of any constrained role also exists # as the player of a role that's not a constrained role, there are different # adjectives or other qualifiers qualifier applied to distinguish that role. fact_type_roles = (subset_fact_types+superset_fact_types).map{|ft| ft.all_role }.flatten non_constrained_roles = fact_type_roles - subset_roles - superset_roles if (r = non_constrained_roles.detect{|r| (subset_roles+superset_roles).include?(r) }) # REVISIT: Find a way to deal with this problem, should it arise. # It would help, but not entirely fix it, to use SOME/THAT to identify the constrained roles. # See ServiceDirector's DataStore<->Client fact types for example # Use SOME on the subset, THAT on the superset. raise "Critical ambiguity, #{r.concept.name} occurs both constrained and unconstrained in #{c.name}" end puts \ "#{subset_fact_types.map{|ft| ft.default_reading([], nil)}*" and "}" + "\n\tonly if " + "#{superset_fact_types.map{|ft| ft.default_reading([], nil)}*" and "}" + ";" end def dump_ring_constraint(c) # At present, no ring constraint can be missed to be handled in this pass puts "// #{c.ring_type} ring over #{c.role.fact_type.default_reading([], nil)}" end def constraint_dump(c) case c when PresenceConstraint dump_presence_constraint(c) when RingConstraint dump_ring_constraint(c) when SetComparisonConstraint # includes SetExclusionConstraint, SetEqualityConstraint dump_set_constraint(c) when SubsetConstraint dump_subset_constraint(c) else "#{c.class.basename} #{c.name}: unhandled constraint type" end end end end end