en: accepted_structures: Accepted Structures detail: detail details: details slug: slug title: title title_hint: Title should be singular. name: name description: description position: position publish: publish publish_settings: publication setting new: new edit: edit create: create delete: delete setting: setting board: board back_to_index: back to list back_to: back to slug_disable_hint: Editing slug is not possible. If you want a specific slug create a new item and a slug will be extracted from the title. field_type: field type field_group_title: field group title select_field_type: select a field type go_to: go to field_group: field group field_setting: field setting repeater: repeater structure: structure hint_create_parent_before_child: you need to create the %{arg1} before being able to add any %{arg2} dashboard_title: website settings dashboard: dashboard component: component category: category select_category: select one category create_category: create a new category structure_has_categories: Enable categories asset: asset choices: choices add_choice: Add choice default_choice: default choice default_choice_description: If you have added/removed any choice, this list might not be correct. Please save to update it. instance: instance structure_instance_type: 'This structure is for:' binda: title: title view_website: View website error_related_to_itself: Sorry, this record cannot relate to itself confirm_delete: Do you really want to remove it? upload_button: Upload upload_loading_message: Uploading file... upload_error_message: Ops! Something went wrong. Make sure the file you are uploading is correct. choose_file_button: Choose a file preview: Preview no_preview: No file selected filename: Name filesize: Size filedimension: Dimension filevideolink: Preview video select_placeholder: Select a option new_item_in_repeater: New %{arg1} item null_is_not_allowed: You need to select at least one choice delete: delete edit: edit sort: sort structure: Structure structures: Structures field_group: Field group field_groups: Field groups field_setting: Field setting field_settings: Field settings repeater_field_settings: Fields settings of the %{arg1} repeater component: Component components: Component new: new new_structure: New %{arg1} structure new_field_group: New %{arg1} field group new_component: New %{arg1} new_user: New User new_category: New %{arg1} category edit_structure: Edit %{arg1} structure edit_field_group: Edit %{arg1} field group edit_component: Edit %{arg1} edit_user: Edit User edit_category: Edit %{arg1} category has_categories: Enable categories has_preview: Enable preview has_categories_hint: Enable a taxonomy specific to this structure preview_path_warning: Make preview available. Once enabled, remember to create a route in you application for relation_warning: This relation isn't set properly. Ensure the setup of this relation refers to at least one structure. standard_form_error_heading: The form contains standard_form_error: error done: Done sort_items: Sort Items sort_items_loader: Updating %{arg1} position... sort_index_hint: Drag & drop to sort your %{arg1}. Changes are automatically saved. collapse: Collapse expand: Expand item: item default_choice_id_validation: must be selected. Please make sure you select one default or allow null as choice (not possible on radio buttons). login_email: Enter your email login_password: Enter your password login_welcome: Welcome to %{arg1} admin panel login_credit: Built with Binda %{arg1} choice_label: label choice_value: value allow_null: Require a choice allow_null_true: Choosing is not required allow_null_false: Require to choose among the available choices