require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe "Pancake::Middleware" do before(:all) do $pk_mid = Pancake.middlewares.dup end after(:all) do Pancake.middlewares.replace $pk_mid end before(:each) do Pancake.middlewares.clear def app @app end def default_env Rack::MockRequest.env_for end $current_env = {} class ::GeneralMiddleware attr_accessor :app def initialize(app, opts={});@app = app; end def mark_env(env) env["p.s.c"] ||= [] env["p.s.c"] << self.class end def call(env) mark_env(env) end end # GeneralMiddlware class ::FooApp < Pancake::Stack def self.new_app_instance; self end def $current_env = env [200,{"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [name]] end end # FooApp FooApp.roots << Pancake.get_root("/tmp") end after(:each) do clear_constants(:FooApp, :BarApp, :BazApp, :GeneralMiddleware, :BarMiddle, :FooMiddle, :BazMiddle, :PazMiddle) end describe "pancake middlewares" do before(:each) do @root = File.join(Pancake.get_root(__FILE__), "fixtures", "foo_stack") @the_app ={|e| } Pancake::StackMiddleware.reset! end it "should allow me to add middleware to pancake" do Pancake.use GeneralMiddleware @app = Pancake.start(:root => @root){ FooApp.stackup }{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware] get "/" $current_env["p.s.c"].should include(GeneralMiddleware) end it "should allow me to add multiple middlewares to panckae" do class ::FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end Pancake.use GeneralMiddleware FooApp.use FooMiddle @app = Pancake.start(:root => @root){ FooApp.stackup } get "/" $current_env["p.s.c"].should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle] end it "should put the pancake middlewares out in front" do class ::FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end class ::BarMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end class ::BarApp < FooApp; end class ::BazApp < FooApp; end BarApp.use BarMiddle BazApp.use FooMiddle Pancake.use GeneralMiddleware FooApp.router do |r| r.mount(BarApp, "/bar") r.mount(BazApp, "/baz") end @app = Pancake.start(:root => @root){ FooApp.stackup } result = get "/baz" $current_env["p.s.c"].should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle] reult = get "/bar" $current_env["p.s.c"].should == [GeneralMiddleware, BarMiddle] end end it "should allow me to add middleware" do FooApp.class_eval do use GeneralMiddleware end @app = FooApp.stackup get "/" $current_env["p.s.c"].should include(GeneralMiddleware) end it "should allow me to add multiple middlewares" do class ::FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end FooApp.class_eval do use GeneralMiddleware use FooMiddle end @app = FooApp.stackup get "/" [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle].each do |m| $current_env["p.s.c"].should include(m) end end it "should allow you to add middleware from outside the class" do FooApp.use GeneralMiddleware @app = FooApp.stackup get "/" $current_env["p.s.c"].should == [GeneralMiddleware] end describe "replace middleware" do before(:each) do FooApp.stack(:replaceable).use(GeneralMiddleware, :some => :option){ :original } class FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end end it "should replace the middleware with another middleware" do orig = FooApp::StackMiddleware[:replaceable] orig.middleware.should == GeneralMiddleware orig.args.should == [{:some => :option}] FooApp.stack(:replaceable).use(FooMiddle, :foo => :options) replaced = FooApp.stack(:replaceable) replaced.middleware.should == FooMiddle replaced.args.should == [{:foo => :options}] end end describe "deleteing middleware" do before(:each) do FooApp.stack(:deleteable).use(GeneralMiddleware, :some => :option){ :original } end it "should delete the middleware" do orig = FooApp::StackMiddleware[:deleteable] orig.should_not be_nil orig.middleware.should == GeneralMiddleware FooApp.stack(:deleteable).delete! FooApp::StackMiddleware[:deleteable].should be_nil end it "should not include middleware that depends on being deleted" do class FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end FooApp.stack(:foo, :after => :deleteable).use(FooMiddle){|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle] FooApp.stack(:deleteable).delete!{|m| m.middleware}.should == [] end end describe "edit middleware" do before(:each) do FooApp.stack(:editable).use(GeneralMiddleware,:some => :config) end it "should allow me to update settings for middleware" do FooApp.stack(:editable).args.should == [{:some => :config}] FooApp.stack(:editable).args = [{:foo => :bar}] FooApp.stack(:editable).args.should == [{:foo => :bar}] end end describe "Inherited middleware" do before(:each) do class FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end class BarMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end end it "should inherit middleware from it's parent class" do FooApp.use GeneralMiddleware FooApp.use FooMiddle class BarApp < FooApp; end BarApp.middlewares.should == FooApp.middlewares end it "should not pollute the parent when including new middlewares in the child" do FooApp.use GeneralMiddleware class BarApp < FooApp; end BarApp.use FooMiddle{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle]{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware] end describe "editing inherited middlware" do it "should not edit the parent when editing the child" do FooApp.use GeneralMiddleware, :some => :option class BarApp < FooApp; end BarApp.stack(GeneralMiddleware).middleware.should == GeneralMiddleware BarApp.stack(GeneralMiddleware).args = [{:foo => :bar}] BarApp.stack(GeneralMiddleware).args.should == [{:foo => :bar}] FooApp.stack(GeneralMiddleware).args.should == [{:some => :option}] end it "should not update the parent when updating a childs config" do FooApp.use GeneralMiddleware, :some => :option class BarApp < FooApp; end BarApp.stack(GeneralMiddleware).args[0][:another] = :option FooApp.stack(GeneralMiddleware).args.should == [{:some => :option}] BarApp.stack(GeneralMiddleware).args.should == [{:some => :option, :another => :option}] end end end describe "Stacks should inherit middleware" do before(:all) do $pk_middlewares = Pancake::Stack.middlewares.dup end after(:all) do Pancake::Stack.middlewares.replace $pk_middlewares end before(:each) do class FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end class BarMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end end after(:each) do Pancake::Stack::StackMiddleware.reset! end it "should clear the middlewares for the specs" do Pancake::Stack.middlewares.should be_blank end it "should allow me to set middlewares on Pancake::Stack" do Pancake::Stack.use GeneralMiddleware{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware] end it "should carry down middlewares from the Pancake::Stack to inherited stacks" do Pancake::Stack.use GeneralMiddleware class FooApp < Pancake::Stack; end FooApp.use FooMiddle{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware]{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle] end it "should let me have different middlewares in different children" do Pancake::Stack.use GeneralMiddleware class FooApp < Pancake::Stack; end FooApp.use FooMiddle class BarApp < Pancake::Stack; end BarApp.use BarMiddle{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle]{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, BarMiddle] end describe "Stack Middleware Enabled Constant", :shared => true do before(:each) do raise "You must set a @konstant for the stack construction spec" unless @konstant @konstant::StackMiddleware.reset! end describe "named middleware" do it "should allow me to name a #{@konstant} middleware" do @konstant.stack(:foo).use(GeneralMiddleware) @konstant.stack[:foo].middleware.should == GeneralMiddleware end it "should implicitly name a middleware" do @konstant.stack.use(GeneralMiddleware) @konstant.stack[GeneralMiddleware].middleware.should == GeneralMiddleware end end describe "before/after middleware" do before(:each) do class ::BazMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end class ::PazMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end end # :FooApp, :BarApp, :BazApp, :GeneralMiddleware, :BarMiddle, :FooMiddle, :BazMiddle, :PazMiddle it "should allow me to add middleware before other middleware" do @konstant.use(GeneralMiddleware) @konstant.stack(:bar).use(BarMiddle) @konstant.stack(:foo, :before => :bar).use(FooMiddle) result ={|m| m.middleware} result.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle, BarMiddle] end it "should allow me to add middleware after other middleware " do @konstant.use(BarMiddle) @konstant.stack(:general).use(GeneralMiddleware) @konstant.stack(:foo, :after => BarMiddle).use(FooMiddle) result ={|m| m.middleware} result.should == [ BarMiddle, FooMiddle, GeneralMiddleware] end it "should allow me to add middleware arbitrarily and have it in the correct order" do @konstant.use(GeneralMiddleware) @konstant.stack(:bar).use(BarMiddle) @konstant.stack(:foo, :before => :bar).use(FooMiddle) @konstant.stack(:baz, :after => :foo).use(BazMiddle) @konstant.stack(:paz, :before => GeneralMiddleware).use(PazMiddle) result ={|m| m.middleware} result.should == [PazMiddle, GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle, BazMiddle, BarMiddle] end end end describe "Pancake Middleware Construction" do before(:each) do @konstant = Pancake end it_should_behave_like("Stack Middleware Enabled Constant") end describe "Pancake Stack Middleware" do before(:each) do @konstant = Pancake::Stack end it_should_behave_like("Stack Middleware Enabled Constant") end describe "An inherited panckae stack app" do before(:each) do class ::FooApp < Pancake::Stack; end @konstant = FooApp end it_should_behave_like("Stack Middleware Enabled Constant") end describe "a deeply inherited stack app" do before(:each) do class ::FooApp < Pancake::Stack; end class ::BarApp < FooApp; end @konstant = BarApp end it_should_behave_like("Stack Middleware Enabled Constant") end it "should allow me to inherit middleware from a parent stack" do class ::FooApp < Pancake::Stack; end FooApp.use(GeneralMiddleware) class ::BarApp < FooApp; end BarApp.stack(:foo).use(FooMiddle) BarApp.stack(:bar, :after => GeneralMiddleware).use(BarMiddle) result ={|m|m.middleware} result.should == [GeneralMiddleware, BarMiddle, FooMiddle] end end # Stack Inheritance describe "types of stacks" do before(:each) do class FooMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end class BarMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end class BazMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end FooApp.stack(:general, :labels => [:production] ).use(GeneralMiddleware) FooApp.stack(:foo, :labels => [:production, :demo] ).use(FooMiddle) FooApp.stack(:bar, :labels => [:test] ).use(BarMiddle) FooApp.stack(:baz, :labels => [:any] ).use(BazMiddle) end it "should differentiate between stack types" do FooApp.middlewares(:production).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle, BazMiddle] FooApp.middlewares(:demo).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [FooMiddle, BazMiddle] FooApp.middlewares(:test).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [BarMiddle, BazMiddle] FooApp.middlewares(:demo, :test).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [FooMiddle, BarMiddle,BazMiddle] end it "should add a middleware that is not declared with any particular label to all stacks" do class PazMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end FooApp.stack(:paz).use(PazMiddle) FooApp.middlewares(:test).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [BarMiddle, BazMiddle, PazMiddle] FooApp.middlewares(:demo).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [FooMiddle, BazMiddle, PazMiddle] FooApp.middlewares(:production).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle, BazMiddle, PazMiddle] end it "should not use a middleware if it is dependent on middleware that is not in the correct stack" do class PazMiddle < GeneralMiddleware; end FooApp.stack(:paz, :after => :bar).use(PazMiddle) FooApp.middlewares(:production).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [GeneralMiddleware, FooMiddle, BazMiddle] FooApp.middlewares(:test).map{|m| m.middleware}.should == [BarMiddle, PazMiddle, BazMiddle] end end end