class TogifyGenerator < RubiGen::Base DEFAULT_SHEBANG = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) default_options :author => nil attr_reader :name def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {}) super usage if args.empty? @destination_root = File.expand_path(args.shift) @name = base_name extract_options end def manifest record do |m| BASEDIRS.each { |path| path } # Include tog rake tasks on the app include_tog_rake_tasks("#{destination_root}/Rakefile") # Install desert dependency require_desert_on_environment("#{destination_root}/config/environment.rb") # PLugins plugins = install_default_plugins # Migrations m.migration_template 'integrate_tog.rb', 'db/migrate', :assigns => { :migration_name => "IntegrateTog", :plugins => plugins },:migration_file_name => 'integrate_tog' end end protected def banner <<-EOS Apply tog platform to an existing Rails app USAGE: #{} name EOS end def add_options!(opts) opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Options:' # For each option below, place the default # at the top of the file next to "default_options" # opts.on("-a", "--author=\"Your Name\"", String, # "Some comment about this option", # "Default: none") { |options[:author]| } opts.on("--skip-tog_user", "Don't add tog_user in the tog integration process. Use this if you have a User model and signup process already working") { |v| options[:skip_tog_user] = v } opts.on("--development", "Clone the repositories from the private clone urls allowing the developers to develop the plugins on a togified app.") { |v| options[:development] = v } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show the #{File.basename($0)} version number and quit.") end def extract_options # for each option, extract it into a local variable (and create an "attr_reader :author" at the top) # Templates can access these value via the attr_reader-generated methods, but not the # raw instance variable value. # @author = options[:author] end def include_tog_rake_tasks(rakefile) sentinel = "require 'tasks/rails'" logger.create "require tog rake tasks" unless options[:pretend] gsub_file rakefile, /(#{Regexp.escape(sentinel)})/mi do |match| "#{match}\n\nrequire 'tasks/tog'\n" end end end def require_desert_on_environment(env_file) sentinel = ' do |config|' logger.create "require 'desert' on environment" unless options[:pretend] gsub_file env_file, /(#{Regexp.escape(sentinel)})/mi do |match| "require 'desert'\n#{match}\n " end end end # Tog plugins def default_plugins plugins = %w{ tog_core } plugins << "tog_user" unless options[:skip_tog_user] plugins += %w{tog_social tog_mail} end def install_default_plugins default_plugins.collect{|plugin| plugin_path = "#{destination_root}/vendor/plugins/#{plugin}" checkout_code(plugin_path, plugin) logger.create "vendor/plugins/#{plugin}" route_from_plugins("#{destination_root}/config/routes.rb", plugin) {:name => plugin,:current_migration => current_migration_number(plugin_path) } } end def checkout_code(plugin_path, plugin) repository = options[:development] ? "{plugin}.git": "git://{plugin}.git" revision = "head" FileUtils.rm_rf(plugin_path) system("git clone #{repository} #{plugin_path}") end def current_migration_number(plugin_path) Dir.glob("#{plugin_path}/db/migrate/*.rb").inject(0) do |max, file_path| n = File.basename(file_path).split('_', 2).first.to_i if n > max then n else max end end end def route_from_plugins(routes_file, plugin) sentinel = 'ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|' logger.route "map.routes_from_plugin #{plugin}" unless options[:pretend] gsub_file routes_file, /(#{Regexp.escape(sentinel)})/mi do |match| "#{match}\n map.routes_from_plugin '#{plugin}'\n" end end end def gsub_file(path, regexp, *args, &block) content =, *args, &block), 'wb') { |file| file.write(content) } end BASEDIRS = %w( config db db/migrate lib lib/tasks vendor vendor/plugins ) end