require 'rails/generators' require 'generators/geoblacklight/install_generator' namespace :geoblacklight do desc 'Run Solr and GeoBlacklight for interactive development' task :server, [:rails_server_args] do |_t, args| require 'solr_wrapper' SolrWrapper.wrap(port: '8983') do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: 'blacklight-core', dir: File.join(File.expand_path('../../', File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'solr', 'conf')) do puts "\nSolr server running: http://localhost:#{solr.port}/solr/#/blacklight-core" puts "\n^C to stop" puts ' ' begin Rake::Task['geoblacklight:solr:seed'].invoke system "bundle exec rails s #{args[:rails_server_args]}" rescue Interrupt puts 'Shutting down...' end end end end desc 'Run Solr and GeoBlacklight for interactive development with Webpack enabled' task :webpack do |_t| require 'solr_wrapper' SolrWrapper.wrap(port: '8983') do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: 'blacklight-core', dir: File.join(File.expand_path('../../', File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'solr', 'conf')) do puts "\nSolr server running: http://localhost:#{solr.port}/solr/#/blacklight-core" puts "\n^C to stop" puts ' ' begin Rake::Task['geoblacklight:solr:seed'].invoke system "foreman start" rescue Interrupt puts 'Shutting down...' end end end end namespace :index do desc "Put sample data into solr" task :seed => :environment do docs = Dir['spec/fixtures/solr_documents/*.json'].map { |f| JSON.parse }.flatten Blacklight.default_index.connection.add docs Blacklight.default_index.connection.commit end desc "Ingests a GeoHydra transformed.json" task :ingest_all => :environment do docs = JSON::parse("#{Rails.root}/tmp/transformed.json")) docs.each do |doc| Blacklight.default_index.connection.add doc Blacklight.default_index.connection.commit end end desc "Ingests a directory of geoblacklight.json files" task :ingest, [:directory] => :environment do |_t, args| args.with_defaults(directory: 'data') Dir.glob(File.join(args[:directory], '**', 'geoblacklight.json')).each do |fn| puts "Ingesting #{fn}" begin Blacklight.default_index.connection.add(JSON.parse( rescue => e puts "Failed to ingest #{fn}: #{e.inspect}" end end puts "Committing changes to Solr" Blacklight.default_index.connection.commit end end namespace :downloads do desc 'Delete all cached downloads' task delete: :environment do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/tmp/cache/downloads/*") end desc 'Create download directory' task mkdir: :environment do FileUtils.mkdir_p Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/tmp/cache/downloads") end desc 'Precaches a download' task :precache, [:doc_id, :download_type, :timeout] => [:environment] do |t, args| begin fail 'Please supply required arguments [document_id, download_type and timeout]' unless args[:doc_id] && args[:download_type] && args[:timeout] document = Geoblacklight::SolrDocument.find(args[:doc_id]) fail Blacklight::Exceptions::RecordNotFound if document[:layer_slug_s] != args[:doc_id] download = "Geoblacklight::#{args[:download_type].capitalize}Download", timeout: args[:timeout].to_i) download.get "Successfully downloaded #{download.file_name}" "#{Geoblacklight::ShapefileDownload.file_path}" rescue Geoblacklight::Exceptions::ExternalDownloadFailed => error Rails.logger.error error.message + ' ' + error.url rescue NameError Rails.logger.error "Could not find that download type \"#{args[:download_type]}\"" end end end namespace :solr do desc "Put sample data into solr" task :seed => :environment do Rake::Task['geoblacklight:index:seed'].invoke end end end