module IsoDoc module Bipm class Counter < IsoDoc::XrefGen::Counter end class Xref < IsoDoc::Xref attr_accessor :jcgm def initialize(lang, script, klass, i18n, options = {}) @iso =, script, klass, i18n, options) super end def parse(docxml) @jcgm ="//bibdata/ext/editorialgroup/committee/" \ "@acronym"))&.value == "JCGM" @annexlbl = if @jcgm then @labels["iso_annex"] elsif"//bibdata/ext/structuredidentifier/appendix")) @labels["appendix"] else @labels["annex"] end super end UNNUM = "@unnumbered = 'true'".freeze def clause_order_main(docxml) @jcgm and return @iso.clause_order_main(docxml) [{ path: "//sections/clause[not(#{UNNUM})] | " \ "//sections/terms[not(#{UNNUM})] | " \ "//sections/definitions[not(#{UNNUM})] | " \ "//sections/references[not(#{UNNUM})]", multi: true }, { path: "//sections/clause[#{UNNUM}] | " \ "//sections/terms[#{UNNUM}] | " \ "//sections/definitions[#{UNNUM}] | " \ "//sections/references[#{UNNUM}]", multi: true }] end def main_anchor_names(xml) @jcgm and return super t = clause_order_main(xml) n = t.each_with_index do |a, i| xml.xpath(ns(a[:path])).each do |c| ? section_names(c, n, 1) : unnumbered_section_names(c, 1) a[:multi] or break end end end NUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES = "./clause[not(#{UNNUM})] | ./references[not(#{UNNUM})] | " \ "./term[not(#{UNNUM})] | ./terms[not(#{UNNUM})] | " \ "./definitions[not(#{UNNUM})]".freeze UNNUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES = "./clause[#{UNNUM}] | ./references[#{UNNUM}] | " \ "./term[#{UNNUM}] | ./terms[#{UNNUM}] | " \ "./definitions[#{UNNUM}]".freeze def section_name_anchors(clause, num, level) lbl = @jcgm ? "clause_jcgm" : "clause" xref = labelled_autonum(@labels[lbl], num) label = num c = clause_title(clause) and title = semx(clause, c, "title") @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label:, xref:, title:, level:, type: "clause", elem: @labels[lbl] } end def section_names(clause, num, lvl) unnumbered_section_name?(clause) and return num num.increment(clause) lbl = semx(clause, num.print) section_name_anchors(clause, lbl, lvl) clause.xpath(ns(NUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)) .each_with_object(clause_counter(0)) do |c, i| section_names1(c, lbl, i.increment(c).print, lvl + 1) end clause.xpath(ns(UNNUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)) .each_with_object(clause_counter(0)) do |c, i| unnumbered_section_names1(c, lvl + 1) end num end def unnumbered_section_names(clause, lvl) lbl ="./title"))&.text || "[#{clause['id']}]" lbl = semx(clause, lbl, "title") @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: lbl, xref: l10n(%{"#{lbl}"}), level: lvl, type: "clause" } clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)).each do |c| unnumbered_section_names1(c, lvl + 1) end end def section_name1_anchors(clause, num, level) lbl = @jcgm ? "" : @labels['subclause'] xref = labelled_autonum(@labels[lbl], num) label = num @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: num, level: level, xref: labelled_autonum(lbl, num), # l10n("#{lbl}#{num}"), type: "clause", elem: lbl } end def section_names1(clause, parentnum, num, level) lbl = clause_number_semx(parentnum, clause, num) @anchors[clause["id"]] = section_name1_anchors(clause, lbl, level) i = clause.xpath(ns(NUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)).each do |c| section_names1(c, lbl, i.increment(c).print, level + 1) end clause.xpath(ns(UNNUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)).each do |c| unnumbered_section_names1(c, level + 1) end end def unnumbered_section_names1(clause, level) lbl ="./title"))&.text || "[#{clause['id']}]" lbl = semx(clause, lbl, "title") @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: lbl, xref: %{"#{lbl}"}, level: level, type: "clause" } clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)).each do |c| unnumbered_section_names1(c, level + 1) end end def clause_order_annex(_docxml) [{ path: "//annex[not(#{UNNUM})]", multi: true }, { path: "//annex[#{UNNUM}]", multi: true }] end def annex_anchor_names(docxml) n = @jcgm ?"@", skip_i: true) : clause_order_annex(docxml).each_with_index do |a, i| docxml.xpath(ns(a[:path])).each do |c| if n.increment(c) annex_names(c, n.print) else unnumbered_annex_names(c) end a[:multi] or break end end end def annex_name_anchors(clause, num) { label: annex_name_lbl(clause, num), type: "clause", value: num.to_s, xref: labelled_autonum(@annexlbl, num), # #l10n("#{@annexlbl} #{num}"), level: 1, elem: @annexlbl } end def annex_names(clause, num) lbl = semx(clause, num) prefix = @jcgm ? "" : "A" lbl1 = semx(clause, "#{prefix}#{num}") @anchors[clause["id"]] = annex_name_anchors(clause, lbl) if @klass.single_term_clause?(clause) annex_names1("./references | ./terms | ./definitions")), nil, "#{prefix}#{num}", 1) else i = clause.xpath(ns(NUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)).each do |c| annex_names1(c, lbl1, i.increment(c).print, 2) end clause.xpath(ns(UNNUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)) .each { |c| unnumbered_annex_names1(c, 2) } end hierarchical_asset_names(clause, "#{prefix}#{num}") end def unnumbered_annex_anchors(lbl) { label: lbl, type: "clause", value: "", xref: (%{"#{lbl}"}), level: 1 } end def unnumbered_annex_names(clause) lbl ="./title"))&.text || "[#{clause['id']}]" lbl = semx(clause, lbl, "title") @anchors[clause["id"]] = unnumbered_annex_anchors(lbl) if @klass.single_term_clause?(clause) unnumbered_annex_names1("./references | ./terms | ./definitions")), 1) else clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)) .each { |c| unnumbered_annex_names1(c, 2) } end hierarchical_asset_names(clause, lbl) end def annex_name_anchors1(clause, num, level) lbl = @jcgm ? "" : @annexlbl @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: num, xref: labelled_autonum(lbl, num), #l10n("#{lbl}#{num}"), level: level, type: "clause", elem: lbl } end def annex_names1(clause, parentnum, num, level) lbl = clause_number_semx(parentnum, clause, num) annex_name_anchors1(clause, lbl, level) i = clause.xpath(ns(NUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)).each do |c| annex_names1(c, lbl, i.increment(c).print, level + 1) end clause.xpath(ns(UNNUMBERED_SUBCLAUSES)) .each { |c| unnumbered_annex_names1(c, level + 1) } end def unnumbered_annex_names1(clause, level) lbl = clause&.at(ns("./title"))&.text || "[#{clause['id']}]" lbl = semx(clause, lbl, "title") @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: lbl, xref: l10n(%{"#{lbl}"}), level: level, type: "clause" } clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)) .each { |c| unnumbered_annex_names1(c, level + 1) } end def annex_name_lbl(_clause, num) l10n("#{labelled_autonum(@annexlbl, num)}") end def sequential_formula_names(clause, container: false) c = clause.xpath(ns(".//formula")).noblank.each do |t| @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct( semx(t, c.increment(t).print), t, t["inequality"] ? @labels["inequality"] : @labels["formula"], "formula", { unnumb: t["unnumbered"], container: } ) end end def initial_anchor_names(doc) super if (@parse_settings.empty? || @parse_settings[:clauses]) && @jcgm @iso.introduction_names("//introduction"))) @anchors.merge!(@iso.get) end end def sequential_figure_names(clause, container: false) @jcgm or return super @iso.sequential_figure_names(clause, container: container) @anchors.merge!(@iso.get) end def hierarchical_figure_names(clause, num) @jcgm or return super @iso.hierarchical_figure_names(clause, num) @anchors.merge!(@iso.get) end end end end