--- layout: article_navigator title: scroller pages tagline: scroller page description: > Create index pages (infinte scroll) for all posts. Used for infinite scroll for the news panel (home page) categories: [ Blog ] tags: [ Navigator ] pagination: enabled: false per_page: 2 permalink: /page:num/ sort: date toc: false # fam_menu_id: open_toc robots: index: false follow: false sitemap: false exclude_from_search: true analytics: false advertising: false comments: false regenerate: true # needed to update pagination pages resources: [] resource_options: # - attic: # padding_top: 400 # padding_bottom: 50 # opacity: 0.5 # slides: # - url: /assets/images/modules/attics/matthaeus-1920x1280.jpg # alt: Photo by Matthaeus # alignY: top # badge: # type: unsplash # author: Matthaeus # href: https://unsplash.com/@matthaeus123 ---

  This page is created by the layout: {{ page.layout }}.

  If this text is displayed (instead of the home page expected),
  something went  wrong with the layout definitions. Check  the
  output of the Jekyll engine building this site.

  Check the  contents   of folder _layouts. Verify  if the base
  layout  "{{ page.layout }}" exists  and the  referring  chain
  (inheritance) is correct.