require "required_files/version" require "required_files/get" require "required_files/make" require "required_files/make/meta_class" require "required_files/make/txt" require "yaml" module RequiredFiles class MetaClass def initialize( set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace: true ) @array = @set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace = set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace set_array end attr_reader :array alias :files :array alias :required_files :array private def set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace? @set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace end def set_array set_top_file set_other_files set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace end def set_top_file _ignored_files = ignored_files _top_file = top_file unless _ignored_files.present? and _ignored_files.include?( _top_file ) @array << _top_file end end def set_other_files _ignored_files = ignored_files _other_files = other_files if _other_files.present? _other_files.each do | file | unless _ignored_files.present? and _ignored_files.include?( file ) set_files( file ) end end end end def set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace if set_all_files_under_the_top_namespace? _ignored_files = ignored_files all_files_under_the_top_namespace.each do | file | unless _ignored_files.present? and _ignored_files.include?( file ) @array << file end end end end def set_files( *files ) files.flatten.each do | file | filename_without_extension = file.gsub( /\.rb\Z/ , "" ) filename_with_extension = filename_without_extension + ".rb" if ::File.exist?( filename_with_extension ) and !( @array.include?( filename_without_extension ) ) @array << filename_without_extension end end end def set_files_starting_with( *dir_root ) set_files( self.class.files_starting_with( *dir_root ) ) end [ :top_file , :all_files_under_the_top_namespace ].each do | class_method_name | eval <<-DEF def #{ class_method_name } self.class.#{ class_method_name } end DEF end def other_files other_or_ignored_files( self.class.other_files ) end def ignored_files other_or_ignored_files( self.class.ignored_files ) end def other_or_ignored_files( files ) if files.present? [ files ].flatten else nil end end def self.files end def self.top_file if settings_for_auto_loading.present? used_part_of_namespace = name.gsub( /\A#{ settings_for_auto_loading[ :namespace ].name }/ , "" ).split( "::" ).map( &:underscore ) ::File.join( settings_for_auto_loading[ :filename ] , *used_part_of_namespace ) else raise "This method \'#{}.#{ __method__ }\' is not defined yet." end end def self.other_files nil end def self.ignored_files nil end def self.all_files_in_the_same_directory ::Dir.glob( "#{ top_file }/**.rb" ).sort end def self.all_files_under_the_top_namespace ::Dir.glob( "#{ top_file }/**/**.rb" ).sort end def self.files_not_be_required ( { | str | str.gsub( /\.rb\Z/ , "" ) } - { | str | str.gsub( /\.rb\Z/ , "" ) } ).sort end def self.files_starting_with( *dir_root ) d_root = dir_root.flatten [ ::File.join( *dir_root ) ] + ::Dir.glob( "#{ d_root.join( "/" ) }/**/**.rb" ).sort end class << self alias :required_files :files private def settings_for_auto_loading nil end end end end