module ActiveRecord module ActsAs module InstanceMethods def acting_as?(other = nil) self.class.acting_as? other end def is_a?(klass) super || acting_as?(klass) end def changed? super || acting_as.changed? || @_acting_as_changed end def acting_as_foreign_key acting_as[acting_as_reflection.foreign_key] end # Is the superclass persisted to the database? def acting_as_persisted? return false if acting_as.nil? ! && !acting_as_foreign_key.nil? end def touch_actable return unless changed? acting_as.touch end def actable_must_be_valid if validates_actable unless acting_as.valid? acting_as.errors.each do |att, message| errors.add(att, message) end end end end protected :actable_must_be_valid def read_attribute(attr_name, *args, &block) if attribute_method?(attr_name.to_s) super else acting_as.read_attribute(attr_name, *args, &block) end end def write_attribute(attr_name, value, *args, &block) if attribute_method?(attr_name.to_s) super else acting_as.send(:write_attribute, attr_name, value, *args, &block) end end def read_store_attribute(store_attribute, key) if attribute_method?(store_attribute.to_s) super else acting_as.read_store_attribute(store_attribute, key) end end def write_store_attribute(store_attribute, key, value) if attribute_method?(store_attribute.to_s) super else acting_as.send(:write_store_attribute, store_attribute, key, value) end end private :write_attribute, :write_store_attribute def attributes acting_as_persisted? ? acting_as.attributes.except(acting_as_reflection.type, acting_as_reflection.foreign_key).merge(super) : super end def attribute_names acting_as_persisted? ? super | (acting_as.attribute_names - [acting_as_reflection.type, acting_as_reflection.foreign_key]) : super end def has_attribute?(attr_name, as_original_class = false) if as_original_class super(attr_name) else super(attr_name) || acting_as.has_attribute?(attr_name) end end def column_for_attribute(name) if has_attribute?(name, true) super(name) else acting_as.column_for_attribute(name) end end def touch acting_as.touch end def respond_to?(name, include_private = false, as_original_class = false) as_original_class ? super(name, include_private) : super(name, include_private) || acting_as.respond_to?(name) end def self_respond_to?(name, include_private = false) respond_to? name, include_private, true end def dup duplicate = super duplicate.acting_as = acting_as.dup duplicate end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) uses_superclass_for?(method) ? acting_as.send(method, *args, &block) : super end def uses_superclass_for?(method) responds_locally = self_respond_to?(method) if acting_as.respond_to?(method) if responds_locally false else # Only use getters if the superclass has # an instance that is linked to this class instance. if acting_as_persisted? true else responds_locally ? false : true end end else # If the superclass doesn't have it, use this class's methods false end end end end end