Sufia::Engine.routes.draw do # Downloads controller route resources :homepage, only: 'index' # Route the home page as the root root to: 'homepage#index' get 'single_use_link/generate_download/:id' => 'single_use_links#new_download', as: :generate_download_single_use_link get 'single_use_link/generate_show/:id' => 'single_use_links#new_show', as: :generate_show_single_use_link get 'single_use_link/show/:id' => 'single_use_links_viewer#show', as: :show_single_use_link get 'single_use_link/download/:id' => 'single_use_links_viewer#download', as: :download_single_use_link match 'batch_edits/clear' => 'batch_edits#clear', as: :batch_edits_clear, via: [:get, :post] # Notifications route for catalog index view get 'users/notifications_number' => 'users#notifications_number', as: :user_notify # Generic file routes resources :generic_files, path: :files, except: :index do member do resource :featured_work, only: [:create, :destroy] resources :transfers, as: :generic_file_transfers, only: [:new, :create] get 'citation' get 'stats' post 'audit' end end # Depositors routes for proxy deposit post 'users/:user_id/depositors' => 'depositors#create', as: 'user_depositors' delete 'users/:user_id/depositors/:id' => 'depositors#destroy', as: 'user_depositor' resources :featured_work_lists, path: 'featured_works', only: :create # Downloads controller route resources :downloads, only: 'show' # Messages resources :notifications, only: [:destroy, :index], controller: :mailbox do collection do delete 'delete_all' end end # User profile & follows resources :users, only: [:index, :show, :edit, :update], as: :profiles do member do post 'trophy' => 'users#toggle_trophy' #used by trophy.js post 'follow' => 'users#follow' post 'unfollow' => 'users#unfollow' end end # Dashboard page resources :dashboard, only: :index do collection do get 'activity', action: :activity, as: :dashboard_activity resources :transfers, only: [:index, :destroy] do member do put 'accept' put 'reject' end end end end # Routes for user's files, collections, highlights and shares # Preserves existing behavior by maintaining paths to /dashboard # Routes actions to the various My controllers scope :dashboard do get '/files', controller: 'my/files', action: :index, as: 'dashboard_files' get '/files/page/:page', controller: 'my/files', action: :index get '/files/facet/:id', controller: 'my/files', action: :facet, as: 'dashboard_files_facet' get '/collections', controller: 'my/collections', action: :index, as: 'dashboard_collections' get '/collections/page/:page', controller: 'my/collections', action: :index get '/collections/facet/:id', controller: 'my/collections', action: :facet, as: 'dashboard_collections_facet' get '/highlights', controller: 'my/highlights', action: :index, as: 'dashboard_highlights' get '/highlights/page/:page', controller: 'my/highlights', action: :index get '/highlights/facet/:id', controller: 'my/highlights', action: :facet, as: 'dashboard_highlights_facet' get '/shares', controller: 'my/shares', action: :index, as: 'dashboard_shares' get '/shares/page/:page', controller: 'my/shares', action: :index get '/shares/facet/:id', controller: 'my/shares', action: :facet, as: 'dashboard_shares_facet' end # advanced routes for advanced search get 'search' => 'advanced#index', as: :advanced # Authority vocabulary queries route get 'authorities/:model/:term' => 'authorities#query' # LDAP-related routes for group and user lookups get 'directory/user/:uid' => 'directory#user' get 'directory/user/:uid/:attribute' => 'directory#user_attribute' get 'directory/group/:cn' => 'directory#group', constraints: { cn: /.*/ } # Batch edit routes get 'batches/:id/edit' => 'batch#edit', as: :batch_edit post 'batches/:id' => 'batch#update', as: :batch_generic_files # Contact form routes post 'contact' => 'contact_form#create', as: :contact_form_index get 'contact' => 'contact_form#new' mount Hydra::Collections::Engine => '/' # Resque monitoring routes. Don't bother with this route unless Sufia::ResqueAdmin # has been defined in the initalizers. if defined?(Sufia::ResqueAdmin) namespace :admin do constraints Sufia::ResqueAdmin do mount Resque::Server, at: 'queues' end end end resources :content_blocks, only: 'update' post '/tinymce_assets' => 'tinymce_assets#create' get 'about' => 'pages#show', id: 'about_page' # Static page routes (workaround) get ':action' => 'static#:action', constraints: { action: /help|terms|zotero|mendeley|agreement|subject_libraries|versions/ }, as: :static #Single use link errors get 'single_use_link/not_found' => 'errors#single_use_error' get 'single_use_link/expired' => 'errors#single_use_error' # Catch-all (for routing errors) unless Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? match '*error' => 'errors#routing', via: [:get, :post] end end