# KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi All URIs are relative to *https://a.klaviyo.com* | Method | HTTP request | Description | | ------ | ------------ | ----------- | | [**create_back_in_stock_subscription**](CatalogsApi.md#create_back_in_stock_subscription) | **POST** /api/back-in-stock-subscriptions/ | Create Back In Stock Subscription | | [**create_catalog_category**](CatalogsApi.md#create_catalog_category) | **POST** /api/catalog-categories/ | Create Catalog Category | | [**create_catalog_category_relationships_items**](CatalogsApi.md#create_catalog_category_relationships_items) | **POST** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/relationships/items/ | Create Catalog Category Relationships Items | | [**create_catalog_item**](CatalogsApi.md#create_catalog_item) | **POST** /api/catalog-items/ | Create Catalog Item | | [**create_catalog_item_relationships_categories**](CatalogsApi.md#create_catalog_item_relationships_categories) | **POST** /api/catalog-items/{id}/relationships/categories/ | Create Catalog Item Relationships Categories | | [**create_catalog_variant**](CatalogsApi.md#create_catalog_variant) | **POST** /api/catalog-variants/ | Create Catalog Variant | | [**delete_catalog_category**](CatalogsApi.md#delete_catalog_category) | **DELETE** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/ | Delete Catalog Category | | [**delete_catalog_category_relationships_items**](CatalogsApi.md#delete_catalog_category_relationships_items) | **DELETE** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/relationships/items/ | Delete Catalog Category Relationships Items | | [**delete_catalog_item**](CatalogsApi.md#delete_catalog_item) | **DELETE** /api/catalog-items/{id}/ | Delete Catalog Item | | [**delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories**](CatalogsApi.md#delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories) | **DELETE** /api/catalog-items/{id}/relationships/categories/ | Delete Catalog Item Relationships Categories | | [**delete_catalog_variant**](CatalogsApi.md#delete_catalog_variant) | **DELETE** /api/catalog-variants/{id}/ | Delete Catalog Variant | | [**get_catalog_categories**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_categories) | **GET** /api/catalog-categories/ | Get Catalog Categories | | [**get_catalog_category**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_category) | **GET** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/ | Get Catalog Category | | [**get_catalog_category_items**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_category_items) | **GET** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/items/ | Get Catalog Category Items | | [**get_catalog_category_relationships_items**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_category_relationships_items) | **GET** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/relationships/items/ | Get Catalog Category Relationships Items | | [**get_catalog_item**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_item) | **GET** /api/catalog-items/{id}/ | Get Catalog Item | | [**get_catalog_item_categories**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_item_categories) | **GET** /api/catalog-items/{id}/categories/ | Get Catalog Item Categories | | [**get_catalog_item_relationships_categories**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_item_relationships_categories) | **GET** /api/catalog-items/{id}/relationships/categories/ | Get Catalog Item Relationships Categories | | [**get_catalog_item_variants**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_item_variants) | **GET** /api/catalog-items/{id}/variants/ | Get Catalog Item Variants | | [**get_catalog_items**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_items) | **GET** /api/catalog-items/ | Get Catalog Items | | [**get_catalog_variant**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_variant) | **GET** /api/catalog-variants/{id}/ | Get Catalog Variant | | [**get_catalog_variants**](CatalogsApi.md#get_catalog_variants) | **GET** /api/catalog-variants/ | Get Catalog Variants | | [**get_create_categories_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_create_categories_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-category-bulk-create-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Create Categories Job | | [**get_create_categories_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_create_categories_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-category-bulk-create-jobs/ | Get Create Categories Jobs | | [**get_create_items_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_create_items_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-item-bulk-create-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Create Items Job | | [**get_create_items_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_create_items_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-item-bulk-create-jobs/ | Get Create Items Jobs | | [**get_create_variants_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_create_variants_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-create-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Create Variants Job | | [**get_create_variants_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_create_variants_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-create-jobs/ | Get Create Variants Jobs | | [**get_delete_categories_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_delete_categories_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-category-bulk-delete-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Delete Categories Job | | [**get_delete_categories_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_delete_categories_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-category-bulk-delete-jobs/ | Get Delete Categories Jobs | | [**get_delete_items_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_delete_items_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-item-bulk-delete-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Delete Items Job | | [**get_delete_items_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_delete_items_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-item-bulk-delete-jobs/ | Get Delete Items Jobs | | [**get_delete_variants_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_delete_variants_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-delete-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Delete Variants Job | | [**get_delete_variants_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_delete_variants_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-delete-jobs/ | Get Delete Variants Jobs | | [**get_update_categories_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_update_categories_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-category-bulk-update-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Update Categories Job | | [**get_update_categories_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_update_categories_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-category-bulk-update-jobs/ | Get Update Categories Jobs | | [**get_update_items_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_update_items_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-item-bulk-update-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Update Items Job | | [**get_update_items_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_update_items_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-item-bulk-update-jobs/ | Get Update Items Jobs | | [**get_update_variants_job**](CatalogsApi.md#get_update_variants_job) | **GET** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-update-jobs/{job_id}/ | Get Update Variants Job | | [**get_update_variants_jobs**](CatalogsApi.md#get_update_variants_jobs) | **GET** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-update-jobs/ | Get Update Variants Jobs | | [**spawn_create_categories_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_create_categories_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-category-bulk-create-jobs/ | Spawn Create Categories Job | | [**spawn_create_items_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_create_items_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-item-bulk-create-jobs/ | Spawn Create Items Job | | [**spawn_create_variants_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_create_variants_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-create-jobs/ | Spawn Create Variants Job | | [**spawn_delete_categories_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_delete_categories_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-category-bulk-delete-jobs/ | Spawn Delete Categories Job | | [**spawn_delete_items_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_delete_items_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-item-bulk-delete-jobs/ | Spawn Delete Items Job | | [**spawn_delete_variants_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_delete_variants_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-delete-jobs/ | Spawn Delete Variants Job | | [**spawn_update_categories_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_update_categories_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-category-bulk-update-jobs/ | Spawn Update Categories Job | | [**spawn_update_items_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_update_items_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-item-bulk-update-jobs/ | Spawn Update Items Job | | [**spawn_update_variants_job**](CatalogsApi.md#spawn_update_variants_job) | **POST** /api/catalog-variant-bulk-update-jobs/ | Spawn Update Variants Job | | [**update_catalog_category**](CatalogsApi.md#update_catalog_category) | **PATCH** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/ | Update Catalog Category | | [**update_catalog_category_relationships_items**](CatalogsApi.md#update_catalog_category_relationships_items) | **PATCH** /api/catalog-categories/{id}/relationships/items/ | Update Catalog Category Relationships Items | | [**update_catalog_item**](CatalogsApi.md#update_catalog_item) | **PATCH** /api/catalog-items/{id}/ | Update Catalog Item | | [**update_catalog_item_relationships_categories**](CatalogsApi.md#update_catalog_item_relationships_categories) | **PATCH** /api/catalog-items/{id}/relationships/categories/ | Update Catalog Item Relationships Categories | | [**update_catalog_variant**](CatalogsApi.md#update_catalog_variant) | **PATCH** /api/catalog-variants/{id}/ | Update Catalog Variant | ## create_back_in_stock_subscription > create_back_in_stock_subscription(server_bis_subscription_create_query) Create Back In Stock Subscription Subscribe a profile to receive back in stock notifications. Check out [our Back in Stock API guide](https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/docs/how_to_set_up_custom_back_in_stock) for more details. This endpoint is specifically designed to be called from server-side applications. To create subscriptions from client-side contexts, use [POST /client/back-in-stock-subscriptions](https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/reference/create_client_back_in_stock_subscription).

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` `profiles:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new server_bis_subscription_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::ServerBISSubscriptionCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::ServerBISSubscriptionCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::BackInStockSubscriptionEnum::BACK_IN_STOCK_SUBSCRIPTION, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::ServerBISSubscriptionCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({channels: ["EMAIL", "SMS"]})})}) # ServerBISSubscriptionCreateQuery | begin # Create Back In Stock Subscription api_instance.create_back_in_stock_subscription(server_bis_subscription_create_query) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_back_in_stock_subscription: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the create_back_in_stock_subscription_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > create_back_in_stock_subscription_with_http_info(server_bis_subscription_create_query) ```ruby begin # Create Back In Stock Subscription data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_back_in_stock_subscription_with_http_info(server_bis_subscription_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_back_in_stock_subscription_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **server_bis_subscription_create_query** | [**ServerBISSubscriptionCreateQuery**](ServerBISSubscriptionCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## create_catalog_category > Hash<String, Object> create_catalog_category(catalog_category_create_query) Create Catalog Category Create a new catalog category.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_category_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({external_id: 'SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL', name: 'Sample Data Category Apparel'})})}) # CatalogCategoryCreateQuery | begin # Create Catalog Category result = api_instance.create_catalog_category(catalog_category_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_category: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the create_catalog_category_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > create_catalog_category_with_http_info(catalog_category_create_query) ```ruby begin # Create Catalog Category data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_catalog_category_with_http_info(catalog_category_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_category_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_category_create_query** | [**CatalogCategoryCreateQuery**](CatalogCategoryCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## create_catalog_category_relationships_items > create_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, catalog_category_item_op) Create Catalog Category Relationships Items Create a new item relationship for the given category ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | catalog_category_item_op = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryItemOp.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQueryResourceObjectRelationshipsItemData.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1'})]}) # CatalogCategoryItemOp | begin # Create Catalog Category Relationships Items api_instance.create_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, catalog_category_item_op) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_category_relationships_items: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the create_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > create_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_item_op) ```ruby begin # Create Catalog Category Relationships Items data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_item_op) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **catalog_category_item_op** | [**CatalogCategoryItemOp**](CatalogCategoryItemOp.md) | | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## create_catalog_item > Hash<String, Object> create_catalog_item(catalog_item_create_query) Create Catalog Item Create a new catalog item.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_item_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({external_id: 'SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1', title: 'Ocean Blue Shirt (Sample)', description: 'Ocean blue cotton shirt with a narrow collar and buttons down the front and long sleeves. Comfortable fit and titled kaleidoscope patterns.', url: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150'})})}) # CatalogItemCreateQuery | begin # Create Catalog Item result = api_instance.create_catalog_item(catalog_item_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_item: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the create_catalog_item_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > create_catalog_item_with_http_info(catalog_item_create_query) ```ruby begin # Create Catalog Item data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_catalog_item_with_http_info(catalog_item_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_item_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_item_create_query** | [**CatalogItemCreateQuery**](CatalogItemCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## create_catalog_item_relationships_categories > create_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, catalog_item_category_op) Create Catalog Item Relationships Categories Create a new catalog category relationship for the given item ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | catalog_item_category_op = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCategoryOp.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQueryResourceObjectRelationshipsCategoriesDataInner.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL'})]}) # CatalogItemCategoryOp | begin # Create Catalog Item Relationships Categories api_instance.create_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, catalog_item_category_op) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_item_relationships_categories: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the create_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > create_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_category_op) ```ruby begin # Create Catalog Item Relationships Categories data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_category_op) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **catalog_item_category_op** | [**CatalogItemCategoryOp**](CatalogItemCategoryOp.md) | | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## create_catalog_variant > Hash<String, Object> create_catalog_variant(catalog_variant_create_query) Create Catalog Variant Create a new variant for a related catalog item.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_variant_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({external_id: 'SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM', title: 'Ocean Blue Shirt (Sample) Variant Medium', description: 'Ocean blue cotton shirt with a narrow collar and buttons down the front and long sleeves. Comfortable fit and titled kaleidoscope patterns.', sku: 'OBS-MD', inventory_quantity: 25, price: 42, url: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150'})})}) # CatalogVariantCreateQuery | begin # Create Catalog Variant result = api_instance.create_catalog_variant(catalog_variant_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_variant: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the create_catalog_variant_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > create_catalog_variant_with_http_info(catalog_variant_create_query) ```ruby begin # Create Catalog Variant data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_catalog_variant_with_http_info(catalog_variant_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->create_catalog_variant_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_variant_create_query** | [**CatalogVariantCreateQuery**](CatalogVariantCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## delete_catalog_category > delete_catalog_category(id) Delete Catalog Category Delete a catalog category using the given category ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL' # String | The catalog category ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. begin # Delete Catalog Category api_instance.delete_catalog_category(id) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_category: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the delete_catalog_category_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > delete_catalog_category_with_http_info(id) ```ruby begin # Delete Catalog Category data, status_code, headers = api_instance.delete_catalog_category_with_http_info(id) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_category_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog category ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## delete_catalog_category_relationships_items > delete_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, catalog_category_item_op) Delete Catalog Category Relationships Items Delete item relationships for the given category ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | catalog_category_item_op = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryItemOp.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQueryResourceObjectRelationshipsItemData.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1'})]}) # CatalogCategoryItemOp | begin # Delete Catalog Category Relationships Items api_instance.delete_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, catalog_category_item_op) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_category_relationships_items: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the delete_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > delete_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_item_op) ```ruby begin # Delete Catalog Category Relationships Items data, status_code, headers = api_instance.delete_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_item_op) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **catalog_category_item_op** | [**CatalogCategoryItemOp**](CatalogCategoryItemOp.md) | | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## delete_catalog_item > delete_catalog_item(id) Delete Catalog Item Delete a catalog item with the given item ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1' # String | The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. begin # Delete Catalog Item api_instance.delete_catalog_item(id) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_item: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the delete_catalog_item_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > delete_catalog_item_with_http_info(id) ```ruby begin # Delete Catalog Item data, status_code, headers = api_instance.delete_catalog_item_with_http_info(id) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_item_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories > delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, catalog_item_category_op) Delete Catalog Item Relationships Categories Delete catalog category relationships for the given item ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | catalog_item_category_op = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCategoryOp.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQueryResourceObjectRelationshipsCategoriesDataInner.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL'})]}) # CatalogItemCategoryOp | begin # Delete Catalog Item Relationships Categories api_instance.delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, catalog_item_category_op) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_category_op) ```ruby begin # Delete Catalog Item Relationships Categories data, status_code, headers = api_instance.delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_category_op) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **catalog_item_category_op** | [**CatalogItemCategoryOp**](CatalogItemCategoryOp.md) | | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## delete_catalog_variant > delete_catalog_variant(id) Delete Catalog Variant Delete a catalog item variant with the given variant ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM' # String | The catalog variant ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. begin # Delete Catalog Variant api_instance.delete_catalog_variant(id) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_variant: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the delete_catalog_variant_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > delete_catalog_variant_with_http_info(id) ```ruby begin # Delete Catalog Variant data, status_code, headers = api_instance.delete_catalog_variant_with_http_info(id) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->delete_catalog_variant_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog variant ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_categories > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_categories(opts) Get Catalog Categories Get all catalog categories in an account. Catalog categories can be sorted by the following fields, in ascending and descending order: `created` Returns a maximum of 100 categories per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_category: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`ids`: `any`
`item.id`: `equals`
`name`: `contains` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination sort: 'created' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting } begin # Get Catalog Categories result = api_instance.get_catalog_categories(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_categories: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_categories_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_categories_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Categories data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_categories_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_categories_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_category** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`ids`: `any`<br>`item.id`: `equals`<br>`name`: `contains` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | | **sort** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_category > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_category(id, opts) Get Catalog Category Get a catalog category with the given category ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL' # String | The catalog category ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. opts = { fields_catalog_category: ['external_id'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets } begin # Get Catalog Category result = api_instance.get_catalog_category(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_category: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_category_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_category_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Category data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_category_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_category_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog category ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | | **fields_catalog_category** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_category_items > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_category_items(id, opts) Get Catalog Category Items Get all items in a category with the given category ID. Items can be sorted by the following fields, in ascending and descending order: `created` Include parameters can be provided to get the following related resource data: `variants` Returns a maximum of 100 items per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | opts = { fields_catalog_item: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`ids`: `any`
`category.id`: `equals`
`title`: `contains`
`published`: `equals` include: ['variants'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination sort: 'created' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting } begin # Get Catalog Category Items result = api_instance.get_catalog_category_items(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_category_items: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_category_items_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_category_items_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Category Items data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_category_items_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_category_items_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **fields_catalog_item** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`ids`: `any`<br>`category.id`: `equals`<br>`title`: `contains`<br>`published`: `equals` | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | | **sort** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_category_relationships_items > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, opts) Get Catalog Category Relationships Items Get all items in the given category ID. Returns a maximum of 100 items per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | opts = { page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Catalog Category Relationships Items result = api_instance.get_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_category_relationships_items: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Category Relationships Items data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_item > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_item(id, opts) Get Catalog Item Get a specific catalog item with the given item ID. Include parameters can be provided to get the following related resource data: `variants`

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1' # String | The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. opts = { fields_catalog_item: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets include: ['variants'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships } begin # Get Catalog Item result = api_instance.get_catalog_item(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_item_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_item_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Item data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_item_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | | **fields_catalog_item** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_item_categories > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_item_categories(id, opts) Get Catalog Item Categories Get all catalog categories that an item with the given item ID is in. Catalog categories can be sorted by the following fields, in ascending and descending order: `created` Returns a maximum of 100 categories per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | opts = { fields_catalog_category: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`ids`: `any`
`item.id`: `equals`
`name`: `contains` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination sort: 'created' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting } begin # Get Catalog Item Categories result = api_instance.get_catalog_item_categories(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item_categories: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_item_categories_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_item_categories_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Item Categories data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_item_categories_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item_categories_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **fields_catalog_category** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`ids`: `any`<br>`item.id`: `equals`<br>`name`: `contains` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | | **sort** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_item_relationships_categories > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, opts) Get Catalog Item Relationships Categories Get all catalog categories that a particular item is in. Returns a maximum of 100 categories per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | opts = { page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Catalog Item Relationships Categories result = api_instance.get_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item_relationships_categories: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Item Relationships Categories data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_item_variants > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_item_variants(id, opts) Get Catalog Item Variants Get all variants related to the given item ID. Variants can be sorted by the following fields, in ascending and descending order: `created` Returns a maximum of 100 variants per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | opts = { fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`ids`: `any`
`item.id`: `equals`
`sku`: `equals`
`title`: `contains`
`published`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination sort: 'created' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting } begin # Get Catalog Item Variants result = api_instance.get_catalog_item_variants(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item_variants: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_item_variants_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_item_variants_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Item Variants data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_item_variants_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_item_variants_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`ids`: `any`<br>`item.id`: `equals`<br>`sku`: `equals`<br>`title`: `contains`<br>`published`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | | **sort** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_items > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_items(opts) Get Catalog Items Get all catalog items in an account. Catalog items can be sorted by the following fields, in ascending and descending order: `created` Include parameters can be provided to get the following related resource data: `variants` Returns a maximum of 100 items per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_item: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`ids`: `any`
`category.id`: `equals`
`title`: `contains`
`published`: `equals` include: ['variants'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination sort: 'created' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting } begin # Get Catalog Items result = api_instance.get_catalog_items(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_items: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_items_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_items_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Items data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_items_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_items_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_item** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`ids`: `any`<br>`category.id`: `equals`<br>`title`: `contains`<br>`published`: `equals` | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | | **sort** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_variant > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_variant(id, opts) Get Catalog Variant Get a catalog item variant with the given variant ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM' # String | The catalog variant ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. opts = { fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets } begin # Get Catalog Variant result = api_instance.get_catalog_variant(id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_variant: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_variant_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_variant_with_http_info(id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Variant data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_variant_with_http_info(id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_variant_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog variant ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_catalog_variants > Hash<String, Object> get_catalog_variants(opts) Get Catalog Variants Get all variants in an account. Variants can be sorted by the following fields, in ascending and descending order: `created` Returns a maximum of 100 variants per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`ids`: `any`
`item.id`: `equals`
`sku`: `equals`
`title`: `contains`
`published`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination sort: 'created' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting } begin # Get Catalog Variants result = api_instance.get_catalog_variants(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_variants: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_catalog_variants_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_catalog_variants_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Catalog Variants data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_catalog_variants_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_catalog_variants_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`ids`: `any`<br>`item.id`: `equals`<br>`sku`: `equals`<br>`title`: `contains`<br>`published`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | | **sort** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sorting | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_create_categories_job > Hash<String, Object> get_create_categories_job(job_id, opts) Get Create Categories Job Get a catalog category bulk create job with the given job ID. An `include` parameter can be provided to get the following related resource data: `categories`.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_category: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets include: ['categories'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships } begin # Get Create Categories Job result = api_instance.get_create_categories_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_categories_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_create_categories_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_create_categories_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Create Categories Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_create_categories_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_categories_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_category** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_create_categories_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_create_categories_jobs(opts) Get Create Categories Jobs Get all catalog category bulk create jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Create Categories Jobs result = api_instance.get_create_categories_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_categories_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_create_categories_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_create_categories_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Create Categories Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_create_categories_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_categories_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_create_items_job > Hash<String, Object> get_create_items_job(job_id, opts) Get Create Items Job Get a catalog item bulk create job with the given job ID. An `include` parameter can be provided to get the following related resource data: `items`.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_item: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets include: ['items'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships } begin # Get Create Items Job result = api_instance.get_create_items_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_items_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_create_items_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_create_items_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Create Items Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_create_items_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_items_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_item** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_create_items_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_create_items_jobs(opts) Get Create Items Jobs Get all catalog item bulk create jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Create Items Jobs result = api_instance.get_create_items_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_items_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_create_items_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_create_items_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Create Items Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_create_items_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_items_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_create_variants_job > Hash<String, Object> get_create_variants_job(job_id, opts) Get Create Variants Job Get a catalog variant bulk create job with the given job ID. An `include` parameter can be provided to get the following related resource data: `variants`.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets include: ['variants'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships } begin # Get Create Variants Job result = api_instance.get_create_variants_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_variants_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_create_variants_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_create_variants_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Create Variants Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_create_variants_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_variants_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_create_variants_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_create_variants_jobs(opts) Get Create Variants Jobs Get all catalog variant bulk create jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Create Variants Jobs result = api_instance.get_create_variants_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_variants_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_create_variants_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_create_variants_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Create Variants Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_create_variants_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_create_variants_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_delete_categories_job > Hash<String, Object> get_delete_categories_job(job_id, opts) Get Delete Categories Job Get a catalog category bulk delete job with the given job ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job: ['job_id'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets } begin # Get Delete Categories Job result = api_instance.get_delete_categories_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_categories_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_delete_categories_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_delete_categories_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Delete Categories Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_delete_categories_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_categories_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_delete_categories_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_delete_categories_jobs(opts) Get Delete Categories Jobs Get all catalog category bulk delete jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Delete Categories Jobs result = api_instance.get_delete_categories_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_categories_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_delete_categories_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_delete_categories_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Delete Categories Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_delete_categories_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_categories_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_delete_items_job > Hash<String, Object> get_delete_items_job(job_id, opts) Get Delete Items Job Get a catalog item bulk delete job with the given job ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job: ['job_id'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets } begin # Get Delete Items Job result = api_instance.get_delete_items_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_items_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_delete_items_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_delete_items_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Delete Items Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_delete_items_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_items_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_delete_items_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_delete_items_jobs(opts) Get Delete Items Jobs Get all catalog item bulk delete jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Delete Items Jobs result = api_instance.get_delete_items_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_items_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_delete_items_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_delete_items_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Delete Items Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_delete_items_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_items_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_delete_variants_job > Hash<String, Object> get_delete_variants_job(job_id, opts) Get Delete Variants Job Get a catalog variant bulk delete job with the given job ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job: ['job_id'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets } begin # Get Delete Variants Job result = api_instance.get_delete_variants_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_variants_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_delete_variants_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_delete_variants_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Delete Variants Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_delete_variants_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_variants_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_delete_variants_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_delete_variants_jobs(opts) Get Delete Variants Jobs Get all catalog variant bulk delete jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Delete Variants Jobs result = api_instance.get_delete_variants_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_variants_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_delete_variants_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_delete_variants_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Delete Variants Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_delete_variants_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_delete_variants_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_update_categories_job > Hash<String, Object> get_update_categories_job(job_id, opts) Get Update Categories Job Get a catalog category bulk update job with the given job ID. An `include` parameter can be provided to get the following related resource data: `categories`.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_category: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets include: ['categories'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships } begin # Get Update Categories Job result = api_instance.get_update_categories_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_categories_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_update_categories_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_update_categories_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Update Categories Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_update_categories_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_categories_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_category** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_update_categories_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_update_categories_jobs(opts) Get Update Categories Jobs Get all catalog category bulk update jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Update Categories Jobs result = api_instance.get_update_categories_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_categories_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_update_categories_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_update_categories_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Update Categories Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_update_categories_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_categories_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_update_items_job > Hash<String, Object> get_update_items_job(job_id, opts) Get Update Items Job Get a catalog item bulk update job with the given job ID. An `include` parameter can be provided to get the following related resource data: `items`.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_item: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets include: ['items'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships } begin # Get Update Items Job result = api_instance.get_update_items_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_items_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_update_items_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_update_items_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Update Items Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_update_items_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_items_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_item** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_update_items_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_update_items_jobs(opts) Get Update Items Jobs Get all catalog item bulk update jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Update Items Jobs result = api_instance.get_update_items_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_items_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_update_items_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_update_items_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Update Items Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_update_items_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_items_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_update_variants_job > Hash<String, Object> get_update_variants_job(job_id, opts) Get Update Variants Job Get a catalog variate bulk update job with the given job ID. An `include` parameter can be provided to get the following related resource data: `variants`.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new job_id = '01GSQPBF74KQ5YTDEPP41T1BZH' # String | ID of the job to retrieve. opts = { fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets fields_catalog_variant: ['external_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets include: ['variants'] # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships } begin # Get Update Variants Job result = api_instance.get_update_variants_job(job_id, opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_variants_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_update_variants_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_update_variants_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) ```ruby begin # Get Update Variants Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_update_variants_job_with_http_info(job_id, opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_variants_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **job_id** | **String** | ID of the job to retrieve. | | | **fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **fields_catalog_variant** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **include** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#relationships | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## get_update_variants_jobs > Hash<String, Object> get_update_variants_jobs(opts) Get Update Variants Jobs Get all catalog variant bulk update jobs. Returns a maximum of 100 jobs per request.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `350/s`
Steady: `3500/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:read` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new opts = { fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job: ['job_id'], # Array | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets filter: 'filter_example', # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering
Allowed field(s)/operator(s):
`status`: `equals` page_cursor: 'page_cursor_example' # String | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination } begin # Get Update Variants Jobs result = api_instance.get_update_variants_jobs(opts) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_variants_jobs: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the get_update_variants_jobs_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > get_update_variants_jobs_with_http_info(opts) ```ruby begin # Get Update Variants Jobs data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_update_variants_jobs_with_http_info(opts) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->get_update_variants_jobs_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job** | [**Array<String>**](String.md) | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#sparse-fieldsets | [optional] | | **filter** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#filtering<br>Allowed field(s)/operator(s):<br>`status`: `equals` | [optional] | | **page_cursor** | **String** | For more information please visit https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/v2023-08-15/reference/api-overview#pagination | [optional] | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_create_categories_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_create_categories_job(catalog_category_create_job_create_query) Spawn Create Categories Job Create a catalog category bulk create job to create a batch of catalog categories. Accepts up to 100 catalog categories per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_category_create_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryBulkCreateJobEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY_BULK_CREATE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({categories: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesCategories.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({external_id: 'SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL', name: 'Sample Data Category Apparel'})})]})})})}) # CatalogCategoryCreateJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Create Categories Job result = api_instance.spawn_create_categories_job(catalog_category_create_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_create_categories_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_create_categories_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_create_categories_job_with_http_info(catalog_category_create_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Create Categories Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_create_categories_job_with_http_info(catalog_category_create_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_create_categories_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_category_create_job_create_query** | [**CatalogCategoryCreateJobCreateQuery**](CatalogCategoryCreateJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_create_items_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_create_items_job(catalog_item_create_job_create_query) Spawn Create Items Job Create a catalog item bulk create job to create a batch of catalog items. Accepts up to 100 catalog items per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_item_create_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemBulkCreateJobEnum::CATALOG_ITEM_BULK_CREATE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({items: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesItems.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({external_id: 'SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1', title: 'Ocean Blue Shirt (Sample)', description: 'Ocean blue cotton shirt with a narrow collar and buttons down the front and long sleeves. Comfortable fit and titled kaleidoscope patterns.', url: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150'})})]})})})}) # CatalogItemCreateJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Create Items Job result = api_instance.spawn_create_items_job(catalog_item_create_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_create_items_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_create_items_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_create_items_job_with_http_info(catalog_item_create_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Create Items Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_create_items_job_with_http_info(catalog_item_create_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_create_items_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_item_create_job_create_query** | [**CatalogItemCreateJobCreateQuery**](CatalogItemCreateJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_create_variants_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_create_variants_job(catalog_variant_create_job_create_query) Spawn Create Variants Job Create a catalog variant bulk create job to create a batch of catalog variants. Accepts up to 100 catalog variants per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_variant_create_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantBulkCreateJobEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT_BULK_CREATE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({variants: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesVariants.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({external_id: 'SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM', title: 'Ocean Blue Shirt (Sample) Variant Medium', description: 'Ocean blue cotton shirt with a narrow collar and buttons down the front and long sleeves. Comfortable fit and titled kaleidoscope patterns.', sku: 'OBS-MD', inventory_quantity: 25, price: 42, url: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150'})})]})})})}) # CatalogVariantCreateJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Create Variants Job result = api_instance.spawn_create_variants_job(catalog_variant_create_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_create_variants_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_create_variants_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_create_variants_job_with_http_info(catalog_variant_create_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Create Variants Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_create_variants_job_with_http_info(catalog_variant_create_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_create_variants_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_variant_create_job_create_query** | [**CatalogVariantCreateJobCreateQuery**](CatalogVariantCreateJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_delete_categories_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_delete_categories_job(catalog_category_delete_job_create_query) Spawn Delete Categories Job Create a catalog category bulk delete job to delete a batch of catalog categories. Accepts up to 100 catalog categories per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_category_delete_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryDeleteJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryBulkDeleteJobEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY_BULK_DELETE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({categories: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesCategories.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryDeleteQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL'})]})})})}) # CatalogCategoryDeleteJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Delete Categories Job result = api_instance.spawn_delete_categories_job(catalog_category_delete_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_delete_categories_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_delete_categories_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_delete_categories_job_with_http_info(catalog_category_delete_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Delete Categories Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_delete_categories_job_with_http_info(catalog_category_delete_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_delete_categories_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_category_delete_job_create_query** | [**CatalogCategoryDeleteJobCreateQuery**](CatalogCategoryDeleteJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_delete_items_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_delete_items_job(catalog_item_delete_job_create_query) Spawn Delete Items Job Create a catalog item bulk delete job to delete a batch of catalog items. Accepts up to 100 catalog items per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_item_delete_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemDeleteJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemBulkDeleteJobEnum::CATALOG_ITEM_BULK_DELETE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({items: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesItems.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemDeleteQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1'})]})})})}) # CatalogItemDeleteJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Delete Items Job result = api_instance.spawn_delete_items_job(catalog_item_delete_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_delete_items_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_delete_items_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_delete_items_job_with_http_info(catalog_item_delete_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Delete Items Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_delete_items_job_with_http_info(catalog_item_delete_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_delete_items_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_item_delete_job_create_query** | [**CatalogItemDeleteJobCreateQuery**](CatalogItemDeleteJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_delete_variants_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_delete_variants_job(catalog_variant_delete_job_create_query) Spawn Delete Variants Job Create a catalog variant bulk delete job to delete a batch of catalog variants. Accepts up to 100 catalog variants per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_variant_delete_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantDeleteJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantBulkDeleteJobEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT_BULK_DELETE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({variants: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantDeleteJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesVariants.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantDeleteQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM'})]})})})}) # CatalogVariantDeleteJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Delete Variants Job result = api_instance.spawn_delete_variants_job(catalog_variant_delete_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_delete_variants_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_delete_variants_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_delete_variants_job_with_http_info(catalog_variant_delete_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Delete Variants Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_delete_variants_job_with_http_info(catalog_variant_delete_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_delete_variants_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_variant_delete_job_create_query** | [**CatalogVariantDeleteJobCreateQuery**](CatalogVariantDeleteJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_update_categories_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_update_categories_job(catalog_category_update_job_create_query) Spawn Update Categories Job Create a catalog category bulk update job to update a batch of catalog categories. Accepts up to 100 catalog categories per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_category_update_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryBulkUpdateJobEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY_BULK_UPDATE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({categories: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesCategories.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL', attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new})]})})})}) # CatalogCategoryUpdateJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Update Categories Job result = api_instance.spawn_update_categories_job(catalog_category_update_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_update_categories_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_update_categories_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_update_categories_job_with_http_info(catalog_category_update_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Update Categories Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_update_categories_job_with_http_info(catalog_category_update_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_update_categories_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_category_update_job_create_query** | [**CatalogCategoryUpdateJobCreateQuery**](CatalogCategoryUpdateJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_update_items_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_update_items_job(catalog_item_update_job_create_query) Spawn Update Items Job Create a catalog item bulk update job to update a batch of catalog items. Accepts up to 100 catalog items per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_item_update_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemBulkUpdateJobEnum::CATALOG_ITEM_BULK_UPDATE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({items: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesItems.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1', attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new})]})})})}) # CatalogItemUpdateJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Update Items Job result = api_instance.spawn_update_items_job(catalog_item_update_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_update_items_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_update_items_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_update_items_job_with_http_info(catalog_item_update_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Update Items Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_update_items_job_with_http_info(catalog_item_update_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_update_items_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_item_update_job_create_query** | [**CatalogItemUpdateJobCreateQuery**](CatalogItemUpdateJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## spawn_update_variants_job > Hash<String, Object> spawn_update_variants_job(catalog_variant_update_job_create_query) Spawn Update Variants Job Create a catalog variant bulk update job to update a batch of catalog variants. Accepts up to 100 catalog variants per request. The maximum allowed payload size is 4MB.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new catalog_variant_update_job_create_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateJobCreateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantBulkUpdateJobEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT_BULK_UPDATE_JOB, attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new({variants: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateJobCreateQueryResourceObjectAttributesVariants.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM', attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new})]})})})}) # CatalogVariantUpdateJobCreateQuery | begin # Spawn Update Variants Job result = api_instance.spawn_update_variants_job(catalog_variant_update_job_create_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_update_variants_job: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the spawn_update_variants_job_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > spawn_update_variants_job_with_http_info(catalog_variant_update_job_create_query) ```ruby begin # Spawn Update Variants Job data, status_code, headers = api_instance.spawn_update_variants_job_with_http_info(catalog_variant_update_job_create_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->spawn_update_variants_job_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **catalog_variant_update_job_create_query** | [**CatalogVariantUpdateJobCreateQuery**](CatalogVariantUpdateJobCreateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## update_catalog_category > Hash<String, Object> update_catalog_category(id, catalog_category_update_query) Update Catalog Category Update a catalog category with the given category ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL' # String | The catalog category ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. catalog_category_update_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL', attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryUpdateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new})}) # CatalogCategoryUpdateQuery | begin # Update Catalog Category result = api_instance.update_catalog_category(id, catalog_category_update_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_category: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the update_catalog_category_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > update_catalog_category_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_update_query) ```ruby begin # Update Catalog Category data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_catalog_category_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_update_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_category_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog category ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | | **catalog_category_update_query** | [**CatalogCategoryUpdateQuery**](CatalogCategoryUpdateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## update_catalog_category_relationships_items > update_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, catalog_category_item_op) Update Catalog Category Relationships Items Update item relationships for the given category ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | catalog_category_item_op = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryItemOp.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantCreateQueryResourceObjectRelationshipsItemData.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1'})]}) # CatalogCategoryItemOp | begin # Update Catalog Category Relationships Items api_instance.update_catalog_category_relationships_items(id, catalog_category_item_op) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_category_relationships_items: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the update_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > update_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_item_op) ```ruby begin # Update Catalog Category Relationships Items data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info(id, catalog_category_item_op) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_category_relationships_items_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **catalog_category_item_op** | [**CatalogCategoryItemOp**](CatalogCategoryItemOp.md) | | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## update_catalog_item > Hash<String, Object> update_catalog_item(id, catalog_item_update_query) Update Catalog Item Update a catalog item with the given item ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1' # String | The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. catalog_item_update_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemEnum::CATALOG_ITEM, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1', attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemUpdateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new})}) # CatalogItemUpdateQuery | begin # Update Catalog Item result = api_instance.update_catalog_item(id, catalog_item_update_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_item: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the update_catalog_item_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > update_catalog_item_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_update_query) ```ruby begin # Update Catalog Item data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_catalog_item_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_update_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_item_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | | **catalog_item_update_query** | [**CatalogItemUpdateQuery**](CatalogItemUpdateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## update_catalog_item_relationships_categories > update_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, catalog_item_category_op) Update Catalog Item Relationships Categories Update catalog category relationships for the given item ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = 'id_example' # String | catalog_item_category_op = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCategoryOp.new({data: [KlaviyoAPI::CatalogItemCreateQueryResourceObjectRelationshipsCategoriesDataInner.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogCategoryEnum::CATALOG_CATEGORY, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-CATEGORY-APPAREL'})]}) # CatalogItemCategoryOp | begin # Update Catalog Item Relationships Categories api_instance.update_catalog_item_relationships_categories(id, catalog_item_category_op) rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_item_relationships_categories: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the update_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data (`nil` in this case), status code and headers. > update_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_category_op) ```ruby begin # Update Catalog Item Relationships Categories data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info(id, catalog_item_category_op) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => nil rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_item_relationships_categories_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | | | | **catalog_item_category_op** | [**CatalogItemCategoryOp**](CatalogItemCategoryOp.md) | | | ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## update_catalog_variant > Hash<String, Object> update_catalog_variant(id, catalog_variant_update_query) Update Catalog Variant Update a catalog item variant with the given variant ID.

*Rate limits*:
Burst: `75/s`
Steady: `700/m` **Scopes:** `catalogs:write` ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'klaviyo-api-sdk' # setup authorization KlaviyoAPI.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key config.api_key['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['Klaviyo-API-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogsApi.new id = '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM' # String | The catalog variant ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. catalog_variant_update_query = KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateQuery.new({data: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateQueryResourceObject.new({type: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantEnum::CATALOG_VARIANT, id: '$custom:::$default:::SAMPLE-DATA-ITEM-1-VARIANT-MEDIUM', attributes: KlaviyoAPI::CatalogVariantUpdateQueryResourceObjectAttributes.new})}) # CatalogVariantUpdateQuery | begin # Update Catalog Variant result = api_instance.update_catalog_variant(id, catalog_variant_update_query) p result rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_variant: #{e}" end ``` #### Using the update_catalog_variant_with_http_info variant This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers. > update_catalog_variant_with_http_info(id, catalog_variant_update_query) ```ruby begin # Update Catalog Variant data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_catalog_variant_with_http_info(id, catalog_variant_update_query) p status_code # => 2xx p headers # => { ... } p data # => Hash<String, Object> rescue KlaviyoAPI::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling CatalogsApi->update_catalog_variant_with_http_info: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **id** | **String** | The catalog variant ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. | | | **catalog_variant_update_query** | [**CatalogVariantUpdateQuery**](CatalogVariantUpdateQuery.md) | | | ### Return type **Hash<String, Object>** ### Authorization [Klaviyo-API-Key](../README.md#Klaviyo-API-Key) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json