#!/bin/bash # Installs Python via Miniconda for Linux and MacOS. function log_message { # Severity is first argument. echo ${@:2} echo "$(date) - $1 - ${@:2}" >> $LOG_FILE } function debug { if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then log_message "DEBUG" $@ fi } function info { log_message "INFO" $@ } function error { log_message "ERROR" $@ } function run_command { debug "run command [$@]" $@ > /dev/null ret=$? if [ $ret != 0 ]; then error "command=[$@] failed return_code=$ret" exit $ret fi } function show_help { echo "Usage: $0 MINICONDA_VERSION PYTHON_VERSION PATH" } ### MAIN ### LOG_FILE="/tmp/install_python.log" > $LOG_FILE if [ -z $VERBOSE ]; then VERBOSE=0 fi # Developers can set this to 0 to prevent repeated downloads. # Normal operation is download the file every run and delete it afterwards. if [ -z $FORCE_DOWNLOAD ]; then FORCE_DOWNLOAD=1 fi if [ -z $3 ]; then show_help exit 1 fi CONDA_VERSION=$1 PYTHON_FULL_VERSION=$2 IFS="." read -ra VER_ARRAY <<< "$PYTHON_FULL_VERSION" if [ ${#VER_ARRAY[@]} -lt 2 ] ; then error "invalid python version: format x.y.z" exit 1 fi PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR="${VER_ARRAY[0]}${VER_ARRAY[1]}" INSTALL_BASE=$3 if [ ! -d $INSTALL_BASE ]; then error "path $INSTALL_BASE does not exist" exit 1 fi if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then PLATFORM=Linux-x86_64 elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then PLATFORM=MacOSX-x86_64 else error "unknown OS type $OSTYPE" exit 1 fi CONDA_PACKAGE_NAME=Miniconda3-py${PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR}_${CONDA_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.sh CONDA_URL=https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/$CONDA_PACKAGE_NAME CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH=/tmp/$CONDA_PACKAGE_NAME INSTALL_PATH=./Miniconda-${CONDA_VERSION} PIP=$INSTALL_PATH/bin/pip PYTHON=$INSTALL_PATH/bin/python debug "PYTHON_FULL_VERSION=$PYTHON_FULL_VERSION" debug "PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR=$PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR" debug "CONDA_VERSION=$CONDA_VERSION" debug "CONDA_PACKAGE_NAME=$CONDA_PACKAGE_NAME" debug "CONDA_URL=$CONDA_URL" debug "CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH=$CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH" debug "INSTALL_PATH=$INSTALL_PATH" debug "PIP=$PIP" if [ $FORCE_DOWNLOAD -eq 1 ] && [ -f $CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH ]; then run_command "rm -f $CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH" fi if [ ! -f $CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH ]; then run_command "curl $CONDA_URL -o $CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH" debug "Finished downloading $CONDA_PACKAGE_NAME" fi run_command "bash $CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH -b -p $INSTALL_PATH -u" if [ $FORCE_DOWNLOAD -eq 1 ]; then run_command "rm -rf $CONDA_PACKAGE_PATH" fi debug "Finished installation of Python $PYTHON_FULL_VERSION"