#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' gem 'activerecord' require 'active_record' require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems' rails_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') plugin_path = File.join(rails_dir, 'vendor', 'plugins', 'talia_core') from_gem = true if(File.exist?(plugin_path)) from_gem = false $: << File.join(plugin_path, 'lib') end require 'talia_core' talia_dir = TALIA_CODE_ROOT config_dir = File.join(rails_dir, 'config') config_template_dir = File.join(talia_dir, 'config') def readl(required = false) result = gets.chomp.strip while(result == '' && required) print 'Must enter a value, retry: ' result = gets.chomp.strip end result end def read_yn(question) question = question + " (yn) " print question while(!(result = readl) || result == '') print question end (result[0..0].downcase == 'y') end puts puts "Talia Configuration" puts puts "This script will assist you in the basic setup of Talia" puts puts "Enter the location of the mysql sock file." puts "For the self-installed mySQL version on MacOS enter /tmp/mysql.sock" puts "Keep the default if you use the builtin mySQL of MacOS X Server." puts "For Linux this depends on your distribution." print "MySQL sock file (/var/mysql/mysql.sock): " sock_file = readl sock_file = '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' if(sock_file == '') puts mysql_setup = TaliaUtil::Configuration::MysqlDatabaseSetup.new mysql_setup.host = 'localhost' mysql_setup.app_name = 'talia' mysql_setup.sock = sock_file print "Enter the mySQL root password: " root_pw = readl mysql_setup.root_credentials('root', root_pw) if(root_pw == '') puts puts "Your root password is empty. This is not good." if(read_yn("Do you want to set a new one?")) print "Enter new root password: " new_root_pw = readl if(mysql_setup.assign_root_pw(new_root_pw)) puts "... password successfully changed." else puts "... seems there was a problem changing the password." exit 1 end end end puts puts "Enter the mySQL username for your application. This account will be created automatically." print "mySQL account for the application: " while((rails_user = readl(true)).size > 16) puts "User name cannot have more than 16 characters" print "mySQL account for the application: " end print "Enter the password for this account: " rails_pw = readl(true) puts print "Enter a database prefix (if you have more than one installation): " db_prefix = readl mysql_setup.rails_credentials(rails_user, rails_pw) mysql_setup.db_prefix = db_prefix puts if(read_yn("Do you want to create the databases now?")) puts print "Creating databases..." mysql_setup.create_default_databases mysql_setup.execute puts " done." end print "Loading the configuration templates..." db_config = TaliaUtil::Configuration::DatabaseConfig.new(File.join(config_template_dir, 'database.yml.example')) rdf_config = TaliaUtil::Configuration::ConfigFile.new(File.join(config_template_dir, 'rdfstore.yml.example')) talia_config = TaliaUtil::Configuration::ConfigFile.new(File.join(config_template_dir, 'talia_core.yml.example')) talia_test_config = TaliaUtil::Configuration::ConfigFile.new(File.join(talia_dir, 'test', 'config', 'talia_core.yml_example')) unless(from_gem) puts " done." puts print "Enter the sql driver you want to use (e.g. jdbcmysql, mysql, ...) [jdbcmysql]: " adapter = readl adapter = (adapter == '') ? 'jdbcmysql' : adapter db_config.set_adapter(adapter) db_config.set_credentials(rails_user, rails_pw) db_config.set_database_names("#{db_prefix}talia") # Don't set socket for jdbcmysql # db_config.set_socket(sock_file) puts print "Enter the site name (it will appear in the window title): " talia_config.site_name = readl puts print "Enter the URI for your site. The URI requires a final \"/\": " site_url = readl(true) if(read_yn('Do you want to use the IIP image server?')) puts print "Enter the URL of your IIP server, or the port number (for default URL on localhost): " iip_url = readl # If only numerals, we'll create the URL if iip_url =~ /^\d*$/ iip_url = ":#{iip_url}" if iip_url != '' iip_url = "http://localhost#{iip_url}/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi" end puts "Setting IIP URL to: #{iip_url}" talia_config.iip_server_uri = iip_url puts print "Enter the path to store the IIP image files (return for default): " iip_directory = readl vips_default_command = `which vips`.gsub("\n", '') print "Enter the path to the vips command (default: #{vips_default_command.inspect}): " vips_command = readl talia_config.vips_command = vips_command == '' ? vips_default_command : vips_command convert_default_command = `which convert`.gsub("\n", '') print "Enter the path to the convert command (default: #{convert_default_command.inspect}): " convert_command = readl talia_config.convert_command = convert_command == '' ? convert_default_command : convert_command end puts puts "Configuring the Sesame RDF store (change the config by hand for stores other than Sesame)" puts backends = %w(native memory rdbms http) print "Enter the sesame backend to use (#{backends.join('|')}): " while(!(backends.include?(backend = readl))) puts "#{backend} is not a valid backend" print "Enter the backend (#{backends.join('|')}: )" end %w(production test development).each do |env| rdf_config[env]['type'] = 'sesame' rdf_config[env]['backend'] = backend end case backend when 'native': print "Enter the directory to store the Sesame RDF databases (return for default): " sesame_directory = readl sesame_directory = '.' if(sesame_directory == '') %w(production test development).each do |env| rdf_config[env]['location'] = File.join(sesame_directory, "sesame_#{env}.db") end when 'memory': puts "Memory backend configured. WARNING: Data will be lost on each restart of the runtime" when 'rdbms': print "Enter the JDBC driver you want to use for the database connection: " driver = readl(true) print "Enter the username for the connection: " user = readl pass = '' if(user != '') print "Enter the password for the connection: " pass = readl end %(production test development).each do |env| rdf_config[env]['driver'] = driver rdf_config[env]['user'] = user rdf_config[env]['pass'] = pass print "Enter the JDBC URL for the '#{env}' environment: " rdf_config[env]['url'] = readl(true) end when 'http': print "Enter the username for the connection: " user = readl pass = '' if(user != '') print "Enter the password for the connection: " pass = readl end %w(production test development).each do |env| rdf_config[env]['driver'] = driver rdf_config[env]['user'] = user rdf_config[env]['pass'] = pass print "Enter the URL for the '#{env}' environment: " rdf_config[env]['url'] = readl(true) end else puts "ERROR: ILLEGAL BACKEND #{backend} - you shouldn't see this..." end if(iip_directory != '') talia_config.iip_root_directory_location = iip_directory end print "Enter the path to store the data files (return for default): " data_directory = readl if(data_directory != '') talia_config.data_directory_location = data_directory end puts print "Enter the prefix/URL where static pages will be loaded (return for internal handler): " static_prefix = readl talia_config.static_data_prefix = static_prefix if(static_prefix != '') talia_config.local_uri = site_url # These are the locations containing config files locations = [ config_dir ] locations += [ File.join(talia_dir, 'config'), File.join(talia_dir, 'test', 'config') ] unless(from_gem) if(read_yn("Do you want to write the configuration now? (Overwrites the existing config!)")) print "Writing config files..." # Writing database and rdf config to all locations locations.each do |dir| db_config.write(File.join(dir, 'database.yml')) rdf_config.write(File.join(dir, 'rdfstore.yml')) end # Write the talia configurations talia_config.write(File.join(config_dir, 'talia_core.yml')) unless(from_gem) talia_config.write(File.join(talia_dir, 'config', 'talia_core.yml')) talia_test_config.rdf_connection = nil talia_test_config.rdf_connection_file = 'rdfstore' talia_test_config.write(File.join(talia_dir, 'test', 'config', 'talia_core.yml')) end puts " done." else puts "Writing config samples to config dir." talia_config.write(File.join(config_dir, 'talia_core_auto.yml')) rdf_config.write(File.join(config_dir, 'rdfstore_auto.yml')) db_config.write(File.join(config_dir, 'database_auto.yml')) end puts puts "Now migrating the databases" %w(test development production).each do |env| raise("Error migrating #{env}") unless(system("rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=#{env}")) # raise("Error creating globalize tables in #{env}") unless(system("rake globalize:setup RAILS_ENV=#{env}")) puts "Migrated #{env}" end puts "Importing ontologies" system('rake talia_core:rdf_import files=ontologies/*.owl rdf_syntax=rdfxml') system('rake talia_core:owl_to_rdfs_update') # print "Importing language files..." # Dir[File.join(rails_dir, 'languages', '*_glob.csv')].each do |lang_file| # language = File.basename(lang_file)[0..1] # first two chars are the lang code # print " #{language}" # raise("Error importing language #{language}") unless(system("rake discovery:import_language language=#{language} file=#{File.expand_path(lang_file)}")) # end # puts " ... done." # puts puts "Customize the start page. The following custom start pages are available:" cust_pages = Dir[File.join(rails_dir, 'customization_files', 'start_page', '_start_page_*.html.erb')] cust_pages.each do |cust_page| # Get the descriptive name md = /_start_page_(.*)\.html\.erb/.match(cust_page) puts "#{cust_pages.index(cust_page)} - #{md[1]}" end if(read_yn('Do you want to build a war file now?')) puts puts "Building the war file" system("warble") end puts puts "Configuration complete" puts