class Block < ActiveRecord::Base translates :title, :content scope :in_page, lambda{ |page| { :joins => :page_cols, :conditions => {:page_cols => {:id => page.page_cols}}, :select => "DISTINCT `blocks`.*" # kill duplicates } } validates :title, :presence => true has_and_belongs_to_many :page_cols, :order => 'position' has_and_belongs_to_many :categories, :readonly => true, :join_table => 'categories_elements', :foreign_key => 'element_id', :association_foreign_key => 'category_id' before_destroy :check_has_no_single_key define_index do indexes single_key, :sortable => true end define_translated_index :title, :content def clone cloned = super cloned.translations = translations.clone unless translations.empty? %w(page_col_ids category_ids).each do |method| cloned.send("#{method}=",self.send(method)) end return cloned end def pages end def linked_with?(page) self.pages.include?(page) end def link_with(page) page.blocks << self page.blocks.reset_positions end def unlink_with(page) page.blocks.delete self page.blocks.reset_positions end private # if the block contains a single_key, it can not be destroyed def check_has_no_single_key if !self.single_key.blank? errors.add(:single_key, :no_destroy) return false end end end