module ChunkyPNG

  # The Color module defines methods for handling colors. Within the ChunkyPNG
  # library, the concepts of pixels and colors are both used, and they are
  # both represented by a Fixnum.
  # Pixels/colors are represented in RGBA componetns. Each of the four
  # components is stored with a depth of 8 bits (maximum value = 255 =
  # {ChunkyPNG::Color::MAX}). Together, these components are stored in a 4-byte
  # Fixnum.
  # A color will always be represented using these 4 components in memory.
  # When the image is encoded, a more suitable representation can be used
  # (e.g. rgb, grayscale, palette-based), for which several conversion methods
  # are provided in this module.
  module Color
    extend self

    # The maximum value of each color component.
    MAX = 0xff


    # Creates a new color using an r, g, b triple and an alpha value.
    # @return [Fixnum] The newly constructed color value.
    def rgba(r, g, b, a)
      r << 24 | g << 16 | b << 8 | a

    # Creates a new color using an r, g, b triple.
    # @return [Fixnum] The newly constructed color value.
    def rgb(r, g, b)
      r << 24 | g << 16 | b << 8 | 0xff

    # Creates a new color using a grayscale teint.
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Color] The newly constructed color value.
    def grayscale(teint)
      teint << 24 | teint << 16 | teint << 8 | 0xff

    # Creates a new color using a grayscale teint and alpha value.
    # @return [Fixnum] The newly constructed color value.
    def grayscale_alpha(teint, a)
      teint << 24 | teint << 16 | teint << 8 | a

    # Creates a color by unpacking an rgb triple from a string.
    # @param [String] stream The string to load the color from. It should be 
    #     at least 3 + pos bytes long.
    # @param [Fixnum] pos The position in the string to load the triple from.
    # @return [Fixnum] The newly constructed color value.
    def from_rgb_stream(stream, pos = 0)

    # Creates a color by unpacking an rgba triple from a string
    # @param [String] stream The string to load the color from. It should be 
    #      at least 4 + pos bytes long.
    # @param [Fixnum] pos The position in the string to load the triple from.
    # @return [Fixnum] The newly constructed color value.
    def from_rgba_stream(stream, pos = 0)
    # Creates a color by converting it from a string in hex notation. 
    # It supports colors with (#rrggbbaa) or without (#rrggbb) alpha channel.
    # Color strings may include the prefix "0x" or "#".
    # @param [String] str The color in hex notation. @return [Fixnum] The
    # converted color value.
    def from_hex(str)
      case str
        when /^(?:#|0x)?([0-9a-f]{6})$/i then ($1.hex << 8) | 0xff
        when /^(?:#|0x)?([0-9a-f]{8})$/i then $1.hex
        else raise "Not a valid hex color notation: #{str.inspect}!"


    # Returns the red-component from the color value.
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color value.
    # @return [Fixnum] A value between 0 and MAX.
    def r(value)
      (value & 0xff000000) >> 24
    # Returns the green-component from the color value.
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color value.
    # @return [Fixnum] A value between 0 and MAX.
    def g(value)
      (value & 0x00ff0000) >> 16
    # Returns the blue-component from the color value.
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color value.
    # @return [Fixnum] A value between 0 and MAX.
    def b(value)
      (value & 0x0000ff00) >> 8
    # Returns the alpha channel value for the color value.
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color value.
    # @return [Fixnum] A value between 0 and MAX.
    def a(value)
      value & 0x000000ff
    # Returns true if this color is fully opaque.
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color to test.
    # @return [true, false] True if the alpha channel equals MAX.
    def opaque?(value)
      a(value) == 0x000000ff
    # Returns true if this color is fully transparent.
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color to test.
    # @return [true, false] True if the r, g and b component are equal.
    def grayscale?(value)
      r(value) == b(value) && b(value) == g(value)
    # Returns true if this color is fully transparent.
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color to test.
    # @return [true, false] True if the alpha channel equals 0.
    def fully_transparent?(value)
      a(value) == 0x00000000


    # Multiplies two fractions using integer math, where the fractions are stored using an
    # integer between 0 and 255. This method is used as a helper method for compositing
    # colors using integer math.
    # This is a quicker implementation of ((a * b) / 255.0).round.
    # @param [Fixnum] a The first fraction.
    # @param [Fixnum] b The second fraction.
    # @return [Fixnum] The result of the multiplication.
    def int8_mult(a, b)
      t = a * b + 0x80
      ((t >> 8) + t) >> 8

    # Composes two colors with an alpha channel using integer math.
    # This version is faster than the version based on floating point math, so this
    # compositing function is used by default.
    # @param [Fixnum] fg The foreground color.
    # @param [Fixnum] bg The foreground color.
    # @return [Fixnum] The composited color.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Color#compose_precise
    def compose_quick(fg, bg)
      return fg if opaque?(fg)
      return bg if fully_transparent?(fg)
      a_com = int8_mult(0xff - a(fg), a(bg))
      new_r = int8_mult(a(fg), r(fg)) + int8_mult(a_com, r(bg))
      new_g = int8_mult(a(fg), g(fg)) + int8_mult(a_com, g(bg))
      new_b = int8_mult(a(fg), b(fg)) + int8_mult(a_com, b(bg))
      new_a = a(fg) + a_com
      rgba(new_r, new_g, new_b, new_a)

    # Composes two colors with an alpha channel using floating point math.
    # This method uses more precise floating point math, but this precision is lost
    # when the result is converted back to an integer. Because it is slower than
    # the version based on integer math, that version is preferred.
    # @param [Fixnum] fg The foreground color.
    # @param [Fixnum] bg The foreground color.
    # @return [Fixnum] The composited color.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Color#compose_quick
    def compose_precise(fg, bg)
      return fg if opaque?(fg)
      return bg if fully_transparent?(fg)
      fg_a  = a(fg).to_f / MAX
      bg_a  = a(bg).to_f / MAX
      a_com = (1.0 - fg_a) * bg_a

      new_r = (fg_a * r(fg) + a_com * r(bg)).round
      new_g = (fg_a * g(fg) + a_com * g(bg)).round
      new_b = (fg_a * b(fg) + a_com * b(bg)).round
      new_a = ((fg_a + a_com) * MAX).round
      rgba(new_r, new_g, new_b, new_a)

    alias :compose :compose_quick
    # Blends the foreground and background color by taking the average of 
    # the components.
    # @param [Fixnum] fg The foreground color.
    # @param [Fixnum] bg The foreground color.
    # @return [Fixnum] The blended color.
    def blend(fg, bg)
      (fg + bg) >> 1


    # Returns a string representing this color using hex notation (i.e. #rrggbbaa).
    # @param [Fixnum] value The color to convert.
    # @return [String] The color in hex notation, starting with a pound sign.
    def to_hex(color, include_alpha = true)
      include_alpha ? ('#%08x' % color) : ('#%06x' % [color >> 8])

    # Returns an array with the separate RGBA values for this color.
    # @param [Fixnum] color The color to convert.
    # @return [Array<Fixnum>] An array with 4 Fixnum elements.
    def to_truecolor_alpha_bytes(color)
      [r(color), g(color), b(color), a(color)]

    # Returns an array with the separate RGB values for this color.
    # The alpha channel will be discarded.
    # @param [Fixnum] color The color to convert.
    # @return [Array<Fixnum>] An array with 3 Fixnum elements.
    def to_truecolor_bytes(color)
      [r(color), g(color), b(color)]

    # Returns an array with the grayscale teint value for this color.
    # This method expects the r,g and b value to be equal, and the alpha 
    # channel will be discarded.
    # @param [Fixnum] color The grayscale color to convert.
    # @return [Array<Fixnum>] An array with 1 Fixnum element.
    def to_grayscale_bytes(color)
      [r(color)] # assumption r == g == b

    # Returns an array with the grayscale teint and alpha channel values
    # for this color.
    # This method expects the r,g and b value to be equal.
    # @param [Fixnum] color The grayscale color to convert.
    # @return [Array<Fixnum>] An array with 2 Fixnum elements.
    def to_grayscale_alpha_bytes(color)
      [r(color), a(color)] # assumption r == g == b


    # Black pixel/color
    BLACK = rgb(  0,   0,   0)

    # White pixel/color
    WHITE = rgb(255, 255, 255)

    # Fully transparent pixel/color
    TRANSPARENT = rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)


    # Returns the size in bytes of a pixel when it is stored using a given color mode.
    # @param [Fixnum] color_mode The color mode in which the pixels are stored.
    # @return [Fixnum] The number of bytes used per pixel in a datastream.
    def bytesize(color_mode)
      case color_mode
        when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_INDEXED         then 1
        when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_TRUECOLOR       then 3
        when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA then 4
        when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_GRAYSCALE       then 1
        when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA then 2
        else raise "Don't know the bytesize of pixels in this colormode: #{color_mode}!"