/***************************************************************************** $Id$ File: rubymain.cpp Date: 06Apr06 Copyright (C) 2006-07 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved. Gmail: blackhedd This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: 1) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version; or 2) Ruby's License. See the file COPYING for complete licensing information. *****************************************************************************/ #include "project.h" #include "eventmachine.h" #include /******* Statics *******/ static VALUE EmModule; static VALUE EmConnection; static VALUE EM_eUnknownTimerFired; static VALUE EM_eConnectionNotBound; static VALUE Intern_at_signature; static VALUE Intern_at_timers; static VALUE Intern_at_conns; static VALUE Intern_at_error_handler; static VALUE Intern_event_callback; static VALUE Intern_run_deferred_callbacks; static VALUE Intern_delete; static VALUE Intern_call; static VALUE Intern_receive_data; static VALUE Intern_ssl_handshake_completed; static VALUE Intern_notify_readable; static VALUE Intern_notify_writable; static VALUE rb_cProcStatus; struct em_event { const char *a1; int a2; const char *a3; int a4; }; /**************** t_event_callback ****************/ static void event_callback (struct em_event* e) { const char *a1 = e->a1; int a2 = e->a2; const char *a3 = e->a3; int a4 = e->a4; if (a2 == EM_CONNECTION_READ) { VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns); VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, rb_str_new2(a1)); if (q == Qnil) rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "received %d bytes of data for unknown signature: %s", a4, a1); rb_funcall (q, Intern_receive_data, 1, rb_str_new (a3, a4)); } else if (a2 == EM_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_READABLE) { VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns); VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, rb_str_new2(a1)); if (q == Qnil) rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %s", a1); rb_funcall (q, Intern_notify_readable, 0); } else if (a2 == EM_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_WRITABLE) { VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns); VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, rb_str_new2(a1)); if (q == Qnil) rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %s", a1); rb_funcall (q, Intern_notify_writable, 0); } else if (a2 == EM_LOOPBREAK_SIGNAL) { rb_funcall (EmModule, Intern_run_deferred_callbacks, 0); } else if (a2 == EM_TIMER_FIRED) { VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_timers); VALUE q = rb_funcall (t, Intern_delete, 1, rb_str_new(a3, a4)); if (q == Qnil) rb_raise (EM_eUnknownTimerFired, "no such timer: %s", a1); rb_funcall (q, Intern_call, 0); } else if (a2 == EM_SSL_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED) { VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns); VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, rb_str_new2(a1)); if (q == Qnil) rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %s", a1); rb_funcall (q, Intern_ssl_handshake_completed, 0); } else rb_funcall (EmModule, Intern_event_callback, 3, rb_str_new2(a1), (a2 << 1) | 1, rb_str_new(a3,a4)); } /******************* event_error_handler *******************/ static void event_error_handler(VALUE unused, VALUE err) { VALUE error_handler = rb_ivar_get(EmModule, Intern_at_error_handler); rb_funcall (error_handler, Intern_call, 1, err); } /********************** event_callback_wrapper **********************/ static void event_callback_wrapper (const char *a1, int a2, const char *a3, int a4) { struct em_event e; e.a1 = a1; e.a2 = a2; e.a3 = a3; e.a4 = a4; if (!rb_ivar_defined(EmModule, Intern_at_error_handler)) event_callback(&e); else rb_rescue((VALUE (*)(ANYARGS))event_callback, (VALUE)&e, (VALUE (*)(ANYARGS))event_error_handler, Qnil); } /************************** t_initialize_event_machine **************************/ static VALUE t_initialize_event_machine (VALUE self) { evma_initialize_library (event_callback_wrapper); return Qnil; } /***************************** t_run_machine_without_threads *****************************/ static VALUE t_run_machine_without_threads (VALUE self) { evma_run_machine(); return Qnil; } /******************* t_add_oneshot_timer *******************/ static VALUE t_add_oneshot_timer (VALUE self, VALUE interval) { const char *f = evma_install_oneshot_timer (FIX2INT (interval)); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no timer"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /************** t_start_server **************/ static VALUE t_start_server (VALUE self, VALUE server, VALUE port) { const char *f = evma_create_tcp_server (StringValuePtr(server), FIX2INT(port)); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no acceptor"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /************* t_stop_server *************/ static VALUE t_stop_server (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { evma_stop_tcp_server (StringValuePtr (signature)); return Qnil; } /******************* t_start_unix_server *******************/ static VALUE t_start_unix_server (VALUE self, VALUE filename) { const char *f = evma_create_unix_domain_server (StringValuePtr(filename)); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no unix-domain acceptor"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /*********** t_send_data ***********/ static VALUE t_send_data (VALUE self, VALUE signature, VALUE data, VALUE data_length) { int b = evma_send_data_to_connection (StringValuePtr (signature), StringValuePtr (data), FIX2INT (data_length)); return INT2NUM (b); } /*********** t_start_tls ***********/ static VALUE t_start_tls (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { evma_start_tls (StringValuePtr (signature)); return Qnil; } /*************** t_set_tls_parms ***************/ static VALUE t_set_tls_parms (VALUE self, VALUE signature, VALUE privkeyfile, VALUE certchainfile) { /* set_tls_parms takes a series of positional arguments for specifying such things * as private keys and certificate chains. * It's expected that the parameter list will grow as we add more supported features. * ALL of these parameters are optional, and can be specified as empty or NULL strings. */ evma_set_tls_parms (StringValuePtr (signature), StringValuePtr (privkeyfile), StringValuePtr (certchainfile) ); return Qnil; } /*********** t_get_peer_cert ***********/ static VALUE t_get_peer_cert (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { VALUE ret = Qnil; #ifdef WITH_SSL X509 *cert = NULL; BUF_MEM *buf; BIO *out; cert = evma_get_peer_cert (StringValuePtr (signature)); if (cert != NULL) { out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); PEM_write_bio_X509(out, cert); BIO_get_mem_ptr(out, &buf); ret = rb_str_new(buf->data, buf->length); X509_free(cert); BUF_MEM_free(buf); } #endif return ret; } /************** t_get_peername **************/ static VALUE t_get_peername (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { struct sockaddr s; if (evma_get_peername (StringValuePtr (signature), &s)) { return rb_str_new ((const char*)&s, sizeof(s)); } return Qnil; } /************** t_get_sockname **************/ static VALUE t_get_sockname (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { struct sockaddr s; if (evma_get_sockname (StringValuePtr (signature), &s)) { return rb_str_new ((const char*)&s, sizeof(s)); } return Qnil; } /******************** t_get_subprocess_pid ********************/ static VALUE t_get_subprocess_pid (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { pid_t pid; if (evma_get_subprocess_pid (StringValuePtr (signature), &pid)) { return INT2NUM (pid); } return Qnil; } /*********************** t_get_subprocess_status ***********************/ static VALUE t_get_subprocess_status (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { VALUE proc_status = Qnil; int status; pid_t pid; if (evma_get_subprocess_status (StringValuePtr (signature), &status)) { if (evma_get_subprocess_pid (StringValuePtr (signature), &pid)) { proc_status = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cProcStatus); rb_iv_set(proc_status, "status", INT2FIX(status)); rb_iv_set(proc_status, "pid", INT2FIX(pid)); } } return proc_status; } /********************** t_get_connection_count **********************/ static VALUE t_get_connection_count (VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(evma_get_connection_count()); } /***************************** t_get_comm_inactivity_timeout *****************************/ static VALUE t_get_comm_inactivity_timeout (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { int timeout; if (evma_get_comm_inactivity_timeout (StringValuePtr (signature), &timeout)) return INT2FIX (timeout); return Qnil; } /***************************** t_set_comm_inactivity_timeout *****************************/ static VALUE t_set_comm_inactivity_timeout (VALUE self, VALUE signature, VALUE timeout) { int ti = FIX2INT (timeout); if (evma_set_comm_inactivity_timeout (StringValuePtr (signature), &ti)); return Qtrue; return Qnil; } /*************** t_send_datagram ***************/ static VALUE t_send_datagram (VALUE self, VALUE signature, VALUE data, VALUE data_length, VALUE address, VALUE port) { int b = evma_send_datagram (StringValuePtr (signature), StringValuePtr (data), FIX2INT (data_length), StringValuePtr(address), FIX2INT(port)); return INT2NUM (b); } /****************** t_close_connection ******************/ static VALUE t_close_connection (VALUE self, VALUE signature, VALUE after_writing) { evma_close_connection (StringValuePtr (signature), ((after_writing == Qtrue) ? 1 : 0)); return Qnil; } /******************************** t_report_connection_error_status ********************************/ static VALUE t_report_connection_error_status (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { int b = evma_report_connection_error_status (StringValuePtr (signature)); return INT2NUM (b); } /**************** t_connect_server ****************/ static VALUE t_connect_server (VALUE self, VALUE server, VALUE port) { // Avoid FIX2INT in this case, because it doesn't deal with type errors properly. // Specifically, if the value of port comes in as a string rather than an integer, // NUM2INT will throw a type error, but FIX2INT will generate garbage. const char *f = evma_connect_to_server (StringValuePtr(server), NUM2INT(port)); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no connection"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /********************* t_connect_unix_server *********************/ static VALUE t_connect_unix_server (VALUE self, VALUE serversocket) { const char *f = evma_connect_to_unix_server (StringValuePtr(serversocket)); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no connection"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /*********** t_attach_fd ***********/ static VALUE t_attach_fd (VALUE self, VALUE file_descriptor, VALUE read_mode, VALUE write_mode) { const char *f = evma_attach_fd (NUM2INT(file_descriptor), (read_mode == Qtrue) ? 1 : 0, (write_mode == Qtrue) ? 1 : 0); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no connection"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /*********** t_detach_fd ***********/ static VALUE t_detach_fd (VALUE self, VALUE signature) { return INT2NUM(evma_detach_fd (StringValuePtr(signature))); } /***************** t_open_udp_socket *****************/ static VALUE t_open_udp_socket (VALUE self, VALUE server, VALUE port) { const char *f = evma_open_datagram_socket (StringValuePtr(server), FIX2INT(port)); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no datagram socket"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /***************** t_release_machine *****************/ static VALUE t_release_machine (VALUE self) { evma_release_library(); return Qnil; } /****** t_stop ******/ static VALUE t_stop (VALUE self) { evma_stop_machine(); return Qnil; } /****************** t_signal_loopbreak ******************/ static VALUE t_signal_loopbreak (VALUE self) { evma_signal_loopbreak(); return Qnil; } /************** t_library_type **************/ static VALUE t_library_type (VALUE self) { return rb_eval_string (":extension"); } /******************* t_set_timer_quantum *******************/ static VALUE t_set_timer_quantum (VALUE self, VALUE interval) { evma_set_timer_quantum (FIX2INT (interval)); return Qnil; } /******************** t_get_max_timer_count ********************/ static VALUE t_get_max_timer_count (VALUE self) { return INT2FIX (evma_get_max_timer_count()); } /******************** t_set_max_timer_count ********************/ static VALUE t_set_max_timer_count (VALUE self, VALUE ct) { evma_set_max_timer_count (FIX2INT (ct)); return Qnil; } /*************** t_setuid_string ***************/ static VALUE t_setuid_string (VALUE self, VALUE username) { evma_setuid_string (StringValuePtr (username)); return Qnil; } /************* t__write_file *************/ static VALUE t__write_file (VALUE self, VALUE filename) { const char *f = evma__write_file (StringValuePtr (filename)); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "file not opened"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /************** t_invoke_popen **************/ static VALUE t_invoke_popen (VALUE self, VALUE cmd) { // 1.8.7+ #ifdef RARRAY_LEN int len = RARRAY_LEN(cmd); #else int len = RARRAY (cmd)->len; #endif if (len > 98) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "too many arguments to popen"); char *strings [100]; for (int i=0; i < len; i++) { VALUE ix = INT2FIX (i); VALUE s = rb_ary_aref (1, &ix, cmd); strings[i] = StringValuePtr (s); } strings[len] = NULL; const char *f = evma_popen (strings); if (!f || !*f) { char *err = strerror (errno); char buf[100]; memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "no popen: %s", (err?err:"???")); rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, buf); } return rb_str_new2 (f); } /*************** t_read_keyboard ***************/ static VALUE t_read_keyboard (VALUE self) { const char *f = evma_open_keyboard(); if (!f || !*f) rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "no keyboard reader"); return rb_str_new2 (f); } /******** t__epoll ********/ static VALUE t__epoll (VALUE self) { // Temporary. evma__epoll(); return Qnil; } /********** t__epoll_p **********/ static VALUE t__epoll_p (VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_EPOLL return Qtrue; #else return Qfalse; #endif } /********* t__kqueue *********/ static VALUE t__kqueue (VALUE self) { // Temporary. evma__kqueue(); return Qnil; } /*********** t__kqueue_p ***********/ static VALUE t__kqueue_p (VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_KQUEUE return Qtrue; #else return Qfalse; #endif } /**************** t_send_file_data ****************/ static VALUE t_send_file_data (VALUE self, VALUE signature, VALUE filename) { /* The current implementation of evma_send_file_data_to_connection enforces a strict * upper limit on the file size it will transmit (currently 32K). The function returns * zero on success, -1 if the requested file exceeds its size limit, and a positive * number for other errors. * TODO: Positive return values are actually errno's, which is probably the wrong way to * do this. For one thing it's ugly. For another, we can't be sure zero is never a real errno. */ int b = evma_send_file_data_to_connection (StringValuePtr(signature), StringValuePtr(filename)); if (b == -1) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "File too large. send_file_data() supports files under 32k."); if (b > 0) { char *err = strerror (b); char buf[1024]; memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)-1, ": %s %s", StringValuePtr(filename),(err?err:"???")); rb_raise (rb_eIOError, buf); } return INT2NUM (0); } /******************* t_set_rlimit_nofile *******************/ static VALUE t_set_rlimit_nofile (VALUE self, VALUE arg) { arg = (NIL_P(arg)) ? -1 : NUM2INT (arg); return INT2NUM (evma_set_rlimit_nofile (arg)); } /*************************** conn_get_outbound_data_size ***************************/ static VALUE conn_get_outbound_data_size (VALUE self) { VALUE sig = rb_ivar_get (self, Intern_at_signature); return INT2NUM (evma_get_outbound_data_size (StringValuePtr(sig))); } /****************************** conn_associate_callback_target ******************************/ static VALUE conn_associate_callback_target (VALUE self, VALUE sig) { // No-op for the time being. return Qnil; } /*************** t_get_loop_time ****************/ static VALUE t_get_loop_time (VALUE self) { VALUE cTime = rb_path2class("Time"); if (gCurrentLoopTime != 0) { return rb_funcall(cTime, rb_intern("at"), 1, INT2NUM(gCurrentLoopTime)); } return Qnil; } /********************* Init_rubyeventmachine *********************/ extern "C" void Init_rubyeventmachine() { // Lookup Process::Status for get_subprocess_status VALUE rb_mProcess = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Process")); rb_cProcStatus = rb_const_get(rb_mProcess, rb_intern("Status")); // Tuck away some symbol values so we don't have to look 'em up every time we need 'em. Intern_at_signature = rb_intern ("@signature"); Intern_at_timers = rb_intern ("@timers"); Intern_at_conns = rb_intern ("@conns"); Intern_at_error_handler = rb_intern("@error_handler"); Intern_event_callback = rb_intern ("event_callback"); Intern_run_deferred_callbacks = rb_intern ("run_deferred_callbacks"); Intern_delete = rb_intern ("delete"); Intern_call = rb_intern ("call"); Intern_receive_data = rb_intern ("receive_data"); Intern_ssl_handshake_completed = rb_intern ("ssl_handshake_completed"); Intern_notify_readable = rb_intern ("notify_readable"); Intern_notify_writable = rb_intern ("notify_writable"); // INCOMPLETE, we need to define class Connections inside module EventMachine // run_machine and run_machine_without_threads are now identical. // Must deprecate the without_threads variant. EmModule = rb_define_module ("EventMachine"); EmConnection = rb_define_class_under (EmModule, "Connection", rb_cObject); rb_define_class_under (EmModule, "NoHandlerForAcceptedConnection", rb_eException); EM_eConnectionNotBound = rb_define_class_under (EmModule, "ConnectionNotBound", rb_eRuntimeError); EM_eUnknownTimerFired = rb_define_class_under (EmModule, "UnknownTimerFired", rb_eRuntimeError); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "initialize_event_machine", (VALUE(*)(...))t_initialize_event_machine, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "run_machine", (VALUE(*)(...))t_run_machine_without_threads, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "run_machine_without_threads", (VALUE(*)(...))t_run_machine_without_threads, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "add_oneshot_timer", (VALUE(*)(...))t_add_oneshot_timer, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "start_tcp_server", (VALUE(*)(...))t_start_server, 2); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "stop_tcp_server", (VALUE(*)(...))t_stop_server, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "start_unix_server", (VALUE(*)(...))t_start_unix_server, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "set_tls_parms", (VALUE(*)(...))t_set_tls_parms, 3); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "start_tls", (VALUE(*)(...))t_start_tls, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_peer_cert", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_peer_cert, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "send_data", (VALUE(*)(...))t_send_data, 3); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "send_datagram", (VALUE(*)(...))t_send_datagram, 5); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "close_connection", (VALUE(*)(...))t_close_connection, 2); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "report_connection_error_status", (VALUE(*)(...))t_report_connection_error_status, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "connect_server", (VALUE(*)(...))t_connect_server, 2); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "connect_unix_server", (VALUE(*)(...))t_connect_unix_server, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "attach_fd", (VALUE (*)(...))t_attach_fd, 3); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "detach_fd", (VALUE (*)(...))t_detach_fd, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "current_time", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_loop_time, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "open_udp_socket", (VALUE(*)(...))t_open_udp_socket, 2); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "read_keyboard", (VALUE(*)(...))t_read_keyboard, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "release_machine", (VALUE(*)(...))t_release_machine, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "stop", (VALUE(*)(...))t_stop, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "signal_loopbreak", (VALUE(*)(...))t_signal_loopbreak, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "library_type", (VALUE(*)(...))t_library_type, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "set_timer_quantum", (VALUE(*)(...))t_set_timer_quantum, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_max_timer_count", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_max_timer_count, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "set_max_timer_count", (VALUE(*)(...))t_set_max_timer_count, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "setuid_string", (VALUE(*)(...))t_setuid_string, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "invoke_popen", (VALUE(*)(...))t_invoke_popen, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "send_file_data", (VALUE(*)(...))t_send_file_data, 2); // Provisional: rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "_write_file", (VALUE(*)(...))t__write_file, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_peername", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_peername, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_sockname", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_sockname, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_subprocess_pid", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_subprocess_pid, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_subprocess_status", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_subprocess_status, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_comm_inactivity_timeout", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_comm_inactivity_timeout, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "set_comm_inactivity_timeout", (VALUE(*)(...))t_set_comm_inactivity_timeout, 2); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "set_rlimit_nofile", (VALUE(*)(...))t_set_rlimit_nofile, 1); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "get_connection_count", (VALUE(*)(...))t_get_connection_count, 0); // Temporary: rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "epoll", (VALUE(*)(...))t__epoll, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "kqueue", (VALUE(*)(...))t__kqueue, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "epoll?", (VALUE(*)(...))t__epoll_p, 0); rb_define_module_function (EmModule, "kqueue?", (VALUE(*)(...))t__kqueue_p, 0); rb_define_method (EmConnection, "get_outbound_data_size", (VALUE(*)(...))conn_get_outbound_data_size, 0); rb_define_method (EmConnection, "associate_callback_target", (VALUE(*)(...))conn_associate_callback_target, 1); rb_define_const (EmModule, "TimerFired", INT2NUM(100)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "ConnectionData", INT2NUM(101)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "ConnectionUnbound", INT2NUM(102)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "ConnectionAccepted", INT2NUM(103)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "ConnectionCompleted", INT2NUM(104)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "LoopbreakSignalled", INT2NUM(105)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "ConnectionNotifyReadable", INT2NUM(106)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "ConnectionNotifyWritable", INT2NUM(107)); rb_define_const (EmModule, "SslHandshakeCompleted", INT2NUM(108)); }