# # warning: somewhat scary/explicit! # see subtitle_todo file module SubtitleProfanityFinder def self.edl_output args profanities = {'hell' => ['he..', true], 'g' + 'o' + 100.chr => 'deity', 'g' + 111.chr + 100.chr + 's' => 'deitys', 'lord' => 'lo..', 'da' + 'mn' => 'da..', 'f' + 117.chr + 99.chr + 107.chr => 'f...', 'bi' + 'tc' + 104.chr => 'b.....', 'bas' + 'ta' + 'r' + 100.chr => 'ba.....', ((arse = 'a' + 's'*2)) => ['a..', true], arse + 'h' + 'ole' => 'a..h...', arse + 'wipe' => 'a..w....', 'breast' => 'br....', 'jesus' => 'jes..', 'chri' + 'st'=> ['chri..', true], # allow for christian [?] 'a realllly bad word' => ['test bad word', true] } incoming = File.read(args.shift) while args.length > 0 prof = args.shift sanitized = args.shift profanities[prof] = sanitized end all_profanity_combinations = [] profanities.to_a.sort.reverse.each{|profanity, sanitized| as_regexp = Regexp.new(profanity, Regexp::IGNORECASE) sanitized = Array(sanitized) is_single_word_profanity = sanitized[1] permutations = [profanity] if profanity =~ /l/ permutations << profanity.gsub(/l/i, 'i') end if profanity =~ /i/ permutations << profanity.gsub(/i/i, 'l') end sanitized[0] = '[' + sanitized[0] + ']' for profanity in permutations if is_single_word_profanity # oh wow this is ughly... sanitized_version = sanitized[0] as_regexp = Regexp.new("\s" + profanity + "\s", Regexp::IGNORECASE) all_profanity_combinations << [as_regexp, ' ' + sanitized_version + ' '] as_regexp = Regexp.new("^" + profanity + "\s", Regexp::IGNORECASE) all_profanity_combinations << [as_regexp, sanitized_version + ' '] as_regexp = Regexp.new("\s" + profanity + "$", Regexp::IGNORECASE) all_profanity_combinations << [as_regexp, ' ' + sanitized_version] as_regexp = Regexp.new("^" + profanity + "$", Regexp::IGNORECASE) all_profanity_combinations << [as_regexp, sanitized_version] else raise unless sanitized.length == 1 # that would be weird elsewise... all_profanity_combinations << [as_regexp, sanitized[0]] end end } output = '' # from a timestamp to a line with nothing :) for glop in incoming.scan(/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.*?^$/m) for profanity, (sanitized, whole_word) in all_profanity_combinations # dunno if we should force words to just start with this or contain it anywhere... # what about 'g..ly' for example? # or 'un...ly' ? I think we're ok there... if glop =~ profanity # create english-ified version # take out timing line, number line sanitized_glop = glop.lines.to_a[1..-1].join(' ') sanitized_glop.gsub!(/[\r\n]/, '') # flatten 3 lines to 1 sanitized_glop.gsub!(/<(.|)(\/|)i>/i, '') # kill sanitized_glop.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9'""]/, ' ') # kill weird stuff like ellipses sanitized_glop.gsub!(/\W\W+/, ' ') # remove duplicate " " 's # sanitize for (prof2, (sanitized2, whole_word2)) in all_profanity_combinations if sanitized_glop =~ prof2 sanitized_glop.gsub!(prof2, sanitized2) end end # extract timing info timing_line = glop.split("\n").first.strip timing_line =~ /((\d\d:\d\d:\d\d),(\d\d\d) --> (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d),(\d\d\d))/ # "00:03:00.0" , "00:04:00.0", "violence", "of some sort", output += %!"#{$2}.#{$3}" , "#{$4}.#{$5}", "profanity", "#{sanitized.gsub(/[\[\]]/, '').strip}", "#{sanitized_glop.strip}",\n! end end end output end end if $0 == __FILE__ if ARGV.empty? p 'syntax: filename.srt [prof1 sanitized_equivalent1 prof2 sanitized_equivalent2 ...]' exit else print SubtitleProfanityFinder.edl_output ARGV end end