require: - rubocop-performance - rubocop-rspec AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 3.0.1 NewCops: enable Exclude: - '.git/**/*' - '.idea/**/*' - 'init/*' - 'Rakefile' - '*.gemspec' - 'spec/**/*' - 'vendor/**/*' - 'scratch*.rb' - 'snippets*.rb' # Align the elements of a hash literal if they span more than one line. Layout/HashAlignment: EnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle: always_ignore # Alignment of parameters in multi-line method definition. # The `with_fixed_indentation` style aligns the following lines with one # level of indentation relative to the start of the line with the method # definition. # # def my_method(a, # b) Layout/ParameterAlignment: EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation # Alignment of parameters in multi-line method call. # The `with_fixed_indentation` style aligns the following lines with one # level of indentation relative to the start of the line with the method call. # # my_method(a, # b) Layout/ArgumentAlignment: EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation # a = case n # when 0 # x * 2 # else # y / 3 # end Layout/CaseIndentation: EnforcedStyle: end # Enforces a configured order of definitions within a class body Layout/ClassStructure: Enabled: true # Align `end` with the matching keyword or starting expression except for # assignments, where it should be aligned with the LHS. Layout/EndAlignment: EnforcedStyleAlignWith: variable AutoCorrect: true # The `consistent` style enforces that the first element in an array # literal where the opening bracket and the first element are on # seprate lines is indented the same as an array literal which is not # defined inside a method call. Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation: EnforcedStyle: consistent # The `consistent` style enforces that the first key in a hash # literal where the opening brace and the first key are on # seprate lines is indented the same as a hash literal which is not # defined inside a method call. Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation: EnforcedStyle: consistent # Indent multi-line methods instead of aligning with periods Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: EnforcedStyle: indented # Allow `debug` in tasks for now Lint/Debugger: Exclude: - 'RakeFile' # A calculated magnitude based on number of assignments, branches, and # conditions. # NOTE: This is temporarily disabled until we can eliminate existing Rubocop # complaints Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: false # Avoid long blocks with many lines. Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - 'RakeFile' - 'db/seeds.rb' - 'spec/**/*.rb' # Avoid classes longer than 100 lines of code. # NOTE: This is temporarily disabled until we can eliminate existing Rubocop # complaints Metrics/ClassLength: Max: 200 Exclude: - 'spec/**/*.rb' # A complexity metric that is strongly correlated to the number of test cases # needed to validate a method. Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Max: 9 # Limit lines to 80 characters Layout/LineLength: Exclude: - 'RakeFile' - 'spec/**/*.rb' # Avoid methods longer than 15 lines of code. Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 20 AllowedMethods: - swagger_path - operation # A complexity metric geared towards measuring complexity for a human reader. Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Max: 10 NestedGroups: Max: 4 # Naming/FileName: # Exclude: # - 'lib/file.rb' # Allow `downcase == ` instead of forcing `casecmp` Performance/Casecmp: Enabled: false # Require children definitions to be nested or compact in classes and modules Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: false # Document classes and non-namespace modules. # (Disabled for now, may revisit later) Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # Checks the formatting of empty method definitions. Style/EmptyMethod: EnforcedStyle: expanded # Add the frozen_string_literal comment to the top of files to help transition # to frozen string literals by default. Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: EnforcedStyle: always # Check for conditionals that can be replaced with guard clauses Style/GuardClause: Enabled: false Style/MixinUsage: Exclude: - 'RakeFile' # Avoid multi-line method signatures. Style/MultilineMethodSignature: Enabled: true # Don't use option hashes when you can use keyword arguments. Style/OptionHash: Enabled: true # Use return instead of return nil. Style/ReturnNil: Enabled: true # Allow code like `return x, y` as it's occasionally handy. Style/RedundantReturn: AllowMultipleReturnValues: true # Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys. Style/StringHashKeys: Enabled: true # Checks if configured preferred methods are used over non-preferred. Style/StringMethods: Enabled: true # Checks for use of parentheses around ternary conditions. Style/TernaryParentheses: EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses_when_complex