# A visit to the site # # Page views belong to a tracking cookie, from which it derives its # campaign code, and whether or not it is a "new visit" for the given # campaign code. # # === Also stored from the request: # # [request_path] The full request path # [user_agent] The request user agent # [referer] The request referer if it exists # [remote_ip] The originating ip address of the request # [session] The session id of the request # class PageView < ActiveRecord::Base include E9Rails::ActiveRecord::Scopes::Times include E9::ActiveRecord::TimeScopes belongs_to :tracking_cookie belongs_to :campaign, :inverse_of => :page_views has_one :user, :through => :tracking_cookie #attr_accessor :should_cache #after_create :increment_campaign_visit_cache, :if => '!!should_cache' scope :by_user, lambda {|*users| users.flatten! users.map! &:to_param joins(:tracking_cookie).where(TrackingCookie.arel_table[:user_id].send *(users.length == 1 ? [:eq, users.pop] : [:in, users])) } scope :by_campaign, lambda {|*campaigns| campaigns.flatten! campaigns.map! &:to_param where(arel_table[:campaign_id].send *(campaigns.length == 1 ? [:eq, campaigns.pop] : [:in, campaigns])) } scope :new_visits, lambda {|v=true| where(:new_visit => v) } scope :repeat_visits, lambda { new_visits(false) } delegate :name, :code, :to => :campaign, :prefix => true, :allow_nil => true protected #def increment_campaign_visit_cache #Campaign.increment_counter(new_visit ? :new_visits : :repeat_visits, campaign_id) #end end