import React from 'react'; import { urlBuilder } from 'foremanReact/common/urlHelpers'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import ContentInfo from './Details/ContentInfo'; import LastSync from '../ContentViews/Details/Repositories/LastSync'; import ContentRepositories from './Details/ContentRepositories'; import ContentCounts from '../ContentViews/Details/Repositories/ContentCounts'; // Keep in mind when editing this file that the ContentViewVersionDetailConfig consumes this array. export default [ { names: { pluralTitle: __('Python Packages'), singularTitle: __('Python Package'), pluralLowercase: __('Python packages'), singularLowercase: __('Python package'), pluralLabel: 'python_packages', singularLabel: 'python_package', capsuleCountLabel: 'python_package', }, columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => ({unit?.name}) }, { title: __('Version'), getProperty: unit => unit?.version }, { title: __('Filename'), getProperty: unit => unit?.filename }, ], tabs: [ { tabKey: 'details', title: __('Details'), getContent: (contentType, id, tabKey) => , columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => unit?.name }, { title: __('Version'), getProperty: unit => unit?.version }, { title: __('Filename'), getProperty: unit => unit?.filename }, { title: __('Package Type'), getProperty: unit => unit?.additional_metadata.package_type }, { title: __('sha256'), getProperty: unit => unit?.additional_metadata.sha256 }, ], }, { tabKey: 'repositories', title: __('Repositories'), getContent: (contentType, id, tabKey) => , columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => {unit?.name}, }, { title: __('Product'), getProperty: unit => {unit?}, }, { title: __('Sync Status'), getProperty: unit => (), }, { title: __('Content Count'), getProperty: unit => (), }, ], }, ], }, { names: { pluralTitle: __('OSTree Refs'), singularTitle: __('OSTree Ref'), pluralLowercase: __('OSTree refs'), singularLowercase: __('OSTree ref'), pluralLabel: 'ostree_refs', singularLabel: 'ostree_ref', capsuleCountLabel: 'ostree_ref', }, columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => ({unit?.name}) }, { title: __('Version'), getProperty: unit => unit?.version }, ], tabs: [ { tabKey: 'details', title: __('Details'), getContent: (contentType, id, tabKey) => , columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => unit?.name }, { title: __('Version'), getProperty: unit => unit?.version }, ], }, { tabKey: 'repositories', title: __('Repositories'), getContent: (contentType, id, tabKey) => , columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => {unit?.name}, }, { title: __('Product'), getProperty: unit => {unit?}, }, { title: __('Sync Status'), getProperty: unit => (), }, { title: __('Content Count'), getProperty: unit => (), }, ], }, ], }, { names: { pluralTitle: __('Ansible Collections'), singularTitle: __('Ansible Collection'), pluralLowercase: __('Ansible collections'), singularLowercase: __('Ansible collection'), pluralLabel: 'ansible_collections', singularLabel: 'ansible_collection', capsuleCountLabel: 'ansible_collection', }, columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => ({unit?.name}) }, { title: __('Author'), getProperty: unit => unit?.namespace }, { title: __('Version'), getProperty: unit => unit?.version }, { title: __('Checksum'), getProperty: unit => unit?.checksum }, ], tabs: [ { tabKey: 'details', title: __('Details'), getContent: (contentType, id, tabKey) => , columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => unit?.name }, { title: __('Description'), getProperty: unit => unit?.description }, { title: __('Author'), getProperty: unit => unit?.namespace }, { title: __('Version'), getProperty: unit => unit?.version }, { title: __('Checksum'), getProperty: unit => unit?.checksum }, { title: __('Tags'), getProperty: unit => unit?.tags?.join() }, ], }, { tabKey: 'repositories', title: __('Repositories'), getContent: (contentType, id, tabKey) => , columnHeaders: [ { title: __('Name'), getProperty: unit => {unit?.name}, }, { title: __('Product'), getProperty: unit => {unit?}, }, { title: __('Sync Status'), getProperty: unit => (), }, { title: __('Content Count'), getProperty: unit => (), }, ], }, ], }, ];